Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Historically, women often give birth in the presence of other women, some experienced mothers that

Every pregnant woman occasionally troubled by many issues that it can load in a peaceful and carefree expecting a child. disposofobia At that previews go, what to eat, whether they are changes that feels normal? How to prepare for childbirth and childbirth disposofobia if they do not lapse right? Will staff be attentive? How your partner disposofobia will react? Will I be able to be with your child? And many more ...
Pregnancy is indeed another state. Although anxieties and doubts expected, especially if it is a first pregnancy or if past experience was not pleasant, disposofobia for pregnant women is important to be calm and confident in themselves and their capabilities.
Historically, women often give birth in the presence of other women, some experienced mothers that they poured security and protect them at the moment of birth. Often these were mothers and grandmothers, or close members of the community, from which it eventually developed midwifery. However, with the increasing practice of giving birth in maternity wards, changed the role of the midwife: she becomes more of a medical disposofobia practitioner who cares for his wife mainly from a medical standpoint and very rarely has the opportunity to devote himself fully to the mother one. But a woman's needs in times of births remained the same, which has led to the emergence disposofobia of doule.
Doula is a woman who provides support disposofobia to pregnant women during pregnancy and childbirth. She was herself past experience of childbirth and she was with another woman to porđajima. The qualities that adorn the doula calmness, warmth, sensitivity and durability, which is sometimes necessary if the labor-consuming. Support provided by the doula is completely subordinated to the needs of mothers, whether it's about encouraging women and help them achieve what they want, or that she provide practical assistance that is sometimes just as important: add water, summon staff or they answer the phone mothers .
The phenomenon doule to support one woman to the mother appears in the 70s of last century, when they begin to conduct research on how to help women affected by the experience of the laity and birth outcomes - the results of these studies have shown many benefits. disposofobia The presence doule in childbirth greatly reduces the incidence of all types of interventions, improving birth outcomes and reducing the incidence of cesarean section.
Doula is a Greek word which means slave, servant. She herself was born, and has a positive experience of childbirth. It is not a medical expert, but is familiar with the practice of the birth of the country in which it operates, knows the purpose and frequency of medical interventions and as such is able to provide accurate information mothers.
Pregnancy is an ideal time to find a doula, a woman who we will fully match and that will gain our trust. With it we are free to open all topics: what makes us happy, excited or worried. When you have some doubt, with complete disposofobia confidence we can have a talk with her and it is very likely that we will much safer to know what to decide.
Doula understands the physiology of childbirth, and above all believe in nature and what women can do. As it is capable of providing safe shelter for all nine months until the child grows into it and responsible to take care of themselves during pregnancy, a woman is just as capable disposofobia of bringing the world to the small creature. But it is the birth moment when there is easy to lose faith and rely on "those who know better," the doctors and midwives. At this certainly do not think that their presence is sometimes not necessary, but I'm disposofobia sure not as much as usual. Support is needed, but usually not the way kind initially aspire. The woman is important the right words to encourage and provide all the necessary conditions in order to feel safe, cared for and "unobserved".
Doula knows and constantly keeps in mind what the medical staff mostly forgotten. She knows the woman, knows gentle disposofobia wishes disposofobia and needs. Also, know that hormones play an important role in the birth and knows what hormones need to do their jobs. He knows how important it is that women secrete oxytocin during childbirth and that is essential to the child and the placenta was born. Also know that the secretion of the hormone disposofobia adrenaline prevents the action of oxytocin. And we all know that the adrenaline is secreted when we are in fear, when we are tense, and even if someone close to us tense. She knows that oxytocin is "shy" hormone and it can not excrete if we feel "monitored". Therefore, the doula do their best to provide us with peace. Even tijekmo birth in a hospital, in which we still excel, it is possible to provide more or less safe atmosphere, where it will be less "observed" and have the ability to turn to listening to your body.
Doula during childbirth can be our voice. Can answer many bureaucratic disposofobia issues, can advocate for what women want and try to take it in order to ensure women could freely be focused on yourself, your body signals, and to cooperate with the child that is born.
Let our maternity look with favor on doulinu presence at birth, so it is important when choosing a maternity hospital to inquire about it. However, disposofobia if for some reason its presence can not be

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