Saturday, January 4, 2014

My question here is, if not Mr.Goh from Sing, which is Mr.Smith of a U.S. company or Mr.Bill of Jap

Phan Chau Thanh (Danlambao) - Recent riots residents of Singapore's Little India that many foreigners have to look back and ask: Behind the perfection of Singapore - the world's highly well almost all aspects of political, economic, cultural and social - is there anything wrong?
Jade does not have flaws, and because carpet cleaners there are flaws, then that is a real gem. Singapore, too, in my opinion, also has its congenital defect in which the angle and / or certain light, they appear new. A riot of Little India resident recently revealed such a dark corner carpet cleaners of Singapore.
Indeed, the conflict between migrant workers Sing with the original inhabitants - both working class and intellectuals, is not new to me, because there were many times long-term living and working in Singapore. Over 30 years, this small island nation has gone up a portion of the policy that judiciously exploit cheap labor forces of neighboring countries, mainly first laMalaysia and Indonesia, then to the Philippines, and Thailand are all Miamma weak, and now China, India and Vietnam ...
Generally, there are human resource field virtually limitless than three million people to Singapore's limited, carpet cleaners but Singaporeans never "extraction" sustainable "we", but only after five to ten chips year is to "exchange market". Why, if there is cooperation mutually beneficial? Question is answered. It is often not cooperative relationship of mutual benefit, which marginalized sections always too big on the outside of this island, but only after decades of "cooperation" they realize.
Relations of Singapore economic cooperation with neighboring Asean and Asia not only carried out in thoSingapore but mostly small outside Singapore, in the partner countries of Sing. And in those places, which is everywhere, the conflict between investors and entrepreneurs in Singapore with investments and labor force dongva carpet cleaners the local authorities, new large potential risk.
If we pay attention, almost carpet cleaners all the big money corruption carpet cleaners in the government of the partner country Singapore, from Malaysia to Indonesia, from the Philippines to Thailand and Myanmar, and especially carpet cleaners in Vietnam and China, shadow flicker are companies and entrepreneurs in Singapore ... I have repeatedly talked carpet cleaners about the problems entrepreneurs Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand ... and we often draw conclusions quite agree, as on ...
Take Vietnam for example, we can test to confirm it, probably about 80-90% of major corruption cases involved foreign elements in Vietnam from 1986 to present opening, especially in industries such as oil and gas, petroleum, marine ..., are shadow carpet cleaners companies and entrepreneurs Singapore ... Both Vinashin, both Vinalines, all corruption cases against the oil industry, petroleum, have power ... the enterprises / entrepreneurs to participate Sing. But all anti-corruption investigation of the water gate ... Sing it all stopped.
Why is that? Because, on the one hand, the "business" of VN communist corruption do when they want to work with partners such as Singapore's foreign safest. But on the other hand, entrepreneurs Singapore is the number of foreign entrepreneurs actively encourage and solicit their partners to do so, because "business" such as the "effective" most "successful" Best ... And, somehow, though always deeply involved in corruption abroad, they are always safe and protected by law in Singapore ... Mr.Goh effectiveness of the Company in the ongoing case Vinalines brokerage and money laundering for floating docks Duong Chi Dung buy 83m, is a typical example. DCD may have to rely columns, rest assured nhungMr.Goh still spend millions of dollars earned. carpet cleaners Personally I can name dozens point called surface nhanSing business like in many major cases in VN in 15-20 years ...
My question here is, if not Mr.Goh from Sing, which is Mr.Smith of a U.S. company or Mr.Bill of Japanese companies from working Uchay Mr.Tanaka then will they be able to Their laws do not? But Mr. Goh will surely enjoy peaceful living. Maybe Mr. Goh also will come back to do business in Vietnam, and of course will be the "business" welcome to VN communists (like many other people I've ever known Sing!).
After over three decades of work, cooperation with foreign businessmen in which the majority of the business is nhanSingapore so, I noticed business seemed Singapore public double life of business ethics: they do eat pretty strict in their countries, and is a mafia - mostly based on bribery, money laundering and bribery (corruption creates opportunities for partners) overseas. How to "work" so that they become partners of

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