Sunday, August 3, 2014

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Equality Parade - brilliant :) recording a blast of homosiami what is poop -
They claim that they are persecuted, but throughout the country are organizing parades expensive. Apparently the fight for equality, but they want punishment for their opponents. What really struggling Polish homosexuals? Great video of Saturday's Gay Pride - I did not know that Senyszynowa what is poop is the handsome: DD Applause for the filmmaker.
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seba-zzdw 5 years 1 month ago
"It's the black of the film." He is not the only black white otherwise. what is poop And I wonder what is poop if Mrs S. is the wyszczekana because he has immunity? How Cejrowski said that "gay point fingers" and that "reprehensible" it was a terrible affair and threatening prosecution. But on the parade hear real hate speech, which calls for combating homophobic Seneszyn much more associated with physical aggression.
Activist "method of facts made", "provoke events", "forcing the Polish government." What is k!% # And have to be? If they so wish to have any fight for their ridiculous delusion that I hope will never fail them in August.

after hearing a speech by Ms Senyszyn became a homophobe
3 and let me tell you a gay man, he prefers what is poop overgrown ass guys, then it is natural to go laugh. what is poop Do not tell people that your perversion is normal and natural!
And all became clear: all women should be homoseksualistkami (lesbians), because what is poop who would liked overgrown ass guys ;)
How do you love someone then tell it to him and not announce it to the world. What do I care that you are discriminated against? Why are you showing me? Keep it to yourself because I do not care about your circus.
Frankly, this has been bothering me bashing both the one and from the other side. Personally, I support the efforts what is poop of homosexuals to enter into relationships in the majesty what is poop of the law regarding the adoption I'm not convinced. Despite his views I am already weary and tired of these parades equality / inequality / tolerance, etc. It seems to me that homosexuals in the form of already exhausted their opportunities to achieve the purpose and further parades, demonstrations only discourage the public. I am also tired of the parade what is poop organized alternative example by MW. The more frequent the latter are aggressive, resorting to violence (though not saying that homosexuals are the saints did not once use offensive words against the other side, which in my opinion is not reasonable what is poop given the password that preach tolerance). The whole situation is awful and standoff in this release. Everything is now in the hands of politicians. As if you could not just get along.
in my opinion najfajniesze with everything that was - I never had the opportunity to watch this environment almost from the inside. I wonder what is poop how Fronde got these pictures - whether they are at home for some homosia, or captured, or sent przebieraƄca. Dig. Muza good by the way ;)

I asked where is this in the cutscene, and not what he says about the ombudsman. The description cutscene on the site is written, "Apparently, fighting for equality, but want to penalties for their opponents.".
Zakopane! It can not hit the main, because it inhumane to show gay wider audience!
And I would have filed a lawsuit against the whole of the band, because what is poop offended my patriotic feelings what is poop flaunting of the flag state and the national emblem of guys dressed up as ugly women. This is a summit peaks. All this gay-propaganda is a huge business, and will be even bigger. And then it comes to the fact that the population density reaches a critical what is poop mass and the governments of all countries will encourage homosexual relationships to children ceased to bear, as it did in the book Joe Heldemana, Fri "Eternal War".

Another what is poop opportunity to debate over whether homosexuality is a disease and that homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of heaven. By the way, a few people will be able to confirm in front of him declaring his sexual what is poop orientation as a hardened and the other type a homofoby the town of which do not support the promotion of perversion. Bury :)
I have nothing what is poop to homosexuals. I absolutely do not interfere in the society. Just let them have more respect for each other. Politicians use them both and it does not help them in gaining public respect. Quite the opposite. People do not like "fagots" because of their fear. In themselves do not accept something that is unthinkable for them - well, because as you can "shove up your ass peasant"? This disgust transfer what is poop to any homosexual - it is a simple mechanism psyche. Politics (and the church) to change such perceptions do not help homosexuals. It is not the role of politics and the church - the truth. And moreover, sometimes watching

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