Sunday, September 7, 2014

Indications that your mind has these weeds are as follows: Sonya always, whining, blaming others, l

Our thoughts are very important to our lives now and the future. hoarding disorder Therefore, God has much to say about it. Ametuwekea procedure and guidelines to be able to reap the blessings through our thoughts. However it is important to keep in mind at all that our help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 124: 8). He also said: "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can not do nothing. "(John 15: 5).
Therefore, even in terms of thinking or reflection, without his help, we do not object. If conceivable only in an appropriate manner can not, let alone make it our imagination desires of our hearts yatupatie? He provides useful command of the Lord, which we have noted is that, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3: 5).
The Lord says I zitumainie my mind! This is quite surprising. Trusting mind means doing my things without giving God a chance. That is, if I shawaza only thing I do. Again, I know I have only been everything I do is cunning, my own ability and effort.
Trusting God warns us about the mind, not on use. We use our brains to choose where to trust. The Bible says, "Use the mind as properly, do not sin." (1 Corinthians 15:34)
This is what will happen if I can, every day, to be on the brink of victory, to, succeed, recovery and other such even as the human form of what appears hoarding disorder to be a negative? Of course my life will change very rapidly towards excellence. We can quite imagine kuzifunza hoarding disorder our mind positive thoughts and not negative thoughts, ie we can have confidence. And the beauty is that the Lord is on our side who has helped us in every step.
Within us there are two types of motives. The Bible says, "To be carnally minded is death; but the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. "(Romans 8: 6). Therefore, one is interested in and committed to the spirit body. Carnal mind is keen that hid so much that sometimes it is difficult to comprehend. No doubt you ever meet the following conditions:
When you want to sleep you ask for God's protection uzingire your house. But then you hear the roar anything out, you filled with great fear. Request is made you interested in the soul, but that brought fear is interested in the body. This I have made do not believe in God, who had just before requested his protection.
You can ask the Lord akufungulie doors of success, then after a short time you begin to say the situation is hard, life is hard. Interested in spirit ilikusukuma apply but admission ikakufanya carnal mind impossible.
God's servants said that the Lord has given us the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick, you rejoice and clap. But if you look, you never pray for any patient nor rebuke demons. Interested hoarding disorder in a spirit of joy clap their hands in order to do but carnal mind inakuzuia act on these things.
These few examples show us that, while on the outside you can show that you are on God's side, but was restored within you is the exact opposite. The trouble is, that are interested in that is against God's becomes stronger, and that is winning. What's worse is that you have to recognize that you have it.
To get a better farm yields and it should do the job. However, many weeds to get your crops destroyed, you should just stay without doing anything. Weeds will come itself. Do not require any effort. The human mind is like a field. Fresh ideas are excellent products. Negative thoughts are weeds. Usipojibidisha for anything on your mind, it must be attacked by a heap of weeds, ie negative thoughts! Sometimes you might not realize it.
Indications that your mind has these weeds are as follows: Sonya always, whining, blaming others, listlessness, kujiinamia, shaking head, keeping a trifle, insomnia, etc.
We must make a deliberate choice (conscious selection) hoarding disorder of good ideas from the Word of God, and contemplate it all the time. Make deliberate choices means that, do not let just any ideas in mind yaingie from as yapendavyo. Stand in the door of your mind to check every idea what is happening, then let yaingie clean and prevents floating weeds.
We must recognize the intention of the body all the time to overcome it and stay with only one intention - the soul. Unaishinda to confess the Word of God. For example, you poingiwa afraid, you say, "It is written that God has given me a spirit of fear but of power." hoarding disorder
The act of you say it reveals that you are aware that there are weeds, that is the wrong motives. That way only then you will see the power of God at work in your life. This is very important! If you do so, the more likely it is that you are in the group of those who do not know that
Note ku

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