Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Adequate and moderate physical activity for each student concerned are very important, but there ma

3. Continuous observation of the early symptoms of asthma and actively detect asthma attack symptoms.
5. The most effective long-term medication that can slow down the airway inflammation drugs, custom house such as steroids. (1) of inhaled steroids can effectively prevent custom house mild, moderate custom house and severe custom house asthma attacks. Correct use of inhaled steroids custom house are safe, because the drug directly into the lungs, thereby reducing the total body uptake of drugs, that does not have any side effects occur. custom house (2) short-term use of steroid pills, can quickly and effectively control asthma attacks.
(B) acute phase treatment: only used when asthma exacerbations. Usually starts to feel asthma occurs, it is necessary to use the acute phase of treatment, such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or breathing difficulties. Your doctor will tell you how to use the peak expiratory flow meter to detect changes in the disease, as well as indicating when to start treatment. When the symptoms do not delay the use of the acute phase of treatment, early use of acute medication can prevent the occurrence of severe asthma. If you need to pay attention when you back to the clinic in the past two weeks, the acute phase of treatment have abnormal increases custom house in respect inform your doctor. This is usually a need to adjust the warning signs of long-term medication.
Taiwan dust allergies asthma in children most common allergens, so how to reduce dust home environment has become an important issue in the treatment, but the climate of the island of Taiwan, especially in the south of year-round heat, dust everywhere, can not be completely avoided, but the so-called cut sensitized by the long-term treatment that is the rule of subcutaneous injections of allergens, so the body produces changes in the immune response for Sick Children, and in order to reduce its sensitivity to allergens custom house (such as dust), and achieve the purpose of improving physical fitness, so after all the dust allergy One of the good treatment.
As for injection purposes, at the beginning of each injection once a week, in terms of the concentration of both dose and increase slowly, custom house in increments of about twenty-five to fifty percent, the rate of increase depends on the size of the local reaction or whether the systemic it reacts. In this way, usually custom house between six to eight months to achieve the maximum amount a patient can tolerate more than this amount would most likely cause a reaction. Once, a long time and then more gradually changed every two weeks and then injected or symptoms of stable, may be extended once for a month to play, so lasts about two to three years, if the results are good, but also to some of the sustainable intervals (eg one to two months) to continue applying the act.
Desensitization treatment of possible adverse reactions occur, which can be from local reactions, systemic reactions to shock. Among the most common asthma attack, followed such as asthma custom house and urticaria, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, etc. are occasionally possible reactions. The following situation is more systemic reactions occur, that should be noted: asthma attack are originally exacerbation of allergic symptoms, treatment dose slowly started to climb when the patient has a history of systemic reactions in the past, the new bottle allergens or environmental allergen concentrations temporary increase a lot.
According to many large international studies have shown that desensitization therapy for sick children and alleviate the symptoms of drug dependence are useful to reduce the study in Taiwan about three-quarters custom house of desensitization therapy for Sick Children accept their asthma condition large progress. With respect to the treatment of sick children who did not receive desensitization only one-third the result of significant custom house progress, custom house there is indeed a significant desensitization of treatment efficacy. Overall, the longer the treatment, the higher maintenance dose, the better the results, the chance of recurrence after stopping custom house treatment is also less. Therefore, for patients with good effect, we will even recommend the symptoms relieved or disappeared custom house after treatment continued for three years or more.
Source http://www.kmu.edu.tw/~kmcj/ ********************************* ****************************************** prevent asthma occurrence - Family Pt. First allergens: house hidden by many allergens, including dust, cockroaches, mold, pets, etc. Dust is Taiwan's most common indoor allergens, allergy testing positive in up to 98% in people allergic to, the volume is very small, about 0.17mm to 0.5mm, the naked eye is difficult to see, like the growth in warm (25 ) wet (humidity 80%) of the environment, it is quite suitable for the environmental conditions in Taiwan grow by animal dander, hair-eating, so the pillow, the pillow was on the mattress is often a lot of accumulation. And of excrement and dead bodies will cause respiratory allergic reactions, asthma attacks and even a direct result of the concentration is too high. Therefore, for the prevention of not only killing dust, but it breeding reduced, decreased concentration. For dust control, including the use of anti-bedding, feeding isolated to reduce their growth and reproduction, air purifiers, furnishings need regular cleaning, avoid using carpets, stuffed toys, to exclude dust, use a dehumidifier to reduce growth conditions. Secondly, the cockroach is also a common allergen in Taiwan, after the decomposition of his body will produce allergens, so the need to reduce cockroach breeding start from the control, if only temporary booby traps, the body will still have an impact in the dark corners of decomposition. It is required from the environment clean, especially the kitchen to start to reduce cockroach infestation factor. Taiwan also cause mold growth moist, its spores floating custom house in the air is also a source of allergies, keep dry environment helps inhibit mold, dog, cat's fur allergies often also a factor, as far as possible to keep pets outdoors, in order to reduce indoor allergens, If a clear understanding of allergies to certain custom house pets, they need to give up farming.
