Monday, February 24, 2014

Corpus Christi (52) Episcopal Delegation Penitential Guilds (119) Downloads Brethren (53) Interview

Three representatives of processional music bands performed yesterday at the Casino cv market of Vivero introduced the Second Congress of Bands Ciudad de Sevilla. The event is included within a campaign cv market that runs Spain, cv market where Viveiro was chosen to host the north by the tradition of the bands and have a Holy Week of National Tourist Interest. In the event participated Bazaga Juan Miguel Gomez, president of the congress, José Julio Vera Cuder, chairman of Bands and Francisco Javier cv market Moreno Carnero representing the northern part of the organization. He also attended the Naval Band Casino who played three songs during the ceremony. The first congress was a success, was performed in 2009 and featured more than 200 courses in Spain, 1,000 delegates and 16,000 musicians. This new edition is organized by the city of Seville and the Council of Bands Processional of the same city. Be held from 1 to 8 December and aims to promote and spread the music brother. The musical groups participating will offer concerts every day duration of the event. In this second edition, the program cv market will focus on the study of the processional march and musical groups who interpret. Various fields related cv market to the processional music, the activities performed cv market by the different formations, instrumentation, composers, bands and number of components will also be discussed. Both technical quality and scientific conferences cv market is one of the biggest incentives for band directors. cv market
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Written by the Chief of the Brotherhoods in Valencia to Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, SS.MM King and RFEF Charter ...
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