Saturday, April 5, 2014

First: - technically we did not hear, not the minister or any other official of any talk about the

Press Release on the draft development plan Ahmed Abdel Mohsen aa | News from everywhere
Because of the disruption of development programs preceded service contract us what other countries may convey in this blog and self-criticism and a way to raise awareness to heed to education for the development of national cadres and the way to progress is to be the flagship model of development in the region and the world
Press Release on the draft development plan and we are waiting for the development plan, which the government promised to submitting to the Council at the beginning of the next session has issued several statements from Secretary of Housing and Development Minister service contract Moudhi Al-Hamoud service contract about preparedness plan. The focus of the remarks on the content of the plan of construction projects, service contract she said she amounting to 35 billion dinars, of which 26 billion will be disbursed in the first five years and that there is a performance and the work of a $ 3 billion dinars There are also 60 projects will be implemented in accordance with the system of Albi (or T). Through repeated statements by officials of the several observations we must Npinha because we will have a clear position on them if you do not take into account the government's plan, namely: -
First: - technically we did not hear, not the minister or any other official of any talk about the commitment of the government to put the plan in accordance with Law No. 60 of 1986 regarding the economic and social planning, and I think that ignoring the reference to the law is an intentional act to avoid and evade the obligations contained service contract therein, a that determine the seriousness of the government in the development of the plan and the effectiveness of the government and the Council to monitor implementation. Law No. 60 for the year 1986 may chart the way in how to develop a plan and select the path tool in activating implemented through ministerial and parliamentary oversight. Article I of the Act have identified how to put the plan when stipulates that (put a national plan comprehensive, long-term economic and social development based on the general strategy of the state and includes the main targets specific extends service contract beyond the time the long-term and divided this plan to the medium-term plans emanated from an annual plan each with detailed objectives and policies to achieve progress and packed all her financial and human resources available have sufficient flexibility to cope with finds of variables or developments require modification desired objectives). As stated service contract in Article II of the law that (define the main objectives of the National Plan and comprehensive schedules containing them based on the needs of the national economy and the potential effect of various physical, financial and human, according to the priorities consistent with the facts of economic, social, cultural, and national security). So it has identified the articles above plan how to put their main objectives and sub-programs and the annual maturities of time. It also painted Article 10 amended the law 60 to 86 years how to activate and monitor the implementation of the plan when stipulates that (offer ministries and public bodies and institutions to the Ministry of Planning periodic reports service contract for the first six months of the year and the other for the whole year and include these reports progress in implementing the terms of each Ministry or a public body or public institution of the plan and the progress in achieving its objectives and a statement on the activities of the private sector associated with the plan) as stipulated in Article 6 of the law that (the Ministry of Planning to prepare a draft general framework for the comprehensive development plan in the light of the strategic objectives of public long-term state, presents the project to the Supreme Council for Planning for consideration and presentation to the Cabinet for approval and then forwarded to the National Assembly for approval and issue a law). Therefore, the plan, which the Government plans to be submitted to the Council must abide by the law No. 60 of 86, and comes in the form of a bill is voted on and approved by the Board will not accept any plan other than this way and any attempt to make a plan without the commitment of law No. 60 of 86 is a violation of grave of their obligation service contract to the government and evade the law and clear them in an elaborate scheme procedures uncensored and activation.
This does not accept it and as the saying goes (may not be fast all these years and then break the fast with an onion). The government's commitment to law No. 60 of 86 reflects the seriousness in lifting the country from chaos and imbalance experienced by the permanent hit. Second: As a substantive matter, and as shown in the beginning, the minister's statements and government officials about the plan was to focus on the size of the amounts that are meant to be spent and the number of projects that are meant to be carried out and if we put a plan for the construction or investment company. We did not find modern touches upon human development, which is the basis for the implementation of these projects and protected. We did not find modern touches to the face of corruption, bureaucracy and chaos experienced by the administrative system in the country and how to re-constructive which are essential service contract for the success of any plan. Even if the case was limited to how much money will be allocated for projects, we wonder how much of the money allocated in past years to spend on projects? The state budget during the past six years from the year 2003/2004 exceeded 46 billion service contract dinars!! But the real question is where this money went and how much exchange them on development and development services?! What is the economic and social return them? But he was in every previous budgets because of the corruption and administrative apparatus or bureaucracy or lack of efficiency did not distract from the funds allocated more than 60% of them and the rest of the state was re? Not suggesting that the imbalance suffered by the state administration, which should be the top priority of the plan in order to succeed? Also not addressed how to curb this financial waste that experienced by the government in all areas, we did not find any Turning to the status of Kuwait after the oil and how it will develop revenue through sources service contract other than oil, was not alluded to how to take advantage of the Kuwaiti citizen and Kuwaiti families service contract of those billions which will be spent on construction projects and other, service contract and how will these projects service contract on the development of the citizen and the development of his savings, service contract especially earners

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