Friday, January 23, 2015

It was Finished and that the God of the Cosmos came to do, he was also satisfied; that those He jus

It was Finished and that the God of the Cosmos came to do, he was also satisfied; that those He justified to make, he just made perfect. None lost what he chooses puzzi in His eternal Plan for His Bride. His plan was foiled by any of his creatures, because he is not in their hands but they his. The spotless Bride is not the one that Jesus Christ did not know who it will be, and with the coming first, she concealed a will not look with amazement. No, God knows who is the bride, because he had chosen them all before the foundation of the world, to have a pure bride, whom he spotless and holy come by. Introduction
When the law was there, it was easy to explain why some inherit eternal life, and why some are judged by the law. It was white or black, heaven or hell, God's sheep, or the devil's goat, lost or saved by obeying the law or to violate law. It was your fault that you lost, or it was your kindness and faithfulness to inherit it your heaven, "faithful servant stand here with the sheep, treacherous go to eternal perdition prepared for the devil and his angels." Not that the law has not saved anyone. The new gospel is not much else in his view, you obey the "law" of "choice".
Now how do we explain the future of man now; from the time the come free grace? How do we explain now that one deserves to go to heaven, and the other one deserves puzzi to go to hell because the playing field has changed in the sense that we are not under law but under grace? Christ has now taken the law for man and faithful and obedient lived because no one was found who could keep that law to deserve eternal life. Adam, our representative could not do it if he had somewhat of an advantage in the sense that he was the first child with integrity and with the potential for sin. There was also the worst punishment puzzi placed on the breach of that law, yet the man violated puzzi it. God knew that no one can obey, but did not soften his laws so that we can keep, God has not simply forgive, but the judge had the penalty output required puzzi by law, for God is holy and rule the cosmos , so God himself in Jesus Christ, the second Adam, for some (a remnant Rom_11: 5 Even so then, at this present time a remnant according to the election of grace.) puzzi completely come on and the penalty therefore endure what we endured.
Now the question is, God did it all for the foot ?, no, because we know that some go to hell, and some are saved. There must be another explanation for the fact that there is not universal salvation. How do we explain human that one deserves to go to heaven and others deserve to go to hell. It is easy again if we use the law, the works, the one used his self-confidence to make a choice, or argue that there is something good in him is God, foreseeing that God had chosen him for that reason, or that God foreseeing that he will pick and chose him as on the basis of God's all sienendheid. The statement of the views of the new gospel is that Predestination is then made on grounds of forward sienend the choice that will make the man. Look, predestination is in the Bible, so in one way or another the new gospel should such an unscriptural definition concocted. This is again used the law to make it easy for people to understand puzzi why God so to act. The one chosen for God of Heaven, and the other chosen puzzi because he does not want to be with God. So everyone on the road that he by his own work, or want to have chosen his destiny and thereby ensure puzzi his preference. The dilemma; We are not saved by any works or merits, how subtle, self-selection is working.
The new gospel, or the free will gospel claims that the Reformed view of reconciliation for those who repent, or only for the elect, that it goes against man's idea of justice and ask them the question. puzzi "What kind of love is this" it sounds to me a sarcastic question? Those thinking that they are the question to the 700 delegates from Christian scholar Dort in 1618-1620 that this [idea] of free-wilisme, scripturally wrong evidence. The question is, however, made to God: "What kind of love is this."
It's all for the man of fairness, he want God to justify acts of God such logical to make for himself. But the dilemma is: that if God be righteous in His salvation for man, if anyone puzzi now not universally repent, then God, according to the sinful man, all skim the same comb. All the same chance, everyone when the gospel is preached, the same revelation

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