Friday, October 3, 2014

The spell ABRACADABRA was placarded as heading to the rear wall. A three-dimensional magic triangle

Conductor: Volker Hiemeyer soloists Pawel Ławreszuk (King Arthur), Katharina Hagopian (Emmeline), Astrid Pyttlik (Philidel / siren), Jorge Escobar (Grimbald), Joey Zimmerman (Merlin), Elke Borken stone (Osmond), Katrin Stösel (Matilda / siren)
King Arthur of Britain and the Saxon King Oswald are enemies and fight using their mage to the rule. During a deception kidnapped Oswald Arthur's bride blind Emmeline, because he is in love with her. Merlin is an agent that can again see Emmeline. Shortly thereafter tries to heel Oswald magician Osmond Emmeline. Arthur can while a way through the enchanted forest jani king and capture time Osmond. In single combat he defeated Oswald and swears Britain to be a good king.
The spell ABRACADABRA was placarded as heading to the rear wall. A three-dimensional magic triangle served as the venue for the entire plot. The costumes were very contrary and striking: Arthur and the Knights of the choir wore hoodies with knee-length coats on it the initials of their names affixed (A Arthur for example). Emmeline was wearing a salmon-colored, tight dress. The costumes of the evil spirits jani king were elaborate full-body suits: Grimbald appeared, for example, in a brown bubble bag as Exkrementhaufen. The spoken dialogue exchanged between the original English language and colloquial German, which was riddled with sexual innuendo (eg eyes, now comes Harry).
In contrast to staging the musical performance was implemented original factory and convinced from the start. Volker Hiemeyer conducted the overture at a moderate pace, which was added hold on the whole. The harmony of strings and harpsichord on very good terms with each other and gave the music of the baroque jani king sound of a chamber orchestra. The tinny sound of trumpets made for the royal splendor, jani king but was regulated so that he not drowned out the vocals. Impressively presented and the choir, which brought an impressive volume of sound on stage. The intonation in male and female voices seemed balanced and harmonious safe in harmony with the orchestra. The male singers were unfortunately only moderately. Pawel Ławreszuk (King Arthur) sang in the third act in the so-called frost scene the famous aria of the Cold Genius. With creaking voice onset he marked lying shivering and freezing rather decent portato. In the heights of his voice was hoarse and sounded. Even his male singing partner Patricio jani king Arroyo (Relius) lacked the vocal expressiveness: jani king with its bright embossed tenor voice he sang sound, but without attracting attention particularly. In contrast, the female voices presented. Particularly outstanding was Astrid Pyttliks (Philidel / siren) vocal presentation. Your silken soprano voice lifted the spirit of the air Philidel out vocally. They acted very rhythmically precise and articulated the text in the treble very significantly. In the fourth act she presented the sirens aria Two daughters of this aged stream - daughters of the ancient river we are in a duet with Katrin jani king Stösel (Matilda / siren). The voices of two sopranos mingled with their similar timbre well with each other, while they sang the parallel melodies very synchronously. Also worth mentioning is Katharina Hagopian (Emmeline), whose velvety soprano voice went well with the role of the blind Emmeline. The versatility of her voice she showed jani king particularly in the second act. In the depths of her voice expressed here much sadness and severity of, in the heights she sang legato and sotto voce, that the innocence and helplessness of a blind reproduced well.
The production was a mixture of bawdy jokes, sexist allusions and callow criticism of the austerity policies in the cultural sector. Sets and costumes seemed chaotic, and we wondered what had all this to do with the Arthus fabric. Fortunately, was able to convince the whole music. jani king Especially the chorus as well as the orchestra in board composition were an experience. The vocals of Astrid Pyttlik and Katharina Hagopian was appreciated by the audience especially significant applause.
The image shows: From left: Joey Zimmerman (Merlin), Karsten Meyer (King Arthur), Pawel Ławreszuk (King Arthur vocals), Julia Brettschneider (Emmeline), Katharina Hagopian (Emmeline vocals). Front: Astrid Pyttlik (Philidel)
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