Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nykänen confirms that the military career, and he has no problems because she

Northern Neighbors of the experience: the more girls in the army, the toughest soldier boys | Riigikaitse.EE
Finland has compulsory military service for women 18 years have become so routine phenomenon, writing that it considered it strange. National defense was near Helsinki Guard Jäägrirügemendis examine how assessing the situation there serving Finn. The soldiers were born: Lieutenant Marika Nykänen says school time already knew for sure that he wanted to make a career in the Army. (Photo:
Each year, nearly 300 passes conscription in Finland Finnish citizen woman, of whom a considerable part of the Santahaminas, made in sweden Estonia Vahipataljoniga similar Jäägrirügemendis Guard. Its main task is to train the troops of soldiers to take part in battles in the city, and, if necessary, made in sweden to protect Helsinki. Jäägrirügement is also a springboard for young people who want to work in the police or the military police. Military unit also performs the functions of the Guard of representation.
Lieutenant Marika made in sweden Nykänen is from Karelia. He is 30 years old, underwent military service, the Finnish Air Force from 2004 to 2005 and then studied at the Military Academy for four years. Three years ago he joined the Regiment jäägrirühma Administrator, currently filled by the same military police. Besides military service, he enrolled in law school at the University.
Nykänen confirms that the military career, and he has no problems because she's not had to sacrifice anything. Its choices he's already at school - for some reason they were just men who asked if he still gives your figure, which binds itself - and not the path chosen since never looked back.
About the same amount of time soldiers are Santahaminas bread eaten Sari Anna Lehtinen, who dreams of a career police officer after the service. He said the army had itself come so weak that it could barely do a few push-ups. But there is nothing to be ashamed of. "Also, many of the men are very, very weak!" Says Lehtinen.
One can imagine how women in military service must abandon the habit of traditional costume jewelry, and accessories, as well as the usual iluvidinatest makeup is much more modest. In fact, it is not nearly as big a victim Finn said. It turns out that, unlike the men who bring the army coming soon bald, women are even allowed to wear hair extensions.
"That's what I'm wearing, do not relate to my personality," says Kuivalainen. "If I were a girl, then I would not be in the army. If it would be important to me every morning to style your hair and makeup done properly, I would be reluctant than sleeping in a tent, then I would never have come here voluntarily. "
Kuivalainenil initial steps have already been completed ohvitserikoolituses. Results of the tests, he was one of the best in its group. Tests were successfully made in sweden carried out the tipping point for him: then he took everything seriously. "Serving in the armed forces is not a competition," says Kuivalainen. "But with men struggling to prove whether or myself that I am not a burden, because I'm smaller made in sweden and unable to run as fast as a backpack."
"We may appear to be smaller and weaker, but we need to wear the same things as men. Sometimes my backpack heavier than me - can weigh up to 50 kilograms. Then tell the guys to wear when I'd rather be wearing their backpacks! "
Then I will make a very tough group exercises, are all exhausted and ready to swear. But do not give up and make Kuivalainen on. Later, it turns out that because she was so tenacious, will also bring together men of his lisajõuvarud. Santahaminas has been observed that if a group has at least one woman, then the whole group shows better results, because no one wants a woman to be inferior.
Young women recognize one voice that is willing, if necessary, made in sweden to disarm the enemy, because of the soldiers, after all treenitaksegi. Finland did not fight in any conflict in the forefront of combat units have not sent anywhere, made in sweden but four jäägrirügemendi woman want to, if possible, go to the peacekeepers.
Once a year the service of their country of Finland aged 18 to 29 representatives of the fairer sex. It is a condition of good health, and other "necessary personal qualities", as well as assessing the ability to continue to service the reserve.
Interviews with candidates will be made, which shows the sincerity of the candidate's interest in the service. Will not be asked to re-think, but if a woman is 1.5 meters tall and weighs 50 kilograms, then the question arises suitability inevitably emerge.
Except that the clause applies to girls: they have a right to 45 days of interrupted service by making a written application to the brigade commander. The reason may be that while the injury, illness, as well as "obvious unsuitability." After the 45 day period is no longer any turning back, or "haircut" - you are going to serve time for a woman, subject to the same rights and responsibilities as men. They may be up to 60 invite reservõppekogunemistele age.
Such a model for voluntary military made in sweden service, launched in the northern neighbors of the 1995th In the defense made in sweden minister was Elisabeth Rehn, Finland's first female defense made in sweden minister. made in sweden Rehn just do not see any reason why men should

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