The second is the pungent odor: In fact, the family custom house often pungent odor, including secondhand smoke, cooking fumes, paints, pesticides, perfumes. Asthma patients presenting its respiratory overreaction often cause these gases irritate the respiratory mucosa, causing bronchoconstriction, mucous secretion. Often can cause asthma attacks, so family members can not smoke in the room, the kitchen needs good ventilation, the use of hoods, to avoid fire when cooking fumes filled the entire room. Pesticides are often required to avoid the use of a strong pungent odor, before entering if the use of insecticides to wait after its dissipation. When its interior paints and organic solvent odor often hazy indoor decoration or if new paint, be sure to open the windows and let the air circulate until the odor disappears before residency.
Third respiratory custom house tract infections: respiratory tract infections are the reason it is important to induce asthma attacks, when family members are infected with the phenomenon, will need to be isolated to avoid infection, asthma sick children. If needed injection custom house of flu vaccine to reduce the chances of infection during the epidemic, and to avoid access to public places. Seasons, when the weather is unstable, the need to pay attention to the child's symptoms, if the dramatic climate change, may also cause asthma attacks, Prevention and Treatment necessary to be able to advance. For example, the cold winter comes, the temperature dropped sharply, this time may trigger asthma attacks, you can use the heater at night, making the temperature change will not be too great.
Adequate and moderate physical activity for each student concerned are very important, but there may be up to ten percent of the students because of the suffering of asthma and can not engage in normal physical activity. In fact, many children's asthma custom house movement restrictions are unnecessary, that the majority of asthma custom house children can engage in regular physical activity. This statement may cause some pressure custom house on some students experienced severe asthma occurs after exercise or physical education teacher coaches, but many asthma specialists custom house are actively encouraged to join together by students, their families, physicians, and other school-related personnel, custom house work together to help those suffering from The children have asthma can be happy and unrestricted sports activities.
A student's asthma plan negotiated by the students, parents, and the development of health care out. According to the needs of students, the treatment plan may be just a short card, it could be a detailed situation and countermeasure plan. Asthma treatment custom house plan needs to photocopy multiple custom house copies, held by students, teachers, sports teachers, sports coaches and school nurses, respectively. Students participating in the course, asthma treatment plan and asthma drugs should be readily accessible. If students symptoms, to follow the treatment plan given the necessary custom house drugs and disposal.
Most children require two different asthma drugs: a long-term medication, the main purpose in preventing the onset of airway inflammation and the second is used to relax the acute phase of asthma medication at the time of the onset of the trachea. custom house Asthmatic children ten to fifteen minutes if inhaled medication in the acute phase before exercise, after the occurrence of asthma movement will be significantly reduced. When the acute phase of treatment or inconvenient to use child embarrassed to use, and asthma attacks and can not get proper treatment, it may become serious and even dangerous. custom house
Important chronicle of daily diary that asthma child's daily life, physical condition, surroundings, etc., are closely linked with asthma attacks or not, it shall be recorded clearly custom house for itself conscious and physicians refer patients for treatment medication. Its importance is irreplaceable.
(B) every morning and evening the best spike expiratory flow: sooner or later the test three times, the best value was recorded and expiratory custom house flow and spike their own optimal conditions for comparison, measuring its variability. If you control more than 80 percent in the best condition, and the variation of less than twenty percent, indicating good control, may be considered custom house after three consecutive months of medication; but if only to maintain the best condition custom house of percent sixty to eighty-five or worse, and the variation of greater than twenty to thirty percent, showing poor asthma custom house control, must consider changing or adding another medication, these should custom house be discussed with the physician. custom house
<Pediatric forefront> of Yaogao child asthma medication clenbuterol clenbuterol big difference is actually a pediatrician pharmaceutical ingredients are familiar with the type of adrenergic receptor stimulating agents (-adrenergic receptor agonists, hereinafter referred to as beta-by voxels). custom house Recently, government officials have argued that the use of such agents have a lot of patients, so this drug as an animal feed additive is safe. There are many physicians colleagues therefore challenged patients. We are human medicine, veterinary not encounter these problems really do not know how to answer. Clenbuterol is a non-selective beta hormone receptor called clenbuterol (including commodity Ming Peilin Paylean (Pay: pay, lea

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