Tuesday, February 3, 2015

the self-will to de-I

Versindaba idsa guidelines Blog Archive Anné-Ghrett Erasmus. Stone and Clay
the self-will to de-I
the shadows and the Tower
in space:
Letters Boxing Notebook: Alfred Schaffer wins 7th Awater Poëzieprijs Breyten Breytenbach. Tribute: Tomaz Salamun (1941 - 2014) Recent contributions to Versindaba De Waal Venter. "To speak a language luring" Carina van der Walt. To sing the love started Beyond Borders Gisela Ullyatt. 'Please come evening': A Tribute to Jane Kenyon (1947-1995). Review: idsa guidelines The mouth is on fire. Views on the work of Breyten Breytenbach. Press Release: Alfred Schaffer wins 7th Awater Poëzieprijs Review: "Nomad" (Johann Louis Marais) Hans du Plessis. "Jeez Virrie: Psalm 115" comedians Luwes. Dance and other rhythms Latest idsa guidelines Comments
Francis Galloway: Charl-Pierre, I'm waiting anxiously for your feedback .... Marlene van Niekerk: Interesting comments Charl-Pierre, thank you. And you are ... Charl Pierre Naude: Taking a look at fairness, I would like the following ... Charl Pierre Naude, I would like a hat into the ring would sit to ... Angela Geyer: I see forward to this beautiful landmark book in the hand ... Louis Esterhuizen: Thank you for this interesting explanation, Marlene. Currently ... Marlene idsa guidelines van Niekerk: Hi Daniel, Heaney's poetry is not for me personally ... Marina Rheeders: Words of time ever recorded, as a mystery ... carina van der walt: Thank you Theo, Hilda and Gisela . The first version of ... Melanie Grobler: Thanks Johann and Tom! Gisela Ullyatt: ancient Sterrebos to my new city, enjoy it ... Gisela Ullyatt: Marlise, it is indeed sad that someone like Kenyon's ... Hilda Smits: "& I will let down the compass cross one more time a. .. Theo Rikken: Carina, in my head sitting in a while a pussy -... Marlise Joubert: Perhaps something of value about the fragility of people and ... Imprint
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Adam Small Poems: Afrikaans idsa guidelines and Dutch De Waal Venter. "To speak a language luring" Hans du Plessis. "Jeez Virrie: Psalm 115" Abdellatif Laâbi. "J'atteste" (Translation by Breyten Breytenbach) Joan Hambidge. "The anatomy of travel"
Interviews Interview with Johann Louis Marais Take five Danie Marais, CEO of African PEN Interview with Antjie Krog Interview with Eunice Basson (espalier) Reviews Review: The mouth is on fire. Views on the work of Breyten Breytenbach. Review: "Nomad" (Johann Louis Marais) Review: "Co-knowing" (Antjie Krog) Review in a burning sea - Contemporary African Poetry in Translation. An anthology Review: espalier (Eunice Basson) Inside Looking Gisela Ullyatt. 'Please come evening': A Tribute to Jane Kenyon (1947-1995). Luwes comedians. Dance rhythms and other comedians Luwes. The lines along which our life comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Digstringe Digstring: "On Tuesday and Wednesday, with fish" (Charleville-Pierre Naudé) Digstring: "For Dad" (Willem Krog) Digstring "Ouhoutfluit" (s Niggie) Wisselkaarten Bert Bevers. Yves T'Sjoen direction instructions. Memorial to the editors of Charlie Hebdo Outside Looking Carina idsa guidelines van der Walt. To sing the love started Beyond Borders Leon Retief. 1914 Hilda Smits. Bangkok & Siem Reap Gemengel crop for the old year Versindaba via E-mail
Articles and essays Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Breyten Breytenbach. Travel by small Geledinge of Late Check, Sept - Oct 2014 New Translations Abdellatif Laâbi. "J'atteste" (Translation idsa guidelines by Breyten Breytenbach) Yehuda Amichai - translation in Dutch Remco Campert. Translated into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout BLOGLAAIE: All previous contributions, blogs and indexes here Select Category Amanda Lourens Andries Bezuidenhout articles, essays, and others within critter Blogs Letters Boxing Outside Looking Dancing Poets Festival Desmond Painter idsa guidelines Digstring Finalists: Place Poetry Competition Photo Image Poems Gisela Ullyatt Indexes Jannie Malan Competitions Louis esterhuizen Marlies Taljard Nuuswekker New Voices Interviews Philip de Vos Rene Bohnen Reviews Uncategorized Translations comedians Luwes Wisselkaarten
INDICES Sources: African poetry from 1900 to 1978. (1) Index: Lists and bibliographies Poems (Index) Wisselkaarten Outside Looking Articles, lectures & essays Interviews The Ingrid Jonker Prize Digstring Photo Image Magazines Links Videos The image Afrikaans poem Archives Select Month February 2015 January 2015 December idsa guidelines 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 No

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