Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Faruce I understand you and watch what you

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IslamBosna Forum in Bosnian The Forum (Moderators: ihlasica, eko87) scary signal to Muslims clean all the things Vedic 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Previous Next Page: 1 [2] 3 4 5 Go Down Topic: clean all the things scary signal to Muslims Vedic (Read 3115 times) vjera__istine2
Faruce I understand you and watch what you're saying, this is nowhere to do, so we're clean all the things not Shia or Sufis, to say the least need to kiss the feet of the king and President As for Sweden, from health care and other rights to all the extra and literally here a man can not lose the house unless the alcoholic homeless, without drugs can not ever stay ... everyone is entitled for treatment he needed, expensive drugs that the other countries placas and torturing the case, here you get a free etc etc. A go to the Social-Democratic Party, which is a pro gay, pro everything that Islam is anti-stupidity ,, so if he is such a guy goes into a conservative party, or let the mani policy (brightest)
Faruk, exactly, is extremely realistic and grounded thinking. clean all the things I think that really make mistakes if you do not have your own blog, like "From My Eyes". Few Customize it with Google Adds's, and check back again has a good salary, if not much more. Never mind ... I do not turn with the topic.
I have never met so movingly compassionate, naive and committed people endlessly self-sacrificing, ready for any personal and collective sacrifice, and nowhere such individuals and groups absolutely narrow-minded, endlessly self-centered, corrupt, sleazy political and, above all, obsessed with belittling all its own. djulbe-sugar
Life tastes better when your feet tired from the trip ... (pour my coffee and I'll just be in the mood) Faruk
Slowly people:-) Sweden has a little problem of his people who live here know but are not terrible, it is everywhere. You Faruk in the same basket shovel and those who practice Islam and those who just carry a Muslim name. These are the two groups, respectively. So if you talk about those same co Swedes in all but name, you're right, the Swedes appreciated and respected as much as possible to respect someone who is invadrare (immigrant). These same, our counters with the fact that they generally try to be what they like, democratically, anything that means and scope. Their choice, I do not mind. On the other hand if you say a believer in general, and most considered a bit strange though because of his withdrawn nature you will not say anything. Try to go to a job interview with the niqab and you'll see whether there are differences in treatment. About wearing the same although less. The fact that you no one will openly say anything does not mean it is not in itself prejudice and hatred. I know this from interviews and personal experience with these things. Which again does not mean that it is bad here, but the fairy tale you farbas there. Tomorrow I have this life under Shari'a but such a state do not have. Nowhere is perfect except in Paradise. Sweden is a country kind little in this world is if at all there. And there is someone who before the war lived in a score which is Bileca bazaar clean all the things under the knife away in Malmo, Sweden clean all the things him warmly, apartment, social welfare, pensions, children all secured, he never hour one is not (legally) worked because he was a the trauma of war, if the radio Varo country, smuggling alcohol from Germany, provided it bought an apartment in Sarajevo, walk, has a Swedish passport, paying him his mother was born not so careful and worthless - says Sweden's wrong. E I do not know what you should do even so to be. Insolence. Many make our Karadzic monument should clean all the things do. Let the tears passport, renounce citizenship clean all the things and came to Bosnia. With that attitude, you'd die for two HEVTA. Or, for these muslimanĨine, you do not go to brotherly Muslim country, it would be worse than them in Bosnia. clean all the things What to Iraqis, Egyptians and others fly to Sweden, and dig your feet and hands, and then, a large number of waves in them, I do not know what to do best, so faults are a society that everything is provided. In their own countries clean all the things they would not have even 1% of what they have there. But not, sew hollow. Hyde let it disagrees with the ruling party in his country - flying head. And came to a foreign land, all gain and then to suppose that these women should put the hijab and niqab to these great Muslims felt fine. Come si. Had the situation were reversed they would see me. What is it we give rights to non-Muslims in "our" country? We kill each other among themselves, so what to speak of others. All that is left is to co parroted stories Omerovoj ra justice, etc., because we have the dj

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