Friday, July 18, 2014

Free e-books on Indian Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Psychology

Free e-books on Indian Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Sacred Mission: A beautiful borderless world.
"Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal village take to the family of Vishnu Yash Sharma., He will worship Savitri and Lord Parshuram, an inhabitant of Mahendra Mountain will be his preceptor. Upon handing over the kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu will he live in Haridwar (India) with his wife. After fighting with Buddhists, he will re-introduce water damage restoration a true religion in the world. "Kalki Puran" After Kali Yuga ends, religion will decline, in vain on the rise and at that time in order Brahminhood true, taintless the Incarnation of God will reveal to encourage. " -Kalki Puran "Again water damage restoration Mathura will get credit for influencing a religious revolution in the world and give it a new vision." -PARAMHANS RAJNARYAAN PATSHASTRI "An organization will vile thoughts in the world will be destroyed and replaced it with a thought revolution." - Kedar Joshi Datta "A force a new light will give to the world, already contained in the world." GEORGE-Babri "O Arjun: water damage restoration My birth was not an accident." Lord Krishna "When righteousness declines on earth and evil rules the roost, I want to play on the ground for the removal water damage restoration of justice and culture." Bhagwad Geeta Lord Krishna water damage restoration had incarnated on earth when injustice, lawlessness, terrorism etc. ruled the world. Brothers would kill each other, or a brother killed his own nephew shamelessly etc. Thus there was pain and sorrow everywhere. A few very rich people live in pomp and harassed the predominantly downtrodden water damage restoration people of the society. People forgot the true religion and faith in God. Lord Krishna had incarnated on earth at that time, so if this terrible world situation with peace and prosperity to replace. Even other incarnations of God before Lord Krishna replaced dire situations with recreation of the soul. They saved world humanity from drowning in the dark dark pit of materialism and so lifted them. All this is described by Bheeshma of Mahabharat fame. After describing Krishna's incarnation, Bheeshma said - "At the end of Kaliyuga water damage restoration (Dark Age), when justice will fall when vanity will expand, Krishna will again incarnate on earth to restore righteousness water damage restoration and Brahminhood., He will be "Vishnu Yasha" ie have God's glory. Even demi-gods with their individual powers will manifest on earth with God's incarnation, as His followers. This is described in the Puranas. "For more scientific e literature pls visit http:// water damage restoration and Today's conditions water damage restoration best suited for God to incarnate on earth. In the first chapter of Kalki Purana (13-14), it is said that when Krishna his home after completing his task on earth, justice, joy and peace on earth ruled. So an era is over and a new one begins. At the fag end of the previous era (end of Kaliyuga), as a result of mental taints of world humanity, sin is on the rise. Injustice is not a new or individual name. Instead connotes sins, bad intentions, unruliness and social chaos. Unfair wife, Mithiya ie satisfying lust is due to lies. Injustice and lies revealed no avail. Their daughter is egoistic showing water damage restoration off, wrong expenditure, Blind trends, net of desires etc. Vanity fare greed and deception and children water damage restoration called fornication. If they obstruct, anger raises its hood. This in turn encourages violence. So Kaliyuga is the confluence of the lies, vanity, greed, lust, violence etc. Men eat things water damage restoration they should not, their psyche is vile, their speech is false, your body emits a foul odor of alcohol, drugs, etc. They gamble a lot, they run to the gold and cash greedily and thus they lose their youthful nature. When diseases water damage restoration are on the rise, when Yajna, charity, austerity ignored when the caste system water damage restoration gets distorted when brothers cut each other's throats, when a boy loves his brother-in-law more than his brother, when the teacher-student relationship is broken, when so-called saints indulge in lust, greed, water damage restoration etc., when men and women get married on their own when there is no love lost for one's parents, if only one's coat off weightage given , when a true saints' feet is worshiped and when all religious programs in the world in chaos, it means that Kaliyuga has reached its peak. At that time in the mire of Kaliyuga will be a lotus flower called water damage restoration Nishkalank road or Taintless Incarnation. There is not much of a difference when you compare it to today's circumstances and those predicted in the past. If we analyze today's so

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