Saturday, June 28, 2014

2) Yogurt has numerous digestive benefits. It helps in digestion, improves intestinal transit, prev

Yogurt - Clean Health - Doctor in weak -
Yogurt is a complete food. Provides quality protein, easily digestible calcium, potassium (comparable to bananas), magnesium, B vitamins and probiotic bacteria, modified carbohydrate assimilation easier and better tolerance šcc by converting lactose to lactic acid fermentation process, and fats provide satiety and taste good.
Probiotic bacteria normalize your intestinal flora. They have the effect of modulating the immune system, reduce the risk of allergies and increase resistance to various germs, and are useful including patients with HIV who have clear shortcomings of immunity. By deconjugation and bile salt secretion, probiotic yogurt decreases your bad cholesterol and increase šcc the good it.
Help for the treatment of various intestinal disorders, such as diarrhea, antibiotics, both in children as well as adults, an ulcer, with the activity against Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and inflammatory bowel disease. šcc Yogurt reduces your level of mutagens in the gut and provide important vitamins, including folic acid. Result: delicious yogurt reduces your risk of colon cancer. Yogurt and decreases your blood pressure, having a beneficial role in preventing heart disease.
Over 4000 published studies so far have evaluated the benefits of yogurt and kefir. I will briefly present some reasons to eat yogurt, based on an analysis of the most recent studies in the field.
1) Yogurt is rich in protein, with about 3 grams of protein per 100g of yogurt. Yogurt šcc is good source of calcium (it has at least 2 times more calcium than a cup of skim milk). Yogurt contains as much potassium as bananas. Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize heart beat rate and keeps an adequate level of water in the body. Yogurt is an excellent source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), with a role in brain function and metabolism of carbohydrates.
2) Yogurt has numerous digestive benefits. It helps in digestion, improves intestinal transit, prevents constipation. It is also a good remedy for diarrhea. Unlike fresh milk, yogurt can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance. People with lactose intolerance lack the intestinal mucosal surface of an enzyme (lactase) that is designed to "break" the molecules of lactose into smaller sugars to be absorbed. When lactose is not digested them and reach the large intestine and there into contact with the bacteria causing cramps, diarrhea, bloating etc.. All in the digestive tract, yogurt protects you from colon cancer.
3) Yogurt contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Lactic acid bacteria inhibits the multiplication šcc of germs in the gut (very helpful for ulcers, Helicobacter pylori yogurt preventing development, the bacteria involved in the onset of disease) and improve transit. If you took antibiotics, it would be good to eat every day, for a period, one yogurt that contains live enzymes to replenish your intestinal flora. Beneficial lactobacilli in yogurt are normally in your body from the first days of life. As they disappear and healthy microflora created by them is replaced, depending on eating habits with unhealthy microflora, putrefactive. Therefore, Sour yoghurt-bacteria is an ideal solution for health. I replaced micro organisms šcc in yogurt harmful putrefaction, which lead to very dangerous metabolites which may give rise while bowel cancer.
4) Yogurt strengthens your immune system. You get sick less often eat yogurt daily. šcc Yogurt with active bacteria stimulates the immune system, as evidenced by recording sustained growth of certain cytokines. Some autoimmune diseases can be prevented by eating yogurt. There are some studies showing that including type-1 diabetes could benefit by eating yogurt. And inflammatory bowel disease benefit from eating yogurt. These benefits are visible and in patients with impaired immunity, such as those with HIV or those receiving immunosuppressive treatment for cancer or other diseases.
5) Yogurt has a beneficial role in preventing allergies. šcc It reduces the level of IgE (immunoglobulin E antibody šcc involved in the development of allergy) and increase the level of IL-10 (izoleukina 10 is a mild inflammatory cytokine šcc effects). In children with IgE-mediated allergies and eczema led to relief of symptoms.
4) Yogurt combat osteoporosis. A two woman and one man in eight will develop šcc sometime osteoporosis (loss of bone strength - the bones become more brittle and will fracture minor trauma

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