Friday, June 6, 2014

Today there are Elizabeth

Sv.Elizabeta Hungarian-patron of the SFO
When we read a hymn of love vol. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, we remain amazed grafton wi over this hymn in prose. When we read the biography of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, immediately us to the conclusion that the saint with his life wrote the most beautiful hymn of love. Her life is nothing to Paul's hymn to love in prose. And for her, and for that Dorcas in Joppa, on which are written the Acts of the Apostles, we can say: "Her life consisted only of acts of charity and acts of mercy which she did" (Acts 9:36). Let's meet this brief, but beautiful and rich life of Christian love. In it we discover the beauty and acts of love as the example and the saint today in the Church and in the world for so many Elizabeth, nuns that are sacrificed in hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, nursing homes, as people working in charities, noble souls who themselves in its helping hand to the poor, the elderly, the sick, lonely. Oh, thank God, and now there's Elizabeth, as a Christian charity, because there are those who are like St. Elizabeth adopted Christ's words, spoken at the Last Supper: "This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you! No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. grafton wi You are my friends if you do what I command you "(Jn 15.12-14).
Today there are Elizabeth "because the love of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit grafton wi who was given to us" (Rom 5:5). That love was especially abundantly poured into the heart of St. Elizabeth and was the soul of all her charitable works and ventures.
Elizabeth grafton wi was the daughter of Hungarian King Andrew II. She was born as. 1207th in Hungary. When she was only four years, but is engaged to Count Louis of turingijskog. The wedding was done with him when she was 14 years old, and his 20th Despite the fact that they were so young, so one could say and not ready for marriage, their marriage was still happy. Elizabeth herself has admitted its loyal maid Isentrudi: "If I do so love a mortal creature, how much more I love the Lord, who is immortal and lord of all! 'And faithful Isentruda narrated on mutual conjugal love of Louis and Elizabeth thus:" They kissed wonderful love each other and are mildly encouraged the praise and service of God. "Elizabeth gently kissed her husband, and on her because of her beauty, nobility and loveliness. Although the outside was very nice, by no means was seductive. Among the noble ladies napirlitanim Thuringian Countess Elizabeth was due to its simplicity in dress and modesty and humility in life almost scorned. It is the castle of Wartburg did not differ much from the maid because she herself is constantly working, and little or nothing is fun. After all, it's fun to have a little bit of time because it is already the age of 15 became a mother, giving birth to the first son, in the 17th year she gave birth to a daughter, and in the 20th year of another daughter. Sweet and loving Elizabeth married life lasted briefly. In the summer of year. 1227th Louis went on a crusade. Elizabeth grafton wi was then carried under my heart and expecting the birth of their third child. Three months later she was one messenger brought news that Count Louis died in Italy. Elizabeth then zabugarila: "Death! And with him died and all my good in this world. grafton wi "
After becoming a widow and defenseless, passed over her greed and envy species that has never tolerated right. She was driven out from the castle Wartburg; they took her and the children, and she renounced them in favor of heritage. As a Franciscan tertiary adopted a fully evangelical poverty. She died on 17 November in 1231. Just four years later, Pope Gregory IX. canonized her.
In one letter, grafton wi the spiritual leader of St. Elizabeth Konrad of Marburg, which he very well knew, describes her life: "Elizabeth immediately began to abound virtues. During all life has comforted the poor. And then he started quite ishranjivati hungry because he ordered to build a boarding house in which he accepted a larger number of patients and the powerless. Everyone that there sought alms generously shared love of charity. It did not just here, but in all regions and as long as borne authority of her husband. All of their supplies from four principalities of her husband to the extent grafton wi that spent ordered that the needs of the poor to sell each ornament and all the expensive clothes.
She used it twice a day, morning and evening, personally visits all its patients. Personally cared for those who were most despicable among them. Some nurtured, others stretched, some on their shoulders passed and performed many other humane services. In all of this will of her husband, of blessed memory was not caught ungrateful. Then, after the death of her husband, went to the highest perfection and me prayed with many tears that allow her to beg from door to door.
On that Holy Thursday, when the altars were exposed, placed his hands on the altar in a chapel of his city where

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