Tuesday, April 1, 2014

In a signal indicative of the state of Iraq, warns new development directions of strengthening the

D. Full Mahdi *: obsolete about the "Washington consensus" and Iraq need to plan economic and national binding ** | Iraqi Economists Network | Network Iraqi economists
In a series of discussions on the national development plan within a network of Iraqi economists soot there was a view that the macro-economic plans must be in general evidentiary document is legally binding. And the sons of this opinion on the argument that most countries abandoned the five-year plans put in my contract exponentially after the fifties and sixties soot and the impossibility to provide at the end of his statements and forecasts affecting the economic behavior. soot In this presentation, we refer to that economic policy in the developed capitalist countries require the use of data and detailed information on economic activity, and that the economic plans in any case is not meant to be the sole source of information not be resolved substitute for the decisions of individuals and the private sector, soot nor to abolish initiatives technical and management within the public sector. On the contrary, the plans are successful and help stimulate and guide, but also be prescriptive, but what is possible and when needed. And show our intervention here that the intellectual foundations of the planning principles contained soot in economics and in all seriousness schools which are also present in the understanding of the fact that economic behavior interacts with and is influenced by institutions and social relations and political conditions. The experiences of failure and lack of planning, it is inevitable and is not self-evident from the vague things unknown reasons, there is a lot of scientific understanding and the possibility of objective evaluation soot of the experience of each individual and of the reasons for successes and failures. At the same time, the economic literature replete with studies that deal with the weakness of the efficiency of the market mechanism both at the partial soot or total.
The distance from the serious planning after the seventies, it was not the result is a positive development in the knowledge management economy, but was in fact the result of the crises of debt that hit developing countries which Okhaddatha policies the IMF and the World Bank, who stressed the solution to the problem of debt at the expense of development and growth. And gave the World Bank for support and guidance soot of former development plans and adopt the same policies of the Fund and dictations on economic reform and restructuring, with the addition of programs scattered areas to encourage individual initiatives and the dissemination of ideas preference rule of the market soot and to develop procedures to deal with the results of austerity policies and address some of the manifestations of widening poverty resulting. All of this does not constitute a pattern developmentally modeled on the plans that were undermine support for the bank in previous decades, suggesting that the decline was not a result of poor knowledge, but to different soot targets.
Has contributed to poor economic management in the developing countries soot themselves, including poor planning deepening economic crisis, which has taken different forms, such as high debt and inflation, deficits and various imbalances and reduced growth, but the causes of these crises can not be attributed to problems of planning, not even to the weakness of economic policy alone . And gone after those crises, many countries have long periods of recession, especially in the eighties and the declining role of the state Economic and Social Council and has been dismantling and privatization of large sectors of the economy under the slogans of economic reform and structural adjustment and lost development programs and development plans usefulness because resources are directed to pay off debt first, and because of development projects have become hostage aid and external programs sporadic and subject to the priorities of the donor country or the other. According to the proposals of the so-called "Washington Consensus", the policies focus on the rehabilitation of the respective economies for the reception of private capital and promises growth through activities soot and orientation towards export and import through the liberalization of foreign trade, soot and every failure in these policies was offset by claiming that the liberalization of the economy was not enough .
After more than three decades of neglect of these experiences and national and sectoral planning and medium-term programs, we find that the outcome of these policies was miserable in terms of economic performance and social outcomes. Has abandoned a large number of developing countries to follow policies "Washington consensus", while the income of a large number of other countries in the political and social crises were often sharp results for the patterns and their integration into the vulnerable within the global economic system.
What we have mentioned above is known, but what is important in our discussion of these concepts and ideas that the "Washington Consensus," which launched in the eighties of the last century no longer enjoy the same dominance in many parts of the world. There are new trends, including what is known as the new Baltnmoah [1] New Developmentalism)). These trends emerging, and challenge the ideas that prevailed in the recent past, and concepts that development is an internal process requiring foremost resource mobilization and local potential and lack of accreditation is based on the flow of foreign capital, which may be inherently violate balances economic terms that rely on the savings of foreign funding Investment does not work in most cases, but an increase of the debt and financial instability and drag the developing countries towards the game to earn the confidence soot of the capital. The countries that have been successful to varying degrees in aid or benefit from foreign investments, such as South Korea and China, respectively, were her conditions or special potential, however they did not follow the policies of openness except in accordance with strict conditions that enabled soot it to continue to support their national industries.
In a signal indicative of the state of Iraq, warns new development directions of strengthening the domestic purchasing soot power by relying on income rent-seeking, which raises the value of the local currency, and suggests an alternative soot to raise income levels lying in different ways, including subsidies and setting a minimum wage and the trend towards full use of the work to promote all production and domestic demand. It does not neglect soot the openness soot at

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