Wednesday, February 19, 2014

If you want to join the community of Vivero Cofrades either sending photos, Tips, News, videos, etc

The Image of Christ of Veracruz unknown fifteenth century, belonging to the Franciscan VOT of Vivero chooses to win the popular vote VIII Award promoted by the art web portal "The ornacina" author.
This renowned contest, and was present I vivariense in their fifth and seventh editions, in which images of The Denials of San Pedro, get your tips out the Brotherhood of Arrest, carved by Don Antonio Bernal Redondo, and the Image of Our Father Jesus Nazarene Brotherhood of two Fóra O Nazareno carved by Don Fco Zafra Romero getting the 3rd position in the overall feedback of the years 2010 and 2012.
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Copa del Rey at Easter. In 2011 the National Association of Guilds, Fraternities & Bands asked the King, the CSD, the RFEF, FIFA, UEFA, the EEC, the Madrid and Barca Change of Date for the Final .. . What was the response? ...
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons laying down each time this work is shared, it must be mentioned get your tips out the source and always non-lucro.Cofrades of Vivero 2011-2014. Creative Commons Attribution-Share get your tips out Alike 3.0 Unported.

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