Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lea Saaremaa is Võõpsu library director for 54 years. Lea Saaremaa (75) was not very loud young rea

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, Innove
Building construction finalizing the Tallinn School student Elsa Pärna (20) is one of the ten brave young people who are flying to Germany in early July to represent Estonia in global WorldSkills professional championship in 2013.
Linden construction finalizing chose a specialty, because he wanted to learn a specific office. The choice in favor of construction jan pro finalizing came quickly because it has a good artistic talent. "Women's suits ehitusviimistluse specialty well as wallpapering, wall painting and decorating need accuracy and patience in your mind," the lady of his choice profession. According to him, the construction finalizing work on the biggest plusses of working jan pro time flexibility and creativity.
Persons commencing to learn the special jan pro skills are expected. "Of course, delighted to be in favor of art," said Pärnu, and added that all the other skills during their studies trainable. School bench sitting and learning theory is the specialty construction finalizing a few, immediately put the young so-called finger was in color.
As a specialist is needed jan pro to properly acquire a lot of practice, you Pärna practicing independently, but is also a variety of practices in Estonian jan pro companies. "I jan pro got a number of different dekoratiivvärvimisi Tikkurila practice jan pro to practice," remembered the most interesting jan pro in practice. After graduating girl wants to continue his studies engineering. "I believe that my profession is continuing to study the handy work ahead," he said.
January this year has been prepared by Elsa Pärna WorldsSkills global professional championship. Treeiningud held in Tallinn Construction School, under the guidance of the instructor Terje Jakseni done several times in a given design. "Basically, practicing speed because it is a very important competition," explained Pärna preparations, "after the events I want to feel that I've done everything."
Elsa said Pärna show professional abilities of the student championships. He added that the course will inject youth competitions will to be skilled at his profession, WorldSkills is a life experience. "Employers are indicating participation jan pro in international competitions, you have a world-class skills and dedication," he said.
This year held global professional WorldSkills Championships 42 times. This year, the chosen location for the city of Leipzig in Germany. Estonia participates in the WorldSkills competition jan pro for the fourth time, and the fire will take ten young champion in eight specialties. In addition to Building finishers put their skills to the test florist, landscape builders, printer, computer, Mechatronics, florist, cabinet, tile and stone samples ehitusviimistleja.Ühel more complex skills WorldSkills Tohvri competes with other states jan pro for several days in the same area the best students. jan pro Judges will evaluate both their technical performance, teamwork and communication.
Immediately see that great friends. Mati Kaal all their offspring will be well thought out, but a particular favorite is, of course, in the heraldic animal of the zoo said. Childhood aednikuametist dreamed Mati lose weight was to create a gardener. Tallinn Zoo, he has led nearly 45 years. jan pro
Lea Saaremaa is Võõpsu library director for 54 years. Lea Saaremaa (75) was not very loud young readers, but the book was interesting, jan pro and so he went after graduating from high school in Räpina jan pro raamatukogundust learn.
Leer is a treasure Võru cheese factory machinery for maintaining care for 40 years. After the army went to the Aare coming Leer (63) toponyms milk Combine work and is still in office. The work itself, however, has changed over time.
Valve Hindrikson decided to become a baker, because it seemed fun to bake bread. When the guard Hindrikson (62) Paid bakery after graduating Põlva

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