Monday, May 25, 2015

Sometimes Gti post was no longer in the morning walk along the river. Or are the fiber of hemp rope

|| MERI MAANSIK HALCHAL || || my (Gyan Pandey's) mental clutter casalimpia || || || || mind moves a lot in mind I am || || documentary proof of my being is to become the Blog ||
Sometimes Gti post was no longer in the morning walk along the river. Or are the fiber of hemp rope weaving of your heart is not in it. Excellent quality of the flax fibers and you can not throw them on the fly fibers. Sleep becomes promiscuously Post - Like it! Early the morning of Bandar Pandhe Sukulain neighborhood appeared casalimpia at Munder. Last night his wife was bitten by the tenant. casalimpia Kallu's father was then Kunkia. Kallu and his friends drove Nitlle then disappeared. This morning the spot! Bandar Is A Big MINAS for Pandhe Sivilaijd (?) Society! Well Bandar Pandhe abandoned their species - the Outkast. A horde of their species came and went bashing. Were hiding casalimpia to avoid them again! Well, on the banks of the Ganges saw Styx valley (mine coined the name) - which is Telta Shivkuti-Govindpuri sewage into the river; Its velocity and size is shrinking. Its first regular confluence of the Ganga was near Nishadgat. casalimpia
But now he is going to expire before getting into the Ganga. Now he will be going to the Ganges water sand Cn. Styx stream as it moves homes had sewage, chemical waste, not a factory. However good he could have blocked the river junction. Mallya Pwoint (the place where the wine making molasses Jriken plastic are pressed into the sand) I sat near. The sand feels good to both take up slowly drop. No shortage of sand, then take over - Drop Again! Punrpi Jnnan, Punrpi Mrnn! A practical principle of reincarnation. My wife used to take my photo. Return saw monkeys Pandhe seated casalimpia at my door. Gusen we do not want in the house. Kunkiate moving &

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