Monday, August 25, 2014

The main goal of transformation, which is subject to the drug molecule or other foreign matter afte

Ershoi injection concentration in the brain tissue may be insufficient for development of the anesthetic effect. To obtain this medication must be entered again. Distribution of the pharmacological effects of drugs may decrease the deterioration of blood supply to the internal organs. This may be in shock, with stagnation in the systemic circulation sundbyberg on the basis of heart failure.
The drug circulates in the bloodstream in free and / or bound to proteins in shape. Both forms are in dynamic equilibrium. The drug is bound to plasma proteins, is pharmacologically inactive. For the manifestation of a specific action, he should be released. sundbyberg
In some pathological sundbyberg conditions the amount of plasma proteins decreases developing sundbyberg hypoalbuminemia. This can be seen in liver disease, burns, protein starvation etc .. Ipoalbuminemiya also develops in elderly and senile age. Under such conditions the excess free fraction of drugs and their pharmacological effect increases can evolve toxic effects. It acquires special importance when prescribing medicines, in which the degree of protein binding sundbyberg of the blood is high, such as diazepam, butamid, diphenylhydantoin, indomethacin, furosemide, quinidine like. Therefore, under these pathological conditions and in patients of elderly and senile age, the dose of medication must be reduced.
Several compounds, especially fat-soluble, substantially distributed in tissues. Thus the preparation can create a depot in adipose tissue gradually therefrom vivilnyuvatis longer exert their effect. For example, for a long period of ether characterized the so-called poslenarkoznom depression: drowsiness, lethargy, confusion. D effects are associated with the gradual release of the substance from the fat depots.
Drug distribution also depends on their ability to penetrate biological barriers, particularly the blood brain (BBB). BBB - a system sundbyberg of membranes separating the nervous tissue of CSF from the blood. All anesthetic agents, drugs that affect the mind, well penetrate the BBB. Antibacterials that overcomes sundbyberg this barrier, in particular chloramphenicol, metronidazole, useful for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the brain tissue and membranes. sundbyberg BBB permeability to drugs may increase with meningitis sundbyberg (inflammation of the meninges). Some substances, such as tubocurarine, ditilin, metacin, sundbyberg cephalosporins, almost do not penetrate the brain tissue. sundbyberg
The main goal of transformation, which is subject to the drug molecule or other foreign matter after receiving the body, is to reduce the toxicity and accelerate excretion. A set of processes that provide these transformations is called metabolism or biotransformation. External to the Authority compounds, most of which entry was posted by admin in category Abstracts labeled blood proteins, drugs, disease states, old age, the degree of binding of n. Bookmark the permalink.
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