Saturday, July 12, 2014

Preface 1

Preface 1
We are all victims of a global fee fraud, the Central french maids Bank fraud: This is a pyramid french maids scheme, in 1913 devised by private bankers to enslave us. I describe in detail the fraud in my book "The actual bank fraud" and "The ruble must roll - the interest-http :/ / turn secure monetary system" and in the Book of light, but would not elaborate on them here. Just this: a central part of the fraud is based on the idea that money miraculously somehow grown overnight and grow and grow like a cancer, it currently is. The current monetary system is a cancer of compound interest, which will destroy us if we do not do anything. This book and this website is the solution of the problem.
Consider the following: In Germany there are about 84 individuals and families who have assets of one billion and had longer available. The total assets of the 100 richest Germans are estimated at 250 billion euros. At 6% interest on these people around 15 billion per year, or about one per day free PERFORMANCE contingent rental income of about 41 million french maids earned. To enable this important parasite-related life for Germany's billionaire families, has 1.3 million employees work less than three hours a day over it to their own needs. Just read this: the value of the business of the 1960 -1989 = 6.8 times increase. Debt = The 11.6-fold. Interest payments french maids for the debt = 15.9 times. Dear readers, there was a 1979-1982 rates. Since the Bundesbank, the bill amount from 79.4 to 88.6 billion dollars, french maids so the 9.2 billion marks (13%). The nominal gross domestic product in the three years to 14%. Between 1985 and 1988 we had a low-interest phase. As the nominal french maids gross domestic product french maids by 15%, and the Bundesbank have the money because of the excessive demand for liquidity from 105 to 151 billion dollars to expand, so at 46 billion (44%) marks. But economic growth will only increase by 15% or $ 16 billion, is required. As too much money, even 30 billion dollars too much. This money is not in circulation, did it "disappear" in the so-called Eastern Bloc countries and the oil countries as a second currency. If the Bundesbank is that of "all-round money," says, they often lie. It is simply a "published money supply". It does not seem as far turn.
A stability control of the money supply is only possible if we succeed in the amount of money issued by the money supply in line, and it is possible only in a very interest-free economy.
We clearly see that compared to the rate of profit "more moral" unit is, he can not even be seen as a growth driver. This should be a real business advantage rather than a performance-interest income to motivate. The profit is likely to actually meet current interest-laden currency system rather against zero with increasing saturation of the market development. It is of interest that drives an unhealthy cancerous tumor. The politicians and bankers who constantly french maids sustained? Economic growth demands, the public does not make it better, but may be so great that exponentially growing interest burden on public debt "served".
"In a system french maids in which money loses its value slowly, french maids the money will be forced into the traffic and the interest rate will automatically tend to zero. This means that all prices and rents immediately by about 40% would fall. "
Peoples of the world wake up and realize who your enemy is a reality! It's your money, charged with interest and compound interest? It is responsible french maids for all the problems in this world. It enslaves french maids you, and you play "" in the hands of those who hope that their words will be read! The prevailing interest rate monetary system charged dizziness due to the fact that most people just can not straight and not think exponentially. Why do a lot of interest and compound interest is so difficult? french maids ("Compound interest is a miracle!" Said Albert Einstein already). And compound interest may reflect the "common french maids sense" because the person thinks linearly, ie 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc. and not exponentially, ie 2,4,8,16, french maids 32.64 , etc. but as a continuous interest DEVELOPMENT! All natural processes of growth, however, straight run, or as mentioned geometric 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc. is another term for it. Not only in finance, we have to respect nature. Quite to the contrary: under compound interest is defined as a fraction of the interest on a principal or interest on its already paid. The crisis has compounded the interest rates, french maids so you must be more here

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