Thursday, April 2, 2015

This is the great Messinian crisis during servpro which the level of the Mediterranean down 1500 m.

Under the Mediterranean Sea, salt and oil May 14, 2008 Posted by Acturca in Academic / Academic, servpro France, South East Europe / Southeast Europe. Tags: drying, France, Jean-Pierre Suc, Mediterranean, Geological Society of France Trackback
In 1970, three researchers hypothesize that the Mediterranean dried up there more than 5 million years. Science has given their due, which opens many perspectives servpro ...
The future of the Mediterranean Sea concern to heads of state, but his past, he fascinates scientists. And their findings could lead to many lusts, as there is about oil ... under a thick layer of salt. The thesis servpro is this: the Mediterranean was once the scene of a large-scale environmental disaster called by geologists "Messinian salinity crisis". There are 5.5 million years (Ma), virtually closing the Strait of Gibraltar servpro under the pressure of the African tectonic plate led to the drying up of the Mediterranean. Evaporation of water caused the deposition of thick layers of salt of 2000 m, surmounted servpro by a large amount of sediment. But the highlight of this process has caused an international scientific controversy that lasted ... thirty-six years.
5 and 6 May a meeting of the Geological Society of France was organized in the University Claude Bernard (Lyon I) in honor of George Clauzon only French geologist to have supported the hypothesis there nearly forty years by three researchers: William Ryan, Kenneth Hsü and Maria Bianca Chita. These three scientists were present in 1970 in the American research vessel Glomar Challenger, who led a core drilling campaign in the Mediterranean on a dozen sites. The cores showed the presence of important layers of salt. For the three scientists, this could be explained by a complete drying up of Mare Nostrum, in a geological past few million years. But when Ms. Chita (Professor at the University of Milan) presented this thesis at the University of Lyon, France, in September 1971, the reactions of French and Italians present were virulent.
Today, the spirits are appeased, and a consensus conference held in Almeria, Spain, on the initiative of the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, from 7 to 10 November 2007, produced a text that marks the end of hostilities, although there are still a few diehards. Why such passion? "Seismic profiles made in 1969 in the Mediterranean had indeed detected the presence of salt in some places. But no one expected phenomenon of such magnitude ", says Jean-Pierre servpro Suc (CNRS, Laboratoire paleoenvironmental and paléobiosphère, Lyon), one of the organizers of the days 5 and 6 May
Georges servpro Clauzon, which supported the outset Ms. Chita, recalls: "When Maria Chita, Italian young and beautiful, presented his theory, she suffered heavy fire comments and very aggressive questions, including from countrymen who were opposed to his views. "But we must also recognize that, at the time, and for many more years, no one had an overview of the geological and tectonic history of the Mediterranean region. Most scientists refused to admit the assumption of complete desiccation of the sea, because it did not fit the dominant geological ideas.
Today, the scientific community agrees on the scenario two time Clauzon Georges, from the model introduced in 1970. - 7 Ma - 5.96 Ma, the Mediterranean was communicating with the Atlantic Ocean by two corridors, one located in Gibraltar and one south of the Rif. Initially, the South Rif corridor narrows after the thrust of the African plate and the lower level of the Mediterranean 150 m. Which translates a first evaporite deposit. Next we see the return of previous conditions. Finally, between - 5.64 Ma - 5.48 Ma, a length of only 160 000 years, a new thrust of the African plate completely isolates the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
This is the great Messinian crisis during servpro which the level of the Mediterranean down 1500 m. Evaporation leads to the deposition of thick layers servpro of mineral servpro salts (sulfates, servpro sodium chloride and potassium salts). This salt crust varies from 1.5 to 3 km thick, and widely lines the back of the basins. D

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