Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wholesale trade in imported petroleum products imported petroleum products wholesale Trading in Bel

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Wholesale trade in imported petroleum products imported petroleum products wholesale Trading in Belarus menage trois in 2011 will only be able to exercise right to importers menage trois in Belarus wholesale petroleum products imported into the territory of the country from abroad, from 1 January 2011 will have only importers, BelTA learned from the "Belneftekhim . " According to the decree 450 "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" which will come into force on 1 January 2011, the wholesale import of petroleum products allocated to a separate service component of this type of activity. The right to receive a license for wholesale trade in petroleum products are imported entities of Belarus, foreign organizations, individual entrepreneurs menage trois registered menage trois in Belarus, import menage trois of petroleum products. The Order also amends the definition of wholesale trade in petroleum products. Its means trade in petroleum products storage facilities with a view to subsequent use of petroleum products buyers for their own consumption or in business. Expanded the list of petroleum products wholesale menage trois in Belarus which can only be done if there is a business entity menage trois license. Now the list includes fuel oil and petroleum bitumen. Petroleum products for personal, family, household consumption and other similar use can be purchased at wholesale warehouses with storage of petroleum products. Allowed wholesale deliveries from refineries in Belarus, as well as the wholesale supply of imported petroleum products imported menage trois into the country consignee directly, bypassing the oil storage depots. Retail menage trois sale of petroleum products, according to the decree, only through fuel dispensers filling stations in standard prescribed by the manufacturer menage trois of fuel tanks of vehicles, metal cans. List of gross violations in the case of which the licensing authority decides to terminate the license, amended in terms of the availability of arrears of taxes and fees (fees), as well as the failure to tax declarations (calculations). Validity of licenses increased from 5 to 10 years. Licensing of wholesale and retail trade of petroleum products shall concern "Belneftekhim". If the business entities intend to carry out further wholesale petroleum products such as fuel oil, petroleum bitumen or wholesale of imported petroleum products, they need to bring their license documents in compliance with the requirements of the decree of 1 March 2011. Menіngіt - not prastuda, hots i pad mozha Re maskіravatstsa Tradytsyyna padchas season prastudy i grypu aktyvіzuetstsa yashche adno velmі groznae zahvorvanne - menіngakokavaya іnfektsyya. Nebyaspeka menіngakokavay іnfektsyі zaklyuchaetstsa fifth INTO zahvorvanne mozha razvіtstsa chalaveka lіchanyya gadzіny, prychym pry malankavyh forms menіngіtu vyratavats hvoraga not zaўsёdy ўdaetstsa. Pra adsutnastsі ўrachebnay dapamogі smerts chalaveka mozha nastupіts usyago Praz 6 gadzіn tsі Praz sutkі s momantu z'yaўlennya Perche sіmptomaў. Warta vedats menage trois INTO ўzbudzhalnіk menіngakokavay іnfektsyі pastayanna tsyrkulyue syarod discord uzrostavyh group naselnіtstva, menage trois ale naybolshuyu epіdemіchnuyu menage trois nebyaspeku for navakolnyh uyaўlyayuts bakteryyanosbіty. Chastsy menage trois for ўsё nosbіtamі z'yaўlyayutstsa daroslyya, navat not padazrayuchy ab getym and hvareyuts peravazhna dzetsі. Asablіva skhіlnyya yes іnfіtsyyavannya malenkіya dzetsі Islands ўzrostse yes 5 gadoў s aslablenym menage trois іmunіtetam. Raspaўsyudzhvanne ўzbudzhalnіka adbyvaetstsa pavetrana-kropelnym Shlyakhov pry kashlі, chhannі i navat pry zvychaynay razmove. menage trois Vosennyu i Vesna kolkasts nosbіtaў uzrastae menage trois 4-6 razoў. Menіngіty moguts vyklіkatstsa samymі roznymі ўzbudzhalnіkamі: menіngakokam, pneўmakokam, gemafіlnay palachkay i navat vіrusam prostaga Herpes yakі zvychayna pashkodzhvae slіzіstuyu abalonku vusnaў. Kavarstva іnfektsyі zaklyuchaetstsa fifth INTO pershyya klіnіchnyya prayavy zahvorvannya moguts nagadvats prastudu tsі gryp. Naybolsh raspaўsyudzhanay Foreman іnfektsyі z'yaўlyaetstsa nazafaryngіt, kalі hvoraga zapalyaetstsa back scene glotkі, adznachaetstsa nyaznachnae pavyshenne temperatury intact, galaўny pain pyarshenne throat, nose zakladzenasts i wasted. On stage getym Chastsy for ўsё patsyentam stavіtstsa dyyagnaz "vostrae respіratornae zahvorvanne." Adnaka nyapravіlnaya i nesvoechasovaya dyyagnostyka mozha distances pryvestsі menage trois yes zapalennya mazgavyh abalonak. For generalіzavanyh formaў menіngakokavay іnfektsyі harakternae vostrae іmklіvae razvіtstsё zahvorvannya on background poўnaga zdaroўya. Zahvorvanne pachynaetstsa raptoўna. So, dzіtsya mozha le

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