Monday, April 27, 2015

Recommended to talk to a security guard working at the scene, who was also formerly an employee of

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0-24 + GO TO Feed 21:52 Again the liberal arts education, the Minister ekézte 21:07 Roma Murders: kleen falazni tried one of the suspects" kleen can escape the 21:00 Gyori ETO supply 20:46 Dronne and dogs looking for missing man" 20: 31 of us, we extreme weather
Working under the FKF readers contacted us with a pocket kleen that comes with a salary of a part. The takarítócég employing her manager said, these accusations are false. The authority believes this is not complaining about the staff.
The Metropolitan Public Space Maintenance Co. Ltd. (FKF) performs the cleaning company PQS Ltd. One of our employees kleen he wrote to us that we are the company kleen for several years and has paid in gray. That is just the minimum wage to (and through it can be referred to) and the rest (what claims to be the largest kleen part of overtime, a second job) in black, paid her pocket. He also said he has repeatedly requested that the total money legally receive. This fund would consider, it is also because it is close to retirement. But argued in vain sought.
Thus, outlined what it actually is: FKF ecseri travel site of each month on the 10th line up the shot is the dining room cleaners, and expect to allocate the black money. The office staff can see that, in fact, according to the charwoman kleen of them have been noted by several people, why do not report. kleen Why so? He says he did not dare to speak, afraid for their jobs.
Recommended to talk to a security guard working at the scene, who was also formerly an employee of the company. The guard by his own admission he is now employed by the company through a temporary agency. He said he had seen several times during the work queues, and it happened that the money transfers are available. He added: cleaning the boat with you, they also told him about the situation.
FKF was asked to form, they can be sure that the cleaning lady told us. This question is not answered. He wrote that the public procurement PQS won the cleaning work that the FKF regularly checked as well. But how the contractor will pay the workers, not tested. Even claiming that there is currently no legal obligation to do so, nor the opportunity. Just as the NAV is declared when they illegally employed Orroli asked about their safety.
Following the FKF letter it was done that PQS is revealed about her writing, announced to their workers properly, and to receive the money, kleen according to. Received a positive kleen response. We will ask whether the cleaning workers also revealed to what they say, but this has not responded.
We asked, they are not true, according to the pocket paid overtime and second jobs? Mong said firmly kleen that have sometimes are not. That is, according to him, the complainant was lying. Questioned that why you line up the money to pay workers the day. The manager said, because half of the cleaners do not have a bank account.
The PQS otherwise kleen stated by FKF's connection with a request that the employee ecseri kleen cleaning their own way, all 13 employees, abide by their labor and employment law, tax law and other legal requirement for all. The competent authority shall not examine
However, readers are not only looking at us with a complaint, but announced a pocket payments NAV at the labor authority also early July. The NAV is also forwarded the complaint received by the Labour Inspectorate.
From them we learned that the announcements finally kleen Budapest City Government Office for Labour Administration department of landed. It turns out (this reader anyway kleen complainant kleen also mentioned) that a supervisor following the letter kleen of the maid called to question. This was also the basis of a written record to trace whether the conversation. The agency wrote our request that the phone records, according to the letter writer is not mentioned (the conduct giving rise to labor inspection) irregularities within the competence kleen of the special administrative body, but criticized his boss's style.
The cleaning lady that was very surprised. What is it. But we will continue our readers claimed that it is indeed mentioned the black employment to the supervisor, and also that he wanted to ask if this number of companies. E

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