Thursday, January 22, 2015

We read in several places in the NT Deepen the role of conscience in the discernment of what is imp

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Chapter astonish 9 elaborates on the second because of Christ's priesthood, viz., That Jesus Christ cleanses our conscience so that we may serve the living God (verse 14). He does this in two parts: Jesus Himself unblemished sacrifice to God sacrificed - 9: 1-14; Jesus is now a mediator of a new covenant - 9: 15-22.
The author begins his explanation by focusing on the functions of the House in the first covenant, worship and cleaning (reconciliation). He describes in particular the cleaning in terms of leading tent, the sanctuary, and the second inner tent, the Holy of Holies.
In the first tent was all the priests performed their service. In the second tent was only the high priest to appear before God, and it is only once a year. There he joined the covenant cleansed by the blood of sacrifice in the presence of God himself - symbolized by the cherubim on the mercy seat - which is also the pot of manna, Aaron's rod, and the two tablets of the Ten Commandments - signs of God's provision for their entire life.
The earthly sanctuary was not, however, open the way to God completely, because it is only brought outward cleansing, though it was not without astonish its value. Hence, Jesus Christ entered the excellent and more perfect astonish tabernacle with his own blood as a sacrifice to God's heavenly sanctuary entering - his body was the temple curtain of the tabernacle (Heb. 10:20) - and eternal salvation accomplished. With that He Himself "as spotless offered sacrifice astonish to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God." Our conscience is now cleansed from dead works to serve the living God
This gift of a clean conscience is of tremendous value to our service to God. This is the basis for our confidence in God, our commitment to him and the confidence with which we have been a way to step into our spiritual life. The author will in chap. 10:19 further develop it.
We read in several places that one's conscience play a role in your discernment of God's will, or what is the right thing to do. The conscience can you accuse or excuse, like Paul in his letter to the Romans (Rom. 2:15). He will learn that conscience, in collaboration with the heart and the mind, his power to get out of the inherent law of God that even unbelievers play its role (Rom. 2: 12-16).
When in accordance with God's will confirm your conscience. If you do not, complain to your conscience, and you, so to speak, a bad conscience. The conscience can you God's will then identify all (Rom. 2: 17-24). With your heart and mind, the conscience is an excellent instrument of distinction.
This is something of which we are already in the OT of knowledge, although there is no specific word is not used. We read for example. David Saul's robe point cut in the cave, but his heart (in the sense of conscience) be bothered (1 Sam. 24: 6), his people time to act against Saul, and decided to hand the anointed of the Lord smote too. So his conscience leads him to act in a hand of his neighbor. The same happened with David in terms of his relationship with God as he let the people count, but then again his heart (conscience) be bothered (2 Sam 24:10). This leads him to a confession to the Lord which he can accept the judgment of the Lord.
We read in several places in the NT Deepen the role of conscience in the discernment of what is important to play. Paul in his conversation with the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council, claiming that he is an absolutely clear conscience to live with God (Acts. 23: 1; cf.. 2 Tim. 1: 3, and also Heb. 13:18). He repeated it in his reply to the complaints of the Jewish procurator Festus that he does his best to keep his conscience in all things for God and for the people (Acts 24:16)..
He advised the church in Rome to be subject to the rules of the government (taxes, tolls) as well as to give them the respect they deserve, showing (reverence, honor) for the sake of conscience (Rom. 13 : 1-7; cf.. also 1 Pet. 3:16). In fact, it is the love of our asking, to no one anything due to be, and the guidelines of the law to come to one another, for love is the fulfilling of the law (Rom. 13: 8-14) . So hold yourself more with Christ so that you no longer cater for your flesh, to fulfill his desires.
Therefore, Paul wrote in his second letter to the Corinthians that the testimony of their consciences that they opposed the Corinthians acted in sincerity and honesty that comes from God (2 Cor. 1: 12-2: 4). They have taken care that they do not m

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