Thursday, October 17, 2013

To break the cycle of thought process became pro clean unconscious, it takes a conscious action and

The physical body is a radiograph of our minds (I) | HOLISTERAPIA
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Our every thought produces a biochemical reaction in the brain. This in turn releases chemical signals transmitted physical body that act as messengers of thought. Thoughts that produce chemicals in the brain allow the body to feel exactly how we think.
For example, a person who always thinks in terms that "not quite ... (good, beautiful, smart, intelligent, etc..)" In everything he does his brain releases chemicals that produce a feeling of insecurity. After a while even as she thought. pro clean When you feel insecure, as she starts thinking. In other words because he made automatic thoughts of insecurity which turned into an attitude, a lifestyle, a state of the physical body now determines think. Thus the person entered the vicious circle of type determined thought and feeling after a while feeling triggers other thoughts of increasingly catastrophic. So depending on what we think and feel we create the condition. The things we think make us energy and intensity health choices pro clean and quality of life.
The physical body is a radiograph of our mind, of our way of thinking. And such attitude creates a state directly connected to the body, to heal the physical body must be aware of their own attitudes and approach: pro clean tight complex thoughts in a series of routines. To achieve this every individual should escape the harmful cycles resumed pro clean always thinking, feeling, feeling-thinking and put in place more constructive. It is important to carefully treat our thoughts and conscious efforts to see our automatic thought processes, especially those harmful. In fact, most thoughts are ideas created by us and in which we learn. To believe in something is almost a habit.
Thus people with digestive pro clean disorders are people who think about himself as a victim unable to change life (business, associations, pro clean emotional, familial, etc..). Such thoughts trigger a feeling of helplessness, of hopelessness. These thoughts resemble computer programs that work all the time, every day somewhere in the background of their lives, and people who own them are generally operators of these programs. Own the operators are able to change them or delete them from your mind actually (computer). pro clean
Conscious thoughts often repeated unconsciously become a thinking and they are printed in the physical body. Unconscious thoughts are unaware of ways that directly affect our lives. If we pay attention to our bodies, we will discover that we run unconscious.
- Back pain lumbar indicate dissatisfaction thoughts, conscious or unconscious pro clean anger related professional, or take a job you do not like and do not have the inner satisfaction or stagnant pro clean in that job, that stay in place and not fulfill your purpose.
- Headaches, migraines, thoughts have an internal conflict about what you do on the outside and what you actually do inside. To escape this conflict always ask yourself: What do I really? - And you'll see that if you start to act as you want inside, pro clean headaches disappear. The most difficult for these people is to admit to themselves what they really want.
- Digestive problems, thoughts about the attitude of the victim to others, society, family, etc.. and more waste, waste emotional kept in mind as painful memories from her forgiveness to others outside.
- Problems cardiac unlovable attitude towards themselves, thoughts that can not or could not do anything she wanted with her life. Generally the elderly countless regrets.
To break the cycle of thought process became pro clean unconscious, it takes a conscious action and effort even 29 days (until it creates a new neural network - the current design of Neuroscience explaining how to change our cellular ). It needs to escape from their routine. It helps very much the attitude of the observer's own life and their own thoughts that run. This attitude

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