Friday, July 4, 2014

1. Mr. Speaker, I beg to move that, based on information presented at the esteemed Chairman of the

1. Mr. Speaker, I beg to move that, based on information presented at the esteemed Chairman of the Committee of Constitutional and Administrative steam coupons Law; Committee on Regional Administration and Local Government; Committee on Economic, Industry and Commerce and the Committee on AIDS issues zilizochambua Budget Office of the Prime Minister, your Parliament now receiving it and consider the Report of the Review of the Implementation of the Work of the Government for the year 2013/2014 and Trends for the Year 2014/2015. In addition, I have cried esteemed agree to pass Estimates of Expenditure of the Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government institutions under it with the Parliamentary Office for the year 2014/2015.
2. Mr. Speaker, steam coupons first of all and with disappointment allow me to take this opportunity to express greetings sorry for you and your esteemed by losing two members, Mr. William Augustao Mgimwa, who was MP for Kalenga, who died on January 1, 2014 and Mr. Said Ramadan Bwanamdogo, former MP Chalinze, who died on 22 January 2014. Moreover, to give pole Citizens of Mara Region for the death of Sir John Gabriel Throw former head of that region, happened on 25 March 2014, and for the citizens steam coupons of the District steam coupons of Urambo for the death of Mr. Anna Gowa who was Chief of the District, happened on 24 September 2013. Similarly, cast pole for citizens of the District of Kalambo for the death of Mr. Moshi Mussa Chang'a former head of the District, who died on 21 April 2014. Allow me also to give pole Members of Parliament and all the people who lost their relatives due to disasters and events from the time I submit my budget 2013/2014.
May the Almighty God rest their souls in eternal peace all. Amen! May I take this opportunity also to give all victims steam coupons of disasters pole range, steam coupons including flooding and traffic accidents, and would like to thank sincerely all those who provided state aid and property during the accident and disaster.
3. Mr. Speaker, during 2013/2014, esteemed gained three new MPs who are Mr. Yusuf Salim Hussein, MP Chambani; Mr. Godfrey William Mgimwa, MP for Kalenga; Ridhiwan Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, MP Chalinze. I congratulate you for being elected to represent people in the Parliament steam coupons of the United Republic of Tanzania. I ask you to use the big opportunities for the benefit of citizens and the nation as a whole.
4. Mr. Speaker, this is the second year since its establishment procedure of the new budget cycle which enables us to complete the discussion on the State Budget by 30th June of every year. Zinabaini initial reports that this process has started to show rapid progress in the implementation of planned activities. This budget has been prepared with regard steam coupons to implementation of the Election Manifesto of the Revolutionary Party in 2010; Phase II of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA II); Plan First Five Year Development of the Year 2011/12 to 2015/16; Vision 2025; Millennium Development Goals 2015; Apply Now System for Results Major (Big Results Now - BRN). In the year 2014/2015, the Government will continue to implement priority projects defined in such programs to national sustainable development and rapid yatakayowanufaisha Citizens of Tanzania.
5. Mr. Speaker, I thank all the members of the Permanent Committee esteemed for their role during the analysis of the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure of the Ministry, Regions, Agencies, Independent Government Departments and Local Government Authorities. They did a great job and that has enabled us to finalize the budget I am presenting today. Comments and Suggestions will be considered when they complete discussion of the State Budget and its implementation.
6. Mr. Speaker, the overall political situation is stabilized steam coupons and In political parties continue to perform their duties. Our country is going through steam coupons a period of transition in which we write a new constitution can lay future direction of our nation for years to come. I urge all politicians and citizens generally offer greater cooperation during the preparation of the future constitution that all citizens will cast a referendum. steam coupons I appeal to compete for power to move and not a strong argument in drafting this constitution which will lead us to the present and future generations.
7. Mr. Speaker, in an effort to promote and strengthen democratic multiparty In the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties has coordinated the activities of political parties to ensure equal opportunities in political activities in the country. By April 2014, the number of political parties contain permanent registration has reached 21 after the Association of Public Salvation (CHAUMMA) permanent registration in June, 2013. Moreover, Association Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-TANZANIA), steam coupons the Association of

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