Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Recent Posts Wakati mapepo yanatolewa, huwa yanasema

Recent Posts Wakati mapepo yanatolewa, huwa yanasema kweli? Wivu ungekuwa ni ugonjwa… We have ways to make the invisible visible!! Mfano wa Punda na mwanapunda Mathayo 21:1-3 housekeeping job description Ombea Taifa la Israel! Clerics urge calm before Monday’s housekeeping job description rally in divided Kenya Kanisa katoliki Tanzania limewataka wajumbe wa UKAWA kurudi bungeni. Toba ya kweli ni Ipi Haswa? Strictly Gospel Prayer Line USA/Canada Kigauni cha Sarah Jakes chaibua mjadala!! CHAGUO LETU MWEZI HUU
MATHAYO 28;19-20 Yesu anawaagiza wanafunzi wake kuwa waende housekeeping job description ulimwenguni mwote wakawafanye mataifa kuwa wanafunzi na kuwabatiza kwa JINA LA BABA MWANA NA ROHO mtakatifu, na katika MATENDO 2;38 Petro anasema tubuni mkabatizwe kwa jina lake YESU KRISTO. Je ni kwanini mitume hawakubatiza ubatizo walioagizwa na Bwana wetu YESU Kristo?
Mtume Dunstan Maboya kufanya Uamsho USA, October 2013 →
Ubatizo waliobatiza mitume ndio ubatizo unao tumika hata leo kwenye makanisa mengi ya kipente koste,unaweza ukaona nitofauti kwa sababu amesema mkawabatize kwa jina lake Yesu haina maana kwamba watu wa batizwe kwa jina la Yesu ila ina maanisha watu wabatizwe kwa maelekezo au maagizo ya Yesu,na maagizo ya yesu ni haya hapa>Mathayo 28 :19 mkawabatize kwa jina la baba na la mwana na la Roho mtakatifu, housekeeping job description
Shalom wapendwa, Kwa wanaoelewa kizungu kidogo, wanaweza pitia hii kidogo huenda itasaidia. Nimepachua na kupachika kutoka somewhere… Karibuni The phrase in the name of Jesus has been twisted by the Oneness sect to narrow the formula of baptism to certain words. It is true Peter said, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38). This sect claims housekeeping job description that Peter gave the formula. But no person had the power to authorize the formula except housekeeping job description the Son of God. The phrase in the name of Jesus meant by the authority of Jesus you should be baptized. In other words, Peter was declaring that Jesus commanded baptism; this is what is meant by the phrase in Jesus name.
For example a police officer may command a thief who flees the scene of the crime, Stop in the name of the Law! He is not saying this is the formula to use in stopping criminals, but rather, the officer is authorize to stop thieves because the Law gave him authority. Peter was saying the same thing: housekeeping job description be baptized because Jesus authorized us to baptize you. Peter was not giving housekeeping job description the formula for baptism but his claim of authority.
Who within the Godhead gave instruction to baptize? Jesus is the one who told us to baptize. The Father under the Old Covenant did not command it; it is a command given by Jesus in the Great Commission. So the question then is how did He tell us to baptize? Clearly in Matthew 28:19 Jesus says, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is the formula or manner of baptism. The formula or manner of baptism must come only from the One who authorized and commanded baptism and that is Jesus. No one after Him can change the formula, and the book of Acts does not change the formula, but only clarifies Who authorized housekeeping job description baptism.
Some argue that the names Father and Son are titles and thus are not “names”. Those who argue the point miss the words of Jesus. He said to baptize in the name of the Father, housekeeping job description Son and Spirit. He did not say in the title of the Father, Son and Spirit. The reason is simple; there is no distinction in ancient customs between a name and a title. They are one and the same. Consider this: most names come from titles. housekeeping job description For example, the name “Johnson” means “son of John.” It is now shortened, however it is both a name and a “title . Many names were originally titles: like Carpenter, Plumber, King, etc.
What tells us more about a person, his “title” housekeeping job description or his “given name”? housekeeping job description I am Pastor Tom Brown. What says more about me, Tom or Brown or Pastor? I think you can see that the title Pastor says more about who I am and what I do than my given name. The same is with the Father. It describes more who God is than any other name.
Bear in mind the baptismal formula Father, Son and Spirit this describes who God really is more than any other description. Jesus wanted to make sure that the foundation housekeeping job description of our faith is the acknowledgment of the blessed Trinity one God revealed in three persons. To deny this is to deny the foundation of our faith, and this is why Christians have rightfully declared heretical any teachings that deny the Trinity.
The problem with the “Jesus Only” group is they insist unless you are baptized in the formula of “Jesus name” only, you will not be saved. That is pure rubbish. They are divisive and in error because they have denied the Trinity.
They may argue that the term Trinity is not in the Bible,

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