Wednesday, February 18, 2015

They then have higher academic requirements to graduate from high school you graduated from high

Reopened notice 55 (December 2008), "the new stage of Japanese militarism" Introduction (End) Du Jiping 55 (December 2008), "the new stage of Japanese militarism" Introduction (four) Du Jiping 55 "Write give their condolence - poetry preface "Zhou Liangpei 55" a real person one Mourning Wei Wei "(updated version) Zhou Liangpei 55 (August-September 2008), a real person, one Mourning Wei Wei Zhou Liangpei carpet cleaner rental 55 2008 (August-September) model of market society people - nearly three decades of popular culture introduced personality type 55 (August 2008) Unsafe America '(United States of Insecurity) US - Nome Chomsky (Noam Chomsky) Interview 54 directories (July 2008) 54 (July 2008) Kobayashi Takiji thinking of "Kanikōsen" meaning selling whirlwind of Shuyang Lin translated the famous American multinational RCA since 1969 ~1992 years among more than twenty years to set up factories in Taiwan, Taiwan's electronics industry has become big, blue-chip companies for many years been rated as exports in Taiwan earned away billions of dollars in profits. However, RCA in the production process of labor and land but then Taiwan causing untold damage. More than a thousand workers suffering from cancer, carpet cleaner rental died of those currently has 300 people, the death toll will continue to increase in the future, and trichlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene and other organic solvents land contaminated carpet cleaner rental area is wide and several kilometers deep up to fifty meters underground, intense harm, the only Taiwan are rare. But this huge disaster, whether the KMT or DPP regime are to disregard, not only so that victims have nowhere RCA employee claims, but also longitudinal put multinational easily transfer assets in Taiwan, to escape the responsibility for compensation, home suffered mutilation RCA Employees in the realm of sorrow and no divisions, thoroughly exposed the nature of Taiwan's comprador regime. RCA in the history of Taiwan, this sin, living bloody presents multinational workers and land economically carpet cleaner rental underdeveloped regions of the cruel exploitation and extortion, but also a true reflection of the so-called "Taiwan economic miracle" it is caused by the export-oriented to Life sweatshop labor for many tired brick pile up. In order to arouse attention to RCA injured worker pain history, and actively give support, but also to leave a valuable experience of Taiwan's economic development of this blood and tears, the magazine will continue to record a series of interviews published RCA employees. - Editor when the "tough" kids set foot on the red carpet RCA Please talk about your family background My mother did not work. Every summer vacation, we will help mom Cottage industry. We have two OEM side, one is doing a matchbox, there is a kind of firecrackers, gunpowder cannon heart strings. I've been thinking, I'm carpet cleaner rental sorry we KMT, DPP also sorry to us. KMT for so many years, there is no concern over the military, did not go to take care of their family, carpet cleaner rental child, carpet cleaner rental lived in the house than the ghetto slums even poor Oh, really short, add 12 floor from front to back, 12-floor must family live, you say how to live? The DPP said the KMT is not good, but later came to us, okay? Are the same. Like Deng Xiaoping speak a word: will is a good cat and mouse, I think it will take care of us is good government. Soldier really bitter, I had the kind of bitterness grew, so when I cross to the RCA, when the plant was hooked, and I think that the plant is very beautiful, the whole get up red brick, paint a milky very European in a large plant. In the military community in Pakistan live to be mud, nothing, to have the bathroom flow management carpet cleaner rental units, it is impossible, in which visible inside the military community, like the name of the village where I live: the tough What are tough. It is really very nice RCA, into the Ministry of Personnel air inside to see the carpet, the kind of style, I feel really good, to a work environment. RCA then there is high demand degree?
They then have higher academic requirements to graduate from high school you graduated from high school went just do assemblers carpet cleaner rental Oh, my first job was assigned to a factory line, I inserted through the parts, and then do the soldering work. Online spent more than six months, the Ministry went on to the material. I had high voltage carpet cleaner rental coil HVT line pipe, tube video package is made with copper wire around the core, and then go to the magnetization, above the insulation layer of asphalt coating line also, I heard that is highly toxic. In that place do, you will not have the sense of smell, because something inside it has a very strong stench. After that somehow, on a shelf, put up each frame, onto the oven inside a sealed room to go to dry large. carpet cleaner rental At that time we really carpet cleaner rental do not know much at all, after loading the core runs out of empty boxes down, but also with some of the sweet potatoes in a box to go to the oven to bake and eat. Your salary with the average Taiwanese small and medium factories compared how?
