Sunday, April 5, 2015

Each test Jeremy Rifkin, known for his work in looking at the head of his

NEWS NEWS NEWS. Jeremy Rifkin, known for his work in looking on key areas of our societies - bulimia meat, the impact of biotechnology, the end of full employment and the acceleration of the resilience of trades, the information age - issue these days an essay on the new global consciousness, more altruistic and empathetic in the twentieth century, cleanup download which develops according to him all around cleanup download the world. cleanup download We Stand face just after the nuclear accident in Japan, while the Arab revolution won Libya and Syria. Maintenance.
Each test Jeremy Rifkin, known for his work in looking at the head of his "Foundation on Economic Trends" (Foundation on Economics Trends) triggers debate and controversy around the world, even in the political class, whether in the United States (he advised President Bill Clinton) or Europe (the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, appealed to him). If it has been criticized for its utopian and sometimes catastrophic views, even his opponents acknowledge it to make a huge mass data in support of its analysis ...
His first book, "Beyond Beef, (Beyond Beef). The rise and fall of the cattle culture, Feather, 1993, "was first attacked. Jeremy Rifkin he denounced the American bulimia meat, the arrival of obesity, billion oxen, cows, calves, sheep living permanently on the ground, cleanup download with 20% of cultivated land, devouring one third of world grain, contributing cleanup download the impoverishment of the Third World and whose farts produce methane greenhouse.
In 1995, in "The End of Work" cleanup download (Discovery), Rifkin continues the reflection initiated by the economist Georges Friedmann on "working to pieces" and announced that the permanent technological revolution, rapid, affecting cleanup download all modes of productions , will end a stable job, expert and protected for all, as the dream of a society without unemployed. We must find solutions. Those he offers were highly criticized and sometimes times by the European Left: 35 hours, work of general interest, strengthening social support networks, development associations, etc.
In 1997, "The Biotech Century" (Discovery), it decrypts the extraordinary advances in biotechnology - gene therapy, genome sequencing, life extension - and they pose new risks: risk of irreversible pollution GMOs, industrial cleanup download confiscation of genetic heritage, cleanup download individuals cataloged by genotype, according to his alleged dangerousness genes (on which insurance will play as the police), etc. "The Biotech Century" international cleanup download bestseller, raises disturbing questions environmentalists paralyzing for the future research as to all institutions that are beginning to require the genetic profile of their customers.
In 2000, "The Age of Access" (Discovery), it reflects on the social impacts of broadband Internet, the global expansion of the commercial sphere, accelerated circulation of cultural products, relocation work through "access" more massive the global network, cleanup download and asks: "Is there still a difference between communication, communion and trade?".
Today, Jeremy Rifkin proposed a new book survey "A new conscience for a world in crisis. Civilization empathy. "(The links that release) where he explains that humanity out of its era" Promethean "began with the industrial revolution of the twentieth century, symbolized by our dependence on fossil and nuclear energy and the extraordinary prosperity of the Western world which ultimately led us to the extraordinary crisis of today, both ecologically and economically, and the undermining of our growth models cleanup download as our very selfish and greedy cleanup download conception of the individual, assumed be the only great creative engine of humanity. And brotherhood then, solidarity, the spirit of association, interdependence - and empathy, denial and recognition of the suffering of others, then? Maintenance.
First, Fukushima death knell of an era. The Promethean era of humanity is over, started cleanup download with the exploitation of coal, construction of blast furnaces and locomotives cleanup download when we promised to the people the cornucopia and defy God himself, him driving cleanup download our hello to achieve by ourselves. It is this dream of a humanity liberated by massive industrialization, the systematic exploitation of land resources, manipulation of matter, perpetuated with nuclear and colossal work, his engineering speculations and reign of secrecy collapses. This catast

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