Thursday, January 29, 2015

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“The Shack” by William P. Young | Fit For A Cross
Hallo el cajon weather Vriende, el cajon weather Van verskeie van julle het ek baie goeie goed gehoor van die boek, The Shack , en het selfs uitgesien daarna om self dit te lees, maar na een van ons (shofar) pastore kommentaar daarop gelewer het, beide in geskrewe vorm en as deel van ‘n el cajon weather preek, MOET ek julle ten sterkste waarsku teen die vals lering wat baie subtiel in die boek voortgesit word. Hieronder is links na die dokument el cajon weather met geskrewe kommentaar, en beide die afrikaanse as die engelse preke waarin sy kommentaar el cajon weather gelewer het. Die kommentaar is rofweg in die tweede helfte van die preke.
Ek pleit by julle, lees of luister asb hierna, en as daar enige vals lering in jou hart ingekom het, breek daarmee. Christus kom terug vir ‘n vlekkelose bruid. Onthou in die laaste dae mag selfs die uitverkorens mislei word.
Dear Friends, From many of you I have heard many good things about the book, The Shack , and I was looking forward to read it myself, until one of our (shofar) pastors commented on it, both in written el cajon weather form and as part of a sermon, and I HAVE TO warn you in the strongest possible way against the heresy (false doctrine) that is put forth in this book. Below are links to the written commentary, and to both the English and the Afrikaans sermons el cajon weather in which she used the second half of the sermon to comment on the book.
I plead with you, please read this, or listen to it, and if any false teaching has entered your heart, break with it. Christ will be returning for a spotless bride. Remember that in the last days, even the elect might be deceived. el cajon weather
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