Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Because not understand that men do not appreciate women that they always at your service. They did

The worst thing for a woman is when all spread a. When the men always at your service. When care concerns that are not related and servants when it away from her and not asking. Will so that's to be in all the best, the best, the most ... And in good times and bad. Is the ancestral custom of birvaktile but still alive somewhere and sometime. He survived another in which a woman's heart. It is straight from Posavina. Now she is forty and mind did not come. Who says that wisdom with age comes experience and knows nothing about our mentality.
She even on whose experience did not learn anything, not even to his. For her love was anything but a vivid illusion. It was the house where by a system of tacit know what is up and what female to male. And the honor was always in the first place. Women's honor was particularly appreciated. Tin environment - what else to say. Many of the women were prohibited. And she's so pretty at zdravoseljački collyer brothers and chit at the beginning of life immediately zglajzala. Seventeen went awry. Zatelebesala the first neighbor, slatkorječivog rural Bakr. I ended up in the hay. As she shared her youthful sin showed me pictures Milic Vukasinovic front of his eyes and his hit "Zika round." As they tumbled in the hay she cried Aooj, Ziko, to see me dad, tatarataratata!
Funny to me, her annoyance. collyer brothers Since Huda pregnant honor is saved by marriage. On the belly to the teeth finished high school. I was well on its way to ruin your life just blooming. Although the school was Excellent Pupil had everywhere. Arose to take care of her husband and the baby. The mother and father of despair. Neither collyer brothers their warnings did not come to their beloved collyer brothers one. Neighbourhood with them to gargle - well, there's been a disgrace. That she married the kind of nice guy, would not muster long. Thus she stepped on's property and vagabonds. While it she played a maid - and offer, get, opera, central, cook, kitted out, flying collyer brothers around cigars and beer, suffered the insults and was marškana at every step.
And then one day she was cold KAZO to pack a bag and leave sublet a room in which they lived. He wants to take another wife. She saw in it a chance for a new life. Returned to their embarrassment that they hid their eyes to the world. She found the job and began to tidying. Her opportunity came up and went out looking collyer brothers for a better. Befell the foreign middle better than his. She took the child. collyer brothers And there, in a strange country met lovely guy with a career. He slammed into her and began to live together. And she went back to normal. Bring him slippers, ušuškaj him in bed, and offer him tea, boil every day what love, jars kesurine the market, buy everything fresh, cut his nails, cut eyebrow, banjaj feet .... Who is invalid.
All he kurisavala as his mother was not even born. He has several years of beauty and sparkle gotive and then it started to look a maid. Izvoljevo more and leaves her a note in the morning with wishes for the day. Sex urijedio completely. And when it happened it got around the bed and the maid. What is mister wanted it and got it sir. Until one day sir tired and not in the same way the otpudio from your life difficult and ex-husband. He planted himself in front of the reko that fell in love with another. However, with one difference - he moved out of their home, which she had sold soon and give him half the money.
With its mid bought a nondescript house in which they moved in with a dog. I can not seem to get over his "foreigner". She suffered for him from day to day. She clearly collyer brothers what happened. She's not the devil any signs that would specify what is wrong. She brought him in Bosnia. He was crazy about her relatives, our food, natural beauty. But even that could not keep him.
Because not understand that men do not appreciate women that they always at your service. They did not in fact married collyer brothers maids. That they initially before, lull and smears but the time comes when they want a worthy partner. When the Beckhams Vanity that little uzbihuzure collyer brothers spirits, to be winners, to try their seductive arms ... When the fortress itself collyer brothers opens the door conqueror can not long be interesting. He will win a new wish. And as unavailable. The other day I hear she found a new one. And this lingers. I suspect the third time will fall for freedom. Before the camel pass through a needle than to get this mind.
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