Tuesday, October 15, 2013

These developments have prompted technologist to constantly modify their work to make it easier to

Buffer modification Cassette apex for optimal radiographs in hospitals. Budi Asih | garasi.in pressure washing
Developments in science and technology that encourage rapid progress in various fields marked with diciptanya medical equipment is increasingly pressure washing sophisticated and practical, and found a new method to solve the problems that exist in the world of health, especially in the field of Radiology.
These developments have prompted technologist to constantly modify their work to make it easier to position the patient pressure washing so that the patient feel more comfortable and safe while trying to produce optimal radiographs to aid diagnosis. In that regard, making regular pressure washing chest x-rays created in the projection PA (postero-anterior) or projection AP (antero-posterior), lateral and oblique projections as additional projection with an inclination of 45 (Sjahriar Rasad, pressure washing 1992). As well as to visualize the apex of the lung, with some projections done, namely: axial AP / AP erect lordotic top, AP axial oblique (Lindblom method), PA axial (Fleischner method), (Philip W. Bellinger, 1991). Sometimes the lung apex to visualize the exact position needed in order to obtain optimal picture of the apex of the lung due to the position of the apex of the lung is partially hidden pressure washing by the shadows that cross the clavicle in front of the object. In an examination of the lung apex is often done in the top erect AP lordotic projection, a projection is often experienced difficulty both patients and the difficulty in setting patient comfort, both are very influential on the radiograph to be generated.
At this paper discussed about creating a buffer that can be cornered tapes so as to facilitate the setting position while optimizing patient outcomes depiction of lung apex, which is free from the shadow of the clavicle.
Based on the above description, it can be structured problem formulation, ie "Is the cassette buffer modification can help manage pressure washing the patient's position in the apex of the lung examination so as to produce an optimal radiograph".
To get the cassette buffer modification tools that can be put in a corner to the apex of the lung examination erect top AP lordotic position so as to produce an optimal radioraf. Special Purpose
Can be used as an alternative tool to help manage the patient so that the patient feels more comfortable in the examination of the lung apices erect top AP lordotic position so as to produce a good picture of the apex of the lung with a free superposition with the clavicle. Scholarly
The lungs are breathing apparatus consisting of two, the right lung and the left lung. Right lung and the left are separated by the amount of blood the heart and its vessels and other structures located within the mediastinum. The lungs are the organs that shape krucut with peak (apex) located above and appears slightly higher than the clavicle. The base of the lungs sit on the ramps above the thoracic cavity diaphragms. The lungs have outer surfaces that touch the rib-rib, the surface containing the reins of the lungs, pressure washing which touches the back side of the spine and the front side which covers most of the front side of the heart. pressure washing
The lungs are divided into several pressure washing parts or lobes by fissures. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has two lobes. Each lobe is composed by lobula. A small bronchial tube that goes into each lobula and the branching then getting thinner pressure washing and eventually end up being small pockets that are air pockets lungs. pressure washing Lung tissue is a network of elastic, porous and sponge-like.
Function of the lungs is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas. The system works starting pressure washing from the collection of oxygen through the nose and mouth, during oxygen breathing in through the trachea and bronchial pipes into the alveoli and is closely connected pressure washing with the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.
Only one layer of the membrane, ie the alveoli-capillary membrane that separates oxygen from the blood. Oxygen penetrates the membrane and is collected by the hemoglobin of red blood cells and the heart of the carry, here oxygenated blood pumped into the arteries to be circulated throughout the body. Blood leaving the lungs at a pressure of 100 mm Hg and oxygen in the hemoglobin level of 95 percent oxygen saturation. Lung pathology pressure washing
Is a disease of the respiratory tract caused by mycrobacterium tuberculosis, this disease is contagious and is transmitted mostly through the air (air bone). The nests are visible on x-rays are usually found on the top and bottom pressure washing segments of the apical lobby. (Price, Sylvia A., 1994; 754)
Extensive nests that do not exceed the area bounded by the median line, both the apex and ribs. Solitary nests are d

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