Friday, November 15, 2013

These colors are really going, so that the children paint a dress, I do not regret and you nylon or

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Csaldinet spring cleaning checklist poll
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These materials are krlttnk here, you just have to nyjtani keznket RTK. The nvnyeket kirndulson also gyjthetjk which do not cause any mrgezst, tbbsgk also hypo-allergenic. Not only is painted with sky, but festkek elksztsben also attended a're welcome to take children to the real boszorknykonyha kotyvasztsuk ...
These colors are really going, so that the children paint a dress, I do not regret and you nylon or rubber gloves is utilized. Let's colors according to what can be obtained spring cleaning checklist növényekbl dyes: Yellow: rhubarb, pitypangvirág, birch leaves, chamomile flowers, afszerek from Curry and saffron. Light yellow to rozsdabarnáig: onion peel. Red: red beet, rosehip tea, mallow tea, cherry. Blue: elderberry, blueberry. Purple: red cabbage leaves, blackberry, blueberry, black currant. Green: raspberry, berry leaves, nettle, spinach, parsley blackberry. Sand color: birch bark. Brown: soft unripe spring cleaning checklist walnut spring cleaning checklist crust. Brown-black: black tea, strong black coffee. The natural dye preparation: FNI assume spring cleaning checklist the plant is a little pot of water that you no longer want to use anything else. Cook over medium heat, approx. Fzzük 10 minutes until a pasty mass was obtained. The fzetet leszrjük and then poured into bottles of juice. If the dye is obtained from the fruit, they are expedient fork átnyomkodni a screen to come out of juice. The leafy plants spring cleaning checklist fzetét diluted spring cleaning checklist very little water. The green walnut shells, spring cleaning checklist soak in water for a few days and then tamp it through a sieve, and you can paint it. Unused colors spring cleaning checklist forgo refrigerator for several days. Tempera, finger paint Kenh preparation: Ingredients: 2 heaping tablespoons of wheat or rye flour, 1/8 liters of cold water, 3/8 liters of hot water with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Dishes, sealed jars of colors. Preparation: Mix the flour with cold water, then pour in hot water. Boil under constant stirring, then adding the sugar. The pulp is poured into the bowl and mixed with the prepared food dyes or colorings. Then fill the jars with dough. The thin paint brush Kenh. Interesting effects occur when the srítjük by our dyes. Sugar, flour later we can do the paint. Sand and paint csiriz keverékébl create more interesting paint this up can be applied by hand using a spatula is not. Two dough recipe 1 In a bowl, add 1 cup of salt, two teaspoons of citric acid, 2 tablespoons oil, 2 cups of flour. Fzzünk two medium cups

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