Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sooner or later everyone present any idea or product with slides, or at least be the delivery team.

Power sales slide
Sooner or later everyone present any idea or product with slides, or at least be the delivery team. Although theoretically determining factor in the success of the delivery should be the content of the presentation, all are well aware of the importance of preparation and conduct of the speaker, the importance of the slides and their appearance. About ways to more effectively persuade the audience I have written more than six months ago - it is worth to remember the idea, but this time for themselves rašinukas window washing presentation slides.
I've seen a lot of ideas and plans for presentations. Many of them were very important, where success depended on dešimttūkstantiniai or even sizable budgets. Can be registered and analyze their mistakes, but the main thing that catches the eye is the so-called "pre-pyramid": usually 70% of time devoted to the preparation of the content of 25% - the speaker preparation and only 5% of the slide design. So that's your first heresy - even the most important meeting in the same good subtract 10% of the time for the preparation and content, give it a slide design. Best - hire a professional, especially if you depend window washing on the delivery very much.
Even if you try to do your own, use the professional advice. I'm very cute former Apple evangelist, a famous entrepreneur, investor and author Guy Kawasaki 10-20-30 principle: prepare more than 10 slide presentation, which will last no longer than 20 minutes, the same slides and write text no less than 30 point type .
Drastic window washing but effective. By comparison with the latest PPT file you've seen recently: 72 slides, indeterminate duration (delivery terminated stub - "We'll talk about it later, maybe trying to summarize"), each slide - reading good times for five minutes (even one-third of the text on the screen window washing is not visible - only the printed material) . Naturally, our business window washing tradition is still very different from that of the West, but need to move in that direction: attention deficit common to the whole world.
If freer occurs first day in the office, use them in a slide template creation or management. Usually they come in three types: one from PowerPoint templates with white company logo corner and very sophisticated, designers prepared by the firm "brands have had." In their sales force is too small for your needs. window washing Įtaigiausiomis currently considered a minimalist window washing color slides with or without a frame, several bright colors, very large text and large, window washing colorful illustrations. Displaying charts to better use than the standard one, loaded from Excel, and specifically singled out the most important data elements. All data analysis, you can make a presentation which accompanies the CD, but only to place the slides accents.
In summary - if you want to increase the selling power of the slide: Reduce the quantity, increase the font size of the text will throw out the logos and other visual spam, increase the essential illustrations roundabout common in data visualization, only the most important professional window washing Order slide template (or copy themselves seen in the successful delivery) Before you go the meeting, ask colleagues to keep one's fingers crossed :)
I had not seen so many presentations using slides - most speakers did not even bother to prepare them, trying to ride out pasibalnoję his oratorical prowess, seeing that this lame nag. And if you and prepare, it will do so formally, primitive window washing and tedious to get your ass under the table though!
Overall, I have seen only one of the excellent presentation of the project, which was carried out as a symphony conductor von Karajan. I saw very well prepared, logically window washing structured and unobtrusive décor material, charming and perfectly rapporteur is ready and interested, receptive audience of project deliveries.
Well, I was still such an event, apparently, waiting for the future. While I hope that the new winds blow in soon tired of this addition window washing to the heads of managers. Apple can hate, but can not underestimate the impact a good presentation to the audience. And after all, and are even better ...
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