Thursday, January 16, 2014

Veimede how to kill mold refers to the bride by the groom

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Our ancestors understood the marriage was celebrated by the entire wedding rings as a whole, writes Carl Robert Jakobson Farm Museum's Department Pille Perner maablogis museum. Youth maturation and related habits formed eelloo wedding. It also comes after the wedding for wooing and betrothal. Before you go courtin still held in the family for advice by a young man should woo.
The most important requirement for the future of his hard work. Between the ceremony and the wedding was supposed to kosita maid at home a few days to work in the future, in this case, the girl was meant by Virkus and dexterity. And the groom was the bride's home to throw something under the bed, and after a week to check whether swept under the bed or sweeping. The wedding party itself was considered more important than the marriage official religious marriage. The wedding was generally moderate how to kill mold with some witnesses, by contrast, ebullient celebration.
Estonians rustic wedding was the biggest celebration ever, even in tough times they are caught fairly considered toretsevalt. Usually they lasted 2-3 days, affluent families often throughout the week. Long, however, require the party needed throughout the family, and neighbors often help. Wedding was to contribute to the Collector road veimede doses for a wedding with a bag of food and presents for the young couple.
Veimede how to kill mold refers to the bride by the groom's relatives sharing the gifts and professional men. Pulmaanni behind the idea was so magical, as well as the establishment of economic contacts between the donor and the donee. Over time, the magic behind the idea receded, but the practice itself remained. Did not he donated objects to show the bride's wedding party craft skill and dexterity of the hand of the bride praise and rebuke works.
Midrange wedding the bride had to be stockpiled more than 50 pairs of gloves, how to kill mold belts and ribbons over 100, in addition to the stockings, and other items of clothing. Of course, the bride is not allowed to contribute to the assets absent a beautiful patterned carpet-ride deck with 19 Century also added a bed quilt.
Also, the coverage of the wedding table pointed to the community for help. Wedding took each family contribute to the common use as food. Singles diet did not lead, but it was one of the boys vodka or beer. As a daily diet of our ancestors was quite meager - aganaleib, silk, rock flour, etc., then eaten on feast days, and a lot of iodine.
Usually prepared food in the house quite profusely wedding and the wedding was a bag of so-called wedding help. If weekdays were eaten aganaleiba, then the wedding day, the wedding was made bread. In the old days it was considered the best pulmaleivaks odrajahukaraskit, Kakku and barley loaves. Later in rukkipüülist sweet and sour bread or thin bread. Wedding Bread could also be a special shape, and certainly higher than the daily bread. The bread was to continue throughout pulmaaja and one loaf of whole wedding was supposed to be a time unmolested wedding table. Believed that this was to allow young family fortune and scare away the troubles of food. Gifting grain bread ensured happiness.
In most cases, the wedding was also meat, either raw or smoked. What animal meat was differed according how to kill mold to regional traditions. Western Estonia and islands were eaten at the wedding of lamb soup with dumplings, Central - Estonia pig's head or leg. Seasink wedding food was almost the entire continent. Wedding how to kill mold table to be fun, which was the bacon fat content. Wedding bag but could also be found in fish, cheese, cottage cheese, potatoes, milk, eggs, and more.
Food aside iodine primarily from malted barley beer. A special place was warmed beer, made with honey to sweeten. In some places added to the milk. Regionally, it is known that women drink warm beer was only later, and he noted the start and the end of the wedding. At a later time, be more committed õllesse NIS

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