In RCA, especially carpet cleaner rental sex on the assembly line, it is not a women-oriented, there are male it? a line inside, probably only two or three male, over 99% of women are just graduated carpet cleaner rental from school. Taiwanese is a great place to learn quickly, so that RCA has done something very satisfied, wages are low, so the US domestic plant on downsizing, and showed Taiwan do, Taiwan carpet cleaner rental factory has been augmentations, but the limited number of workers, the first levy a ladder, they can require very high, while the second ladder underpaid workers, the standard would reduce this time to relax age, and may have more than thirty years of age, when the ladder to the third, thirty -year-old also hire people, it should be the early forties.
promotion of your company's entire way of reward and punishment is probably what circumstances? You on the assembly line is certainly the most upset, so hierarchical management, similar to the bureaucracy, hierarchy tight layers of control, like regulatory system suited to the beginning, after a long time to accept it, get used to? is reluctantly accepted, and some people are against your body in exchange for promotion opportunities; this kind of thing in the RCA and more, say an affair with the manager, you can find like the location, most of Chinese managers who happen. Chinese managers to work because of the time and we are the same. US managers rotation, but they are even higher level, we can not see, they now have a gap between carpet cleaner rental us, once things are all separated from us.
RCA interior is so distinct class? RCA interior is very dark, very distinct classes. The great powers of the manager, the manager, I often tell me: a lot of people carpet cleaner rental will not necessarily carpet cleaner rental be the person I want, people have two, one will work, one is obedient, what I want is obedient. I'm the kind of person disobedient, carpet cleaner rental will work, but will not listen, he spoke words will refute him, so each time a raise when people can be added to the 10%, I may just added 5% 6% I may be too righteous, do not know how to flatter carpet cleaner rental flatter, I grew up in a military family, the military has always been punctual, so there is no trick to learn. Like my supervisor once asked me if I had money to lend him, I said no, I now know why people pay plus more, because people have to borrow money to him Well, my people are not too man up. I often say something to remind executives hinted me: people had to bow under the eaves, RCA very dark place like this, you will flatter flatter, will be promoted, not fawning sycophancy, it is always there.
RCA product line is very crowded. carpet cleaner rental A line row two or three hundred people, almost shoulder to suffer shoulder, sitting in front of it stuck in the position of the barrel, the width is not. To the latter, when it is more relaxed, engineers streamlined, why? For example, 19-inch TV to do this line, just getting the time line, to three hundred people, doing six months after it is reduced to two hundred and eighty carpet cleaner rental people, because the person skilled in the future, the action is fast, originally inserted ten parts, then put two more to give you, it becomes a plug 12 parts, the action more and more skilled, and give you insert parts will more and more become like a robot, like, just like some people can not see playing on the computer keyboard to the last third of the people can be streamlined out. staff mobility so big?
not. Assemblers line after opening line would sit position. Off-site or go to the bathroom to have to hire a candidate or foreman behalf of the class, with the line of machines to go, why, under this condition, turnover, little? Welfare may be at that time of it. First, there are generous vacation days, and the second, which has eight quarters, dormitories inside, give you toilet paper, carpet cleaner rental linens are white, which makes very clean, sanitary equipment carpet cleaner rental are pink, very European style. When it comes to the holiday open party, RCA has a recreation center, a lot of common space for you to learn, to open what sewing classes, English classes, birthday, when those big managers will engage in some activities, so the electronics factory female , In fact, I do not like to call them women, I think it is quite that , some labor movement who used to say: you these women how to, once it was the audience we have more knowledge of these women say: Please do not call us women, can I? So also argue. You just mentioned that the company has to do activities, I see public television reports said the company also do internal publications, is to let the staff wrote it? Or to give advice?
less articles, carpet cleaner rental mostly suggestions, our quarterly publication is to write the factory house thing. Plant Division Manager of the proposal had to be dug in deeper wells publication, so the water quality better. We complained RCA dug wells, causing pollution, that is, from the publication of evidence caught out, so he can not afford to deny. RCA in 75-76 years, when the Republic of China, told us to write recommendations to improve the quality. Workers work to do for a long time, you know how to improve the efficiency, how to save materials. Many proposals will QC, and some engineering proposal will promote conservation, like I was the tube material, I would mention the problem of gun oil. We loaded organic solvent drums are large 50-gallon drums closed, take it to five gallons closed whipped red drum, pumped overflow then, to know is full, it is a waste solvents. RCA plant was built in the middle of farmland, full of oil are flowing out of the rice fields, and this is the cause of the pollution. So that when farmers often struggle to RCA to say seedlings carpet cleaner rental died. I've seen gas station oil gun, fill up the future will bounce up and then proposed oil gun cleaner To add, I drew a slide that the overflow is money: money money money this fall the factory listen to my advice to buy a gun oil, solvents, no longer overflowed. After the proposal is adopted, the factory would have taken one percent or two percent from the amount of savings to you, and in recognition of the factory publications. Dozen chemicals are all in a space inside the volatile!
