Friday, January 10, 2014

Song Festival Song and Dance Festivals and cultural preservation of the Estonian nation and the sur

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It is said that the Japanese earthquake has been well prepared. Of course they will have regular drills at schools and companies, some of them are at home the helmet in place, as well as water and food supplies in the event that should remain in the trap for several days, writes Mary Ervald Japan.
But clearly - for such a catastrophe, as is currently happening, though they were not ready. If they would have been ready, they would be in a beach-side houses like fortresses - come hell or high 14meetrine tsunami, they would be perfect for systems that are capable of larger earthquakes stopped otherwise the perfect power plant a few moments for the safe, cool, they have a sure method to less than half an hour to evacuate all the coastal cities, people . And how to secure a new home for them in a short time and sufficient food and drinking supplies.
But that would be a utopia. The reality is as it is. School buildings and elsewhere varjuvatel people are missing meals, but especially from the water. The blackouts occur gradually and systematically to three hours per area - still to most sufferers should not miss it. There should be a gas, but the gas station waiting for the rest of Japan-order or šoppab frantically.
While the shops will not be like a blank - if milk and bread counter at any time. But I think people are afraid of the time when the front door because of the radiation can not go out anymore. Or they are afraid of another major earthquake? Maybe both. If you happen to meet one of the region's people on the street, the first to be asked as to where you were during the great earthquake. Although now they have already accumulated large earthquakes hulgim. The first earthquake, I was in a cafe in Tokyo. Of course it was scary, and we all quickly ran outside, but what's really going on, I realized until several hours later - when the earth was still remained calm, trains still did not move, did not get people how to clean home. And yet when I turned on the TV ...
Now I'm in Yokohama, which is slightly farther than a nuclear station in Tokyo. But quite large earthquakes that unexpectedly hit over and over again, along with the constant how to clean fear of a nuclear power plant news - it is perhaps hirmsamgi the earthquake - put into thinking that what I'm supposed to do. Should I fled to Estonia? But I can not. I'm here to close people and activities to do. Of course, I have a plan as to what to do when people around Tokyo already sick or going to die.
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Song Festival Song and Dance Festivals and cultural preservation of the Estonian nation and the survival of one of the most powerful symbols of our national cultural identity in shaping children's symbolic meaning. Turning to the Minister of Culture Tiidus pressure, Song and Dance Celebration Foundation, all singers, dancers, actors and the audience to adopt the mind of our biggest party without alcohol.
Harald marten Misleading leaves the Estonian Soldiers Memorial how to clean Church in Tori Tori hüvastijätuteekond followed the deceased to the cemetery a monument to the heroes of Independence. Out of respect for truth and justice against the soldiers lowered their grief journey Harald marten False flags Tor Elementary School, Family Tree School, Sindh High School, Pärnu and Pärnu Ülejõe High School Gymnasium.
This Thursday Maaleht Mang Igor appeared in the traditional horoscope 12 this character is very popular among readers, but not all, do not use it to acquire and read the legal possibilities.
Photo: Andres Putting afternoon turns to the north and west winds in the north and northeast, and intensifies the north coast of the island of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa how to clean gusts of up to 18 meters

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