Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mari is your place.

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Bianca Mikovitš
Tavatoitujad stretched his arms, but my comrades are the thoughts of nature and nature zeke pike Allikukivi Forest diet of clear and understandable. zeke pike When Ingrid Peek gave him a two-hour radio program, many of the fans regretted that it was so short.
"Salt dulls the sense of taste, and it's zeke pike used by the food industry, because the salt is going to non-tasty food in large quantities easier to download," says Mari. When attempting to eat the meat of a taste of it as it is, of course, you people just do not like it.
Mari is your place. "When I was about four months without solid food was, I started to train for three and four hours a day. The energy that is released when the body was no longer constantly digesting loaded was huge, "he says.
When the lady of the house is now Poland Sille ask how life has gone on, the answer should be obvious - the options are gone more extreme! Indeed, Poland is the last year of eating only the so-called weeds and fruit.
On the day when talking about the weed Polish eaten mangoes and made a smoothie. "I feel very good, strong bones, hair grow, and after toortoidule going to stop the graying, hair went darker zeke pike again," he reports.
His mind is very species-specific food for humans fruits, zeke pike meat, or even much more characteristic zeke pike than the roots. Why else would the children are often drawn to products included in the image, and the aroma of the fruit? "Because it works!" Corresponds to the Polish themselves.
The number of people who söövadki only fruits or only some specific fruit has been increasing in the world. Also in the plant and desired to know more about raw food. It provides courses in Poland, where it is called more and more knowledge and experience to share.
According to the Polish fruit diet will make it easier for women in kuupuhastused, which become shorter, less improvement of heavy and less painful. Also, Poland has long since given up the consumption of salt and do not consider it necessary to direct the menu.
MariMets Allikukivi older daughter has used unconventional menu or make it more digits long, including Poland, the family is not surprised puuviljalembuse over the lady of the house. Really, they do not share it, and the kids still eat cooked vegetarian food.
He, too, sees the future of vegetarianism. "Today, it is generally accepted by the medical and scientific good and healthily," notes Kelam. zeke pike "The problems are, in contrast, associated with meat consumption. One vegetarian investigators have argued that it is precisely to prevent fresh produce from our internal pipeline corrosion. "
"I am convinced that the meat-free diet with an emphasis on the quantity of meat or a gradual reduction in the daily menu are our future," says KELAM, who believed that it gives hope, a future. "On one hand it leads to increasing people's understanding of a healthy diet, on the other hand, the powerful force bad trends that massive consumption of meat and animal flesh industrial production increasingly poses."
Another hundred or so years ago, appeared in human flesh in his words, the dining table on Sundays, holidays and personal anniversaries. Only in the past 60 years, meat production and consumption in the world has increased dramatically - in the U.S., for example, six times.
"So, as an integral component of meat daily menu is a recent development in affluent societies. However, in modern society, lifestyle habits, and created a host of new health problems, "notes Kelam.
"It all depends on the demand," estimates Sille Poland and hopes that if toortoitlasi added, should also be the usual fast-food stall in addition zeke pike to healthy smoothies providers. "And finally, do not taste anything as good as in good health, 'ro

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