you mentioned earlier, in the labor process will encounter toxic substances ever felt you were wrong? No, just feel tired, the first thing to go home every day, it must be lying on a chair to rest, then do dinner renewed. Home I felt tired the whole person, and that is the kind of breathe carpet cleaner rental toxic substances. This is our visit to the US Silicon Valley Toxic Coalition, Mr. Ted did know, his wife of occupational diseases in the United States attorney, he explained to us, just as trichlorethylene, may cause cancer rate is not so high, but if more than a dozen all kinds of chemicals inside a space-volatile, sucked the dozen concentrated, one hundred carpet cleaner rental percent of causing cancer. As long as the use of solder, solder which has a rosin, sticky after combustion, use of trichlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene detergent to wash.
Republic of China 83 years I have found someone with Jaw report in the media, RCA pollute the land, I would call my colleagues, chatted RCA land contamination do that I know many of my colleagues had cancer. I called to ask UFO Jaw said: RCA land and water pollution with employees will not get cancer related? Later Jaw put our case transferred to the environmental impact assessment of the Secretary-General Liu Ming Lung Foundation, and he told me to arrange some cancer patients to visit the CLA chairman Chan Huo-sheng. Then again, some officials about the Health Bureau, at National Taiwan University Alumni Association opened a press conference, a lot of the families of those who died of cancer patients out complaints, things like this came to light, and then director of the Institute of Public Health, carpet cleaner rental National Taiwan University Professor Wang, to speak This is definitely cause cancer, absolutely related. These people get cancer and they do not know what the reason is?
do not know, we came out after the media reported only coherent together. Before we RCA trichlorethylene tetrachlorethylene as US elixir, very good, as they work clothing line, RBI organic carpet cleaner rental solvents, are not even washed with water Oh, go on the back of a dry, suddenly carpet cleaner rental evaporates on clean, wear up. On the desktop dirty, pour point, it clean, and also to take home to wash hood, washing kitchen blanket. carpet cleaner rental Well to tell you ignorance. I am dissatisfied with the government, it is too indebted carpet cleaner rental to us, like Du teacher said, what is behind carpet cleaner rental Taiwan's economic miracle is that these sick people with tears of blood life piled in a car a car out how container , but also the life of these people out of the heap, then you do what the government today? They are old and can not move, the government how to take care of them? Ignore! carpet cleaner rental Self-help groups will catch up with the Americans to seek justice!
how did you think to organize colleagues will set up self-help? really gander, my personality type is part of gods, see gripe I will come out and met so many of my colleagues are sick, especially my best one colleague called Zhuoshu Fang. She is a graduate of the post Yuda providers, very pretty. I watched her get married and have children , after a lot of years have not contacted me again when you come into contact with her situation really is the heart in the blood. carpet cleaner rental In our factory, when she gave birth to a man and a woman, after leaving gave birth to a daughter, four months to find a vertical liver infection, only six months to start receiving chemotherapy treatment to three years to death, and before and after moving through three surgeries. Her husband wonder why such a small child will get cancer, it suggested that she check out an inspection carpet cleaner rental found that the third phase of breast cancer, she dragged carpet cleaner rental on for three years does not rule killed, death was less than four years old. Then there is no health insurance labor, all have their own expense, even worse, the whole family gave collapse, really miserable. I think Americans earn our money, a pat on the ass ran away, leaving the mess for us to bear these poor workers, terribly wrong, I want to seek justice, they decided to organize self-help meeting.
Do not say that justice, research done by the Institute of Labor Safety CLA alone, is not an objective injustice. carpet cleaner rental We then went to visit the CLA chairman Chan Huo-sheng, chairman Chan said there was no problem, as long as you are identified cause of occupational injury, we must all be considered, within two years, have lost to you. The problem is to rebuild the site occupational identification, but the RCA out reconstruction carpet cleaner rental work site simply Well, you do not come out to rebuild the site, know how to work eight hours a day is bad under what conditions? carpet cleaner rental You could not even want to imagine the kind of situation, how to identify? CLA 88 years from the beginning of the Republic made a total of three Identification. The first to do it was found inside a high risk of liver cancer RCA breast proportion of cervical cancer. The second of the said report, the attack rate of liver cancer and cervical cancer is not too unusual, but slightly higher breast cancer that put the focus on the top third of breast cancer, the results suggest carpet cleaner rental that there is no high, but found RCA female menopause than women who came early, usually women in their fifties menopause, RC

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