Tuesday, January 27, 2015

His political party, the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientatrion and Construction. I shudder to think

The president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, list homosexuality as one of the greatest threats to human existence. I do not think he has a tv. He saw what happened in Kenya and he knows of the recent attacks in Nigeria, where 40 students were killed? He says it is evil, sin, and he will not tolerate such immoral behavior in his country. That's according to him, one of the worst natural disasters of our time.
His political party, the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientatrion and Construction. I shudder to think what they mean everything. He was re-elected so now four times as president. He's apparently generous when it comes to charity if one would hope humanity could also be applicable. gamma butyrolactone He donated millions in 2012 for a youth conference. I find it a little funny that he saw only two trucks could spare turkeys for the Christians.
In 2008, he announced that his government will use new laws and their gays' heads will cut off as a gay discovered. He has given an ultimatum that gays should leave the country, and it basically said if you do not remove yourself, they will. And it is not by economic class happen.
Jammeh people feel that homosexuality is promoted want an end to the world and what I really am interested in how exactly he thinks it will happen. These statements also came from a man who said in 2007 that it is possible to cure AIDS and asthma with natural herbs. gamma butyrolactone Sorry, you were wrong, old big. Also, when you claim you have a cure for women's infertility in something he called the President's Alternative Treatment Program. Perhaps gamma butyrolactone the medical field one of his natural aptitudes not.
He is a practicing Muslim who has said you are lower than a pig if you do not believe gamma butyrolactone in God. He in 2011 for BBC that he would rule the country for a billion years as Allah says so. I do not know Allah but I doubt whether he yet such type of request would set.
He has been accused restrict press freedom and in 2004 for journalists that they should or his government obey or go to hell. What a stroke and a picture of someone who has nothing to hide. He was several times accused of having been involved in the murder of a prominent editor and student gamma butyrolactone during a process in 2000. All allegations are denied. How will such an inclusive, spotless leader now can be linked gamma butyrolactone to such acts?
Now we come to another delicious morsel, his personal life. His first marriage ended in divorce, and after his second marriage in 2010, he was a young kid won from whom he later divorced. It's probably not his fault. Someone so bite his lip before he (unfounded) gamma butyrolactone make statements can surely not a believer gamma butyrolactone institution like marriage does not fall apart? Not him.
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