Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Second, the indoor green plant with alarm function: marigold, begonia leaf spots when shows carbon

First, the problem of photosynthesis: photosynthetic plants during the day and two carbon dioxide absorption, release clean house oxygen, and in the night to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide 2. A friend concerned about photosynthesis will compete for oxygen at night and indoors? This problem clean house is now interpreted as follows: In the light of the circumstances of green plants absorb carbon dioxide in air and water, photosynthesis, releasing the equivalent of the total amount of air it absorbs 70% of oxygen. Plants can not carry out photosynthesis at night, because breathing, but to consume oxygen. Many people have doubts, plants and people will compete for oxygen chamber? After some calculations, placed 30 tall plants consume oxygen in the room for a night, the equivalent amount of oxygen absorbed by a person a night. And virtually no one house to put so many plants, nor a house airtight, not because the house one more person we feel lack of oxygen. So, in theory, there are plants and compete for oxygen is negligible. Many flowers are not only competing for oxygen at night with people, but also to help people remove some harmful gas chamber; Sansevieria, spider plants, bamboo, ivy can absorb formaldehyde in the air; kumquat, figs, pomegranates, crabapple and other anti-fluoride absorption fluorine capacity than ordinary flowers high 160 times; oleander, a bunch of red, gardenia, and pomegranate, etc. can absorb indoor carbon dioxide; cactus, Boisson, there are other types of properties clean house and photosynthesis contrary, is to purify the air of a good assistant .
Second, the indoor green plant with alarm function: marigold, begonia leaf spots when shows carbon clean house dioxide pollution; azaleas, hibiscus leaves the middle of a white or brown, indicating clean house the nitrogen dioxide pollution; plum on the environment pollution sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, benzene, aldehydes, etc., have monitoring capabilities, once the environment clean house appear sulfide occurs markings on its blades, clean house and even yellow off. It can detect the degree of air pollution environment characterized by the use of these potted flowers. But these features plants there is a limit, and its role as the number clean house of planted enhanced relies entirely on indoor clean house plants is impossible to meet. Therefore, you need to always open the window, the air convection.
Third, the selection of suitable indoor flower Aster genus Astragalus, including tobacco and cockscomb, such as a class of plants that can attract clean house a large number of uranium and other radionuclides; aloe, spider plants and Sansevieria can remove formaldehyde (especially spider plants, put in a room basin, within clean house 24 hours, its leaves will be indoor air carbon monoxide and other harmful gases "eat" out, even more than the effect of air screening program); ivy, rose, rose, aloe and evergreen can effectively remove indoor trichlorethylene, sulfur than hydrogen, benzene, phenol, hydrogen fluoride clean house and ether; Sansevieria, Monstera and pleiones etc. can absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor air; aspartic can remove heavy metal particles; citrus, rosemary incense and spider plants, which will enable indoor airborne bacteria and microbes greatly reduced; narcissus, Mirabilis, chrysanthemum, cockscomb, nitrogen oxides can be converted to protein, thereby releasing toxic. Also: Chlorophytum also can effectively absorb carbon dioxide; cactus flower at night some more meat rarely emit carbon dioxide; wisteria (or Myrtle memory is not deep, and I will verify?) For sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine and hydrogen fluoride strong resistance of chromium also have some resistance; camellias can resist sulfur dioxide and other harmful substances; green radish and some leaves Japanese water-loving plants can make indoor air humidity maintained excellent condition; heart leaf philodendron negative resistance strong, high humidity, vigorous growth, fertilize once a month, can promote leaf appearance; clean house Narcissus is the quality of flowers in winter, but the body of a small amount of colchicine, so do not eat, even at home late at night when you are hungry and never eat crazy!
Fourth, the interior should not use floral rose, been able to absorb large amounts of harmful gases, but it exudes a rich flavor will engender depressed discomfort, suffocation, severe breathing difficulties and even; azaleas, tulips, lilies and poinsettias etc. Although volatile chemicals can be absorbed, but the yellow clean house (flower) Rhododendron flowers contain a toxin poisoning eating light in weight will shock; tulip flowers contain a poisonous alkali then contact for too long will speed up the hair loss; lily the fragrance of flowers, the smell will make people long central hyperexcitability caused insomnia; Bauhinia flower pollen, contact for too long can induce asthma symptoms aggravate or cause cough; Mimosa Mimosa alkali clean house body is a highly toxic organic compounds, Excessive exposure may cause body hair loss; Tuberose night olfactory stimuli emitted particles, causes high blood pressure and heart disease patients feel dizzy, depressed, and even sicker, but also a kind of tuberose flowers available for viewing, it is strong clean house aroma can be repellent, generally used for patios and balconies.
