Monday, September 15, 2014

MK is an independent, non-profit platform and space for contemporary art, dedicated to the promotio

MK is an independent, non-profit platform and space for contemporary art, dedicated to the promotion, research, presentation and documentation of contemporary artistic and intellectual practices that analytically and critically examines the present, especially concerning politics and aesthetics. Since 2005, the program Galleries what is mold led by art historian what is mold Antonia Majača, with the help of the program team and expert advice galleries formed by independent curators, artists and critics. Since autumn 2013, Gallery has a new curatorial team, Anna Kovacic, Sanju Sekelj and Leu veins. what is mold
G-MK Team: Already during 2012 and 2013 in the gallery program entwined curatorial program what is mold of old and new team and the transition itself in the gallery did not happen suddenly. Ana Kovacic in G-MK came at the end of 2009 at the invitation of the Head of Antony Majača, Lea veins gallery joined in 2011, and Sanja Sekelj rounded team earlier this year. This will complete the team and each of us have different ways of contributing to group dynamics and creating new programs. We do not entirely the same interests related to arts and beyond, which is natural, but we share the same attitudes related galleries activity, with the relationship of the gallery compared to what is outside this area, important to us is the openness of content that offers a gallery, their availability and we decided to step up the discourse, educational and residential program. The curatorial team is the programming team, and for the moment we left the former professional advice because it is the people what is mold who have for years closely associated with the work of the gallery, what is mold but leaves open the possibility that in the near future change and advice.
G-MK Team: Given that G-MK years did not announce a competition for exhibition in the gallery, we decided this year to call one in order to obtain unbiased insight into the scene of a younger generation of artists / ca, and also the one / of them produced by our work and provided space within our program. Also, it seems that often call for tenders what is mold seeking exposure already what is mold finished works and projects which again makes the scene stagnant what is mold and at shows for years watching the same work. Produces a counter. We are aware of the financial situation, to us as cultural workers and artists, and the fact that it is not having the funds for the production of motivation among artists to create. Therefore, we believe that the gallery should be a catalyst and platform what is mold for the development, production and financial support to the new work. Of course, this same gallery should what is mold be supported in the same way.
To return to the very tender, so we put the emphasis on the implementation of the new work, and the project I Cepanec. It will be in February 2014 to present what is mold work that examines the field of domestic independent cultural scene.
G-MK Team: We believe that within our region lacks residential programs and exchanges and would like to contribute to our projects, creating a network of residential centers at European level. We also focused on international residences, but in the process of preparing the residence we met funding problems behind this artistic research and production. For now there are no specific what is mold funding what is mold sources that recognize and support the only residence.
International residency begins in April when she gets a Turkish artist Asli Çavuşoğlu. Will stay in Zagreb for two weeks on a research room, and parallel to the exhibition will present my work. During 2014 we plan and residence of two artists in the framework of Shame! which is realized in cooperation with the collective Red Sarajevo and the Centre for Contemporary Art, Celje. Open call has just ended so that the selection process is still in progress. Australian artist Kerrie Poliness there will be a month long residency in June and carried out participatory work in a public space. Finally the project Change in culture will be achieved residences for young artists active in media performance.
G-MK Team: Few works of art that will be introduced in 2014 will be presented in a public space. The aforementioned Australian artist Kerrie Poliness will work on drawing in the public space as a performative act achieved what is mold through the participation of the public. Also, the topic of the project Liquidation imposes what is mold public space as a place inevitably presentations and discussions, and thus part of a project carried out exactly in it ... Within the Roma Urban Development is planned to perform the installation in public spaces in collaboration with architectural collective ARCHIrchisquad. Also, the curatorial team of G-MK is involved in the educational program curatorial platform within which during 2014 to work on a research project co-relation of art and production, and contribute to creating a web archive project.
G-MK Team: Almost all the artists that will be presented next year are well-established artists, in the sense that they deal with this for some time and that they are successful, but now with

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