Saturday, June 14, 2014

FINAL PRAYER (from the Liturgy) O God, who hast made all things good to be a sign of thy wisdom. He

The gift of creation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. THE BIBLE Look at the birds! They sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet it your heavenly Father feeds. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; They toil not, neither do they spin. And I say unto you, that Salamon in every glory was not arrayed like one of these! (Mt 6.26 to 29)
THE LIFE OF A SACRED RITE Rita was born in Roccaporena Cascia in the late 14th century, her parents did not have children for years and have loved Rita as a special how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover gift from heaven. From an early age, Rita lived surrounded by birds, bees, flowers, trees, mountains and clear waters of the river. She loved life, and see the beauty of creation is God's goodness and wisdom of His providence. St. Rita teaches us how to live in harmony with nature and consistently and respectfully serve all creation.
Prayer of St Rita Greetings all. Rito, the vessel how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover of love, peace, woman and models of virtue, faithful disciples of Jesus. Saint of family and forgiveness help us to believe that God all things are possible and make haste to help us in every need. Amen.
From the writings of St. Augustine, saying the country and she said, "I am not your God." All things on earth confessed the same. Asked no sky, sun, moon, stars. "We are not God you're looking for," replied. I said that all beings were about my body, "Tell me about my God, although He did not tell me about him." And she said, "He is the one who made us!" My questions were my thoughts, how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover and their beauty; their answers. Look, I see the heavens and the earth that are there, but they themselves are not created. You create them, Lord, You who are beautiful because how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover they are beautiful; Those who are good because they are good; Those who did it and they did. (Confessions 10.9, 11.6)
LEARNING FROM THE CHURCH OF ST God wants interdependence of creatures. The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow, countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient, that exist only in dependence on each other, in order to mutually complemented to help each other. Even before the man revealed in the words of truth, God revealed through the creation of a comprehensive language; order and harmony of the universe, which reveal both the child and the scientist - "the greatness and beauty of created things how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover knowledge how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover of the Creator," "because they've created a creator of beauty" (Wis 13:3) .. God loves all his creatures and care for each of them and to the smallest sparrow. However, Jesus said: "More valuable than many sparrows" (Luke 12.6 to 7) or "How much more valuable is a man than a sheep" (Matthew 12:12) (The Catechism of the Catholic Church 340 2500th 342)
Prayer Litany (with Psalm 136) Praise the Lord for he is good: ......... how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover His mercy endures forever! how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover Praise the God of gods: Praise the Lord of lords: understanding made the heavens: He spread out the earth above the waters: He made great lights: the sun to rule the day: The moon and stars to rule by night: Praise the God of heaven ............... eternal how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover love Its! Our Father.
FINAL PRAYER (from the Liturgy) O God, who hast made all things good to be a sign of thy wisdom. Help us join in prayer for all creatures giving how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover the glory to your name all his life. Through Christ how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover our Lord. Amen.
THE BIBLE And God said, "Let how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover us make man in our image, in our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and livestock. In his own image God created man in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. And God blessed them and said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply, how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover fill the earth. And it was so. And God saw all that he did and it was very good. (Genesis 1.26 to 31)
THE LIFE OF A SACRED RITE Rita's parents learned to read and write. This is made simple elementary education, which is, however, at the time almost complete illiteracy was very valuable. She could better know ourselves and others and develop your intellect and will in the service of good. Saint Rita teaches discovering tremendous value to our personality and the respect and promotion of the dignity of every human person, from child to older, from a human embryo to the terminally ill. Every human life is sacred.
From the writings of St. Augustine People admire the mountain peaks, endless sea waves, the broad reaches of the river, the volume of the ocean and the orbits of celestial bodies while not care for themselves. A man is in itself a greater miracle than anything else that happens to him through his mind. Of all the wondrous things, most amazing how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover is that man can attain the divine nature and carry it yourself. One can distinguish the animals if by any means, what by his reason. Do not search around the reasons for boasting. Are you proud of your strength? Wild animals are more powerful than you. Are you proud of your speed? Flies can beat you. Bragging if its beauty? What a beautiful peacock feathers. Whence, then, comes your superiority? From what you've created in the image of God. And where is the image of God? In your head, in your mind! (Confessions 10.1 S - In God državi10, 1; 8,24.1 - Explanation

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