Friday, August 8, 2014

I wondered where the

Home Prostate Cancer-Prostate-Cancer ~ Diagnosis of prostate cancer and medical publications * Prostate Cancer Diagnostics ... Do I need to take seriously what he writes Schreiber in" Antyraku "?
I wondered where the "peace" to write to you about what pokojarzyłam. I chose this because I refer to an article in the pages of urology Polish. Article is entitled: "Immunogenoterapia prostate cancer." I read it a long time ago, did not understand, and now much more of it I understand. But some things I "pokojarzyły". Fragments have become hoarding more understandable ... it come to this point I want to refer to one of the chapters of "Antyraka". hoarding Rewrite the parts that I think are important: "The German biologist Otto Heinrich Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that the metabolism of malignant tumors is largely dependent on glucose consumption. hoarding (Glucose, a variety of undigested sugar in the body). Study type PET used in the detection of cancer, often rely on the identification of regions in the body absorb most of glucose. [...] When we eat sugar or MAKE-white materials characterized by a high glycemic index - the blood glucose level rapidly hoarding increases, since the body releases a dose immediately Insulin allows glucose to penetrate the cells. insulin secretion is accompanied by the release of another compound called IGF (insulin-like growth factor), whose mission is to stimulate growth komórek.Innymi words sugar nourishes the body and makes it grow faster. Moreover, insulin and IGF produce a common effect: fueling inflammatory processes, which - as we saw in Chapter 4 stimulate the growth chamber and serve as a nutrient for tumors. Currently, it is already known that sudden spikes insulin and IGF not only fueling growth hoarding of cancer cells, hoarding but also their ability to penetrate into the adjacent tissues. Researchers mice implanted breast carcinoma cells I found that they are less susceptible to chemotherapy when insulin in their body is reinforced with sugar. hoarding The researchers drew the conclusion that the fight against cancer requires a new type of drugs: those that will reduce the secretion of blood insulin and IGF. [...] There are many indications that the explosion of sugar consumption contributes to the development of cancer epidemic, as is associated with a rapid increase in the content of insulin and IGF in the human body. Mice with breast cancer hoarding wstrzykniętymi cells were used to compare the effects on the tumor by various types of food with varying sugar content. After two and a half months, two-thirds of the mice (sixteen out of twenty-four), in which blood sugar levels rapidly increase, hoarding not dead, but of the twenty-fed products with a low glycemic index fell only jedna.Naturalnie this experiment could not be performed on humans. However, hoarding comparison of Asian societies with Western societies indicates the same phenomenon. hoarding Asians consume products with low sugar content, five to ten times less likely to contract cancer caused by hormones than those who eat a lot of sugar and highly processed foods. In all scientific publications we find the same clue: people who want to protect themselves against cancer hoarding should greatly reduce the intake of sugar and white flour. This means drinking coffee without sugar and contented with two or at most three desserts per week. (There is no limit to the consumption of fruits, if they are sweetened with sugar or syrup). "Now hoarding my attention - not quite so with these fruits: they are but the fruits of high glycemic index (bananas, watermelon, and although it is not the fruit, you have to mention the natural honey, the glycemic hoarding index is one of the highest). I think considering hoarding what I've read on different sides of the IGF, and also what he writes in the cited Article party urology Polish: The paper presents the current basic knowledge on the application of gene therapy and immunogenoterapii in prostate cancer and the prospects for the treatment of this disease by inhibition hoarding of tumor cells expressing the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) techniques antysensowymi. IGF-I is involved in carcinogenesis many organs. in prostate cancer seems to be crucial, taking part in the initiation, progression or metastasis. . Misread the rest of the stranded I think that posed in the title of the thread question, answer YES. With the IGF can fight well through daily physical activity. The conclusion is simple: throw away from the diet with white flour and all of it is done, white rice, sugar. In addition, we support the glycemic index tables. Daily exercise and part of the muzzle on the mouth cancer was established. hoarding The level of IGF-1 can be examined. I checked, the cost of this test is approx. 80 zł. Capacity

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