Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lateral carpet cleaning atlanta projection (mid

Radiography techniques Os. Pedis | Zone radiograph
"Om Swastyastu" Greetings to all visitors of this blog. I Ajunk this blog manager, a student majoring in DIII technologist in a private university in the island. See My Profile for complete profile ... "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om" Famous Article Process of X-rays carpet cleaning atlanta for Lung Anatomy Radiography Techniques Os. The Colleagues carpet cleaning atlanta ATRO pedis Bali (My Campuz) carpet cleaning atlanta Note radiograph info you set Journal of Radiological Health togethers place Radiographers My Photostream More Photos Flakes word ...
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Consists of 26 bones, namely: 1 4 phalanges, metatarsals and 7 os 5 os Tarsi. Os os tarsi composed of the calcaneus, talus os, os navicular, 3 cuneiform os and os Cuboid. Based on the function can be divided into three, namely: the forefoot (metatarsals carpet cleaning atlanta and toes), Midfoot (cuneiform, navicular, and Cuboid), hindfoot (talus / astragalus and calcaneus (os calcis). Leg bone is formed carpet cleaning atlanta and united to form a unity longitudinal and transverse arch. part of the anterior surface (superior) or the dorsum of the foot is called the dorsal surface, and inferior (posterior) aspect of the foot called the plantar surface. Due to the varying thickness of the anatomy of the foot, then we have to consider granting eksposi factor to be able to demonstrate the overall density of the bones of the foot part. 2. definition is the study of investigative procedures os. pedis (foot bone) using x-rays for diagnosis. 3. Disorders Clinical Pathological Fracture dislocation 4. Examination Preparation Patient preparation areas free of metal objects examined Preparation Equipment / Materials plane x-ray cassettes and films 24 x 30 cm Load divider shield gonads Marker Radiation Protection Apron 5 Limit radiation field. Examination Techniques Projection AP / AP Axial Position patient: Patient supine. legs flexed and the foot facing the examination table. Positioning objects: EIA legs attached to the cassette. tapes horizontally on an exam table. carpet cleaning atlanta FFD: 90-100 cm CR: 1) 10 º (to the os calcaneus), CP: Metatarsal carpet cleaning atlanta 3rd 2) vertical / perpendicular tapes, CP: Metatarsal 3rd Criteria picture: Looks AP picture of ossa metatarsal, phalanx ossa, ossa tarsal.
AP Oblique projection (lateral rotation) Position the patient: Patient supine. Legs flexed, feet facing the examination table. Object position: Foot diendorotasikan an angle of 30 º to the tapes on the lateral side. FFD: 90-100 cm CR: Vertical / cassette perpendicular CP: 3rd Metatarsal Criteria image: shows images of the area ossa AP oblique phalanx, carpet cleaning atlanta metatarsal ossa. Looks medial cuneiform joints and intermedial os.
AP Oblique Projection (median rotation) Position the patient: Patient supine. Legs flexed, feet facing the examination table. Object position: Foot diendorotasikan an angle of 30 º to the tape on the medial side. FFD: 90-100 cm CR: Vertical / cassette perpendicular CP: 3rd Metatarsal Criteria carpet cleaning atlanta image: shows images of the area ossa AP oblique phalanx, metatarsal ossa. Looks joints carpet cleaning atlanta cuboideum and os os calcaneus and lateral cuneiform joint area os.
Oblique projection PA (Medial Rotation) Positioning Patients: Patients with knee flexed lateral recumbent. carpet cleaning atlanta Object Position: Set in the mid-dorsal pedis tape horizontal. Rotate towards the medial side of the lateral pedis thus forming an angle of 45 º to the tapes. FFD: 90-100 cm CR: Vertical / cassette perpendicular CP: Mid foot on the base of metatarsal V Criteria image: shows images of PA Oblique pedis. Looks joints ossa tarsalia area.
Oblique projection PA (Methode Grashey) Position the patient: Patient prone, back / dorsal pedis facing the examination table. The position of the object: The dorsal pedis facing tapes, cassette horizontally on an exam table. Diendorotasikan so the medial side forming an angle of 30 º to the tapes. Dieksorotasikan so the lateral side forming an angle of 20 º to the tapes. FFD: 90-100 cm CR: Vertical / cassette perpendicular CP: At the base of the metatarsal III Criteria image: shows images carpet cleaning atlanta of PA oblique pedis. Looks I & II metatarsal joints free of superposition, the medial cuneiform os free of superposition and looks os navicular. Shows images of PA oblique pedis. Looks corpus of metatarsal III s / d V free of superposition. Looks metatarsal tuberosity V and os cuboideum.
Lateral carpet cleaning atlanta projection (mid

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