Fifth, the air conditioning indoor flower arrangement and management 1, which suitably conditioned clean house indoor air-conditioned indoor flower arrangement should be used in a high quality degree leathery leaves, or leaf cuticle is thicker and has a certain resistance to dry conditions, resistance strong floral species such as peach coral, rubber tree, octagonal gold plate, Schefflera, evergreen, Mahonia, Monstera, cycads, Chun Yu, Araucaria, pineapple category, Jinxiang Kui, Palmetto, Zongzhu, Syzygium, Podocarpus, smiling, daphne, aloe vera and other categories. And should not use Coleus, Zhu Lan, jasmine, peach birthday, Hosta, Hulk, bicuculline, maple, etc. Syngonium. clean house 2, air conditioned indoor clean house indoor flower management should pay attention to watering flowers and water combine to give appropriate foliar spray. Air-conditioned indoor flower best in full before applying fertilizer burglary, as a result of Quefei yellow flower or grow well, can be applied to a small amount of fertilizer, fertilizer can not bring pollution due to the room. In order to maintain a beautiful clean house flower crown, attention topping, pruning, shoot to repair part, contributed to the lower lateral bud germination. If insects, disease foliage should be promptly removed, inappropriate use of pesticides indoors. Flower arrangement at the time, attention away from the air conditioning vent to direct wind hit the plant, causing leaf blight tip coke side. As for the flowers inside office buildings, maintenance services should be provided by a professional potted clean house flowers Zubai people. Because environmental factors and human factors within the office complex, morbid plants if not in time, the deterioration will be very serious, so the need to take professional conservation room, and pruning, transplanting (specific pruning and transplanting very complex way, snake or suggest that you do not easily do, if operator error, the plant is likely to die quickly) and other restoration work.
Six indoor flower selection clean house and design 1, a strong negative resistance mainly foliage plants; two, large bedroom - may be appropriate to put some of some large potted flowers, such as rubber tree, Monstera, cycads and other people feel nice; 3, if the color of the walls and furniture is dark, it is desirable to place potted pale, with light-colored pots in addition to appropriate Yixing pots or baskets, bamboo pots on the Devonian clean house jacket; 4 potted plant growth posture and place where you want to be appropriate, such as upright growth or higher plants, it should be placed in the lower, some overhanging branches or scalability potted plant, should be placed in a high place, so will produce three-dimensional feeling of beauty; 5, potted ago moved indoors from the outdoor basin to note whether the pest, if available at outdoor sweet bait worms lead to the elimination of the basin; 6, some good quality fertilizer should be applied fertilizer, can promote flower growth while also preventing compaction basin; 7, in order to effectively remove indoor clean house pollutants, with special effects can be placed some different types of flora, clean house there are several more appropriate (see above and the three titles simultaneously and Title IV): spider plants, gerbera, no flowers ornamental birch mainly absorb formaldehyde, benzene and nicotine; zygomatic red flowers absorb xylene, toluene and ammonia; Dracaena (Brazil ferrous), daisies, evergreen can remove triclosan ethylene; ear ferns, ivy, cycads, chrysanthemum can decompose formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and other harmful substances; (newly renovated new home for these flowers is very important) seven, indoor flowers placed according to room size, lighting conditions and personal hobby to determine. 1. The room is large and sunny, optional put foliage hanging Chang kumquat, camellias, Begonia flowers, clean house put it directly on the ground or placed on shelves; 2. If the room is small, you should clean house be less indoor flowers to 2--3 basin is appropriate, and the choice of the small size of plant type, such as pots placed within 1--2 study narcissus, cactus, etc., bedroom with Milan, jasmine embellishment. Floral decoration embellishment theory can be divided into type, nature, suspended three. 1. embellishment style is the flower display in the window, desk, coffee table, if coupled with elegant flower pots and vases better. 2. Natural formula is the outdoor landscape and interior furnishings combine clean house as the honeysuckle, grape vine flowers placed in front balcony or windowsill, and the integration of the outdoor landscape. 3. Hanging is in the den, hallway, etc., hanging clean house pots of grass elegant style hanging flowers.
