Thursday, September 11, 2014

Iraqi Faidylla Diana, who now lives in Sweden, said it was

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The mosque was too small to accommodate all the faithful who are from different parts of Sweden arrived to attend the first adhan, the call to the regular prayer of the Muslims, with minarets in the history of the Scandinavian countries. how to clean
Imam mosque Ergin Ogcem who adhan said that numerous congregation "of joy and excitement during this historijsskog act experienced emotional moments, and some of them cried."
Iraqi Faidylla Diana, who now lives in Sweden, said it was "much happy about this, this is truly a beautiful sight." Guluz Kayhan that 25 years living in Sweden said that while zapalakala taught adhan from the minaret.
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Obama expands their attacks on the IS and Syria Thursday, 11.09.2014. 10:58 The new face of the European Commission, the new policy of EU enlargement Thursday, 11.09.2014. 07:03 Kiev proposes greater autonomy for the eastern area Wednesday, 09/10/2014. 15:37 Cameron said Scots: Do not "jump" into the unknown Wednesday, how to clean 09/10/2014. 11:53 Russian cult of personality: Putin is our God Wednesday, 10/09/2014. 10:02 Investigators: Flights MH17 downed external shock "more destructive objects" on Tuesday, 09.09.2014. 10:50
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