Eight, flowers conservation involves the conservation of the biological characteristics of different types of plants, the method is very diverse. clean house So just say here that part of it, will not list them: 1. The most common problems families are lower than the humidity of the greenhouse, but the majority of tropical plant native prefer humid environments. Flowers in the greenhouse can be accepted by all day sun shade net, it does not accept direct sunlight, and the family is often insufficient light, or sun exposure. Many flowers have hi half shade environment, but too weak winter sun, so you can make the flower fully accepted the sun. Most flowers optimum growth temperature clean house between 15 to 20 , the temperature is too high, bloom faster, but also easy to go wrong. In the greenhouse regular fertilization and moderate watering, and require the use of complex fertilizers for various stages of growth in the home are often due to lack of gardening knowledge, no fertilizer or malnutrition, or disposable fertilizing too heavy, burned out flowers. Pay particular attention clean house to, do not fertilize or a small amount of fertilizer applied at flowering, "mast" detrimental to flowering. Flowers and more like a neutral or acidic soil, if the water is alkaline, long watering will become alkali soil, but also affect clean house the quality of flowers. If the soil is heavy clay airtight, but also affect breathing roots, even rot. Watering basic grasp see wet see dry, winter small amount of evaporation, not watering too often, too easily rot water before watering basin must touch the look, so be able to grasp the extent of wet and dry soil, avoid blind casting water. Spring flowers like the majority of air humidity environment, to the flowers around more water in order to increase air humidity. Try to make flowers in sunny and well-ventilated place, so to avoid the incidence of pests and diseases. Room temperature preferably not less than 5 , do not exceed 25 . Great water, air humidity, clean house high temperatures are often small and flowers the problem is a major factor. 2. Conservation Methods class flower bulbs: like Narcissus, Western daffodils, tulips, clean house hyacinths are all seasonal flowers, flowering is very short, usually only 1-2 weeks time, in the living room can be placed on a sunny, low temperature place, temperature is too high, so fast bloom, flowering shortened. Orchid flowers: like Clivia, Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, clean house Cattleya, Dendrobium, etc. in nature grows in tropical trees, like wet shade, avoid direct sunlight, in a bright half shade grow well. So much water in the home should increase air humidity. clean house In winter clean house you can let it accept clean house soft sunlight, so its photosynthesis, increase nutrition. Orchid flowers susceptible snails and scale insects, scale insects are available off the toothbrush. Clivia in common, for example, it is native to subtropical forests in South Africa, where the warm seasons like spring, with an average minimum temperature of not less than 10 , the maximum temperature does not exceed 22 , Clivia hi born in warm moist, wet and dry naturally moderate environment, the family should create a similar environment. Clivia like soft light, avoid sun exposure, Clivia is a fleshy root, there are certain drought tolerance, excessive watering will cause root rot. Clivia basin moisture should be hand can shape into groups, clean house namely loose touch state is appropriate. Arrowroot class and ferns: arrowroot arrowroot plants such as peacocks, sanguinea, ferns such as Boston fern, hi half shade, warm, high humidity environment and good drainage, like bright, intolerance Zhishai clean house glare. Other Flowers Calla: Good light, good water, good fat, like moist soil, air humidity. Flamingo: Also called anthurium, hi damp, warm and smooth drainage environment, scale insects is their common pests, pay attention to prevention and treatment, with a brush on it. Cineraria: Xi Yang, like wet, like fat, but flowering should be reduced fertilization, watering should be affordable wet, too dry or too wet to prevent, control of water should be low, slightly moist can, pay attention to ventilation, otherwise, melon Ye Ju susceptible to powdery mildew or aphids and spider mite damage. clean house Sinningia: hi warm and humid, good fat, avoid direct sunlight. Cyclamen hi sunny and cool, moist climate, 10 to 20 for optimum growth temperature, afraid of high temperature. Rhododendron clean house Belgium: likes the cold, damp, acidic soil humus. Schlumbergera: hi warm, moist, clean house half shade environment. Optimum growth temperature is 15 to 20 , the temperature is below 5 into hibernation. Calceolaria: hi warm, cool, moist but well-ventilated environment, not cold, wet bogey. Rieger Begonia: hi warm, moist environment, half shade environment. Poinsettia: hi adequate light, requires good drainage, good ventilation loose and fertile soil, strict requirements for water, soil moisture is too large often cause root disease, which led to the leaves; clean house inadequate soil moisture, poor plant growth, but also

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