Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It was John Quincy Adams who said:

Section - Litnet - The first Freedom without Madiba - 24 April 2014 | The African Language Board Skip to content
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It was John Quincy Adams who said: "If your actions mold remediation inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and Become more, you are a leader." mold remediation Few people will argue with me that Nelson Mandela as a leader. You just need to the almost hysterical reaction after the death of Madiba look - of South Africans, but also of followers across the world, the truth of the words above to be realized. After two decades of democracy may need to have to think about the legacy of this great statesman.
On 27 April 2014 I will be exactly 20 years in my house, for only then could I given this land, the land on which I have built, and the house where I still live my own name. It will be 20 years since Mandela the first democratically elected president of South Africa has become.
It will also be the first time that Nelson Mandela Freedom for which he fought so long on Freedom no longer with us will be. The year 2014 would be the beginning of a new era - the post-Mandela era known could stand. mold remediation
It's also time that South Africans take stock to determine how far we as a young nation last two decades progressed. And here I would like to appeal to the responses of other South Africans, because to a large extent tell people's comments on the life of Nelson Mandela mold remediation has its own story. Rarely have we SABC interviews with many people see perform. And their comments tell an important story.
First there were those who simply did not have the chance to go over was the man instead of the ball to play. Often, the comments turned into a stone-throwing to the ruling party, the ANC. People could hardly resist the temptation for the government and President Jacob Zuma's weaknesses, pointing out instead that our beloved Madiba their honor given him deserved. The famous environmental activist Dave Pepler mold remediation said in his tribute to RSG mentioned that he can not believe there are still people who say negative things about Mandela could say.
And yet there were many of them. One respondent in response mold remediation to a column of mine in a Sunday newspaper after Mandela as a terrorist link! He clearly does not understand the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist, mold remediation and understand that the armed struggle as a last resort chosen by a government deaf and hearing was not blinkered.
As chairman of the ATR I consider it my duty to inform the relatives of Madiba to apologize that 99.9% of all negative, and sometimes outright racist comments, in Afrikaans spoken. It makes our job Afrikaans as a language of reconciliation to promote reverse. One respondent even found fault with the fact that I am one of "our" African poets use words to refer to Madiba. It reinforces the stereotype that African by some still as a white man seen. Is there "we" African poets as Cilliers and "you" African poets such as Small?
But enough of the negative comments. If there is one major positive aspect is that the death of Madiba mold remediation confirmed, is that we as a nation over the last 20 years have made progress. It was us - and the rest of the world - which takes from citizens - white, black and brown - for hours and miles queued for their last tribute to Madiba to prove; or just a funeral to attend to honor his memory. There was clearly not enough time so that the late leader was lying in state no. But then again, how long would have been long enough?
Perhaps the most striking piece of commentary came from the unknown man hours for his turn in the queue waiting in the wings when he said: "I do not care for 27 hours in a queue is not because he has 27 years of his life given to us so that we can be free. "South Africans in their greatest hour of grief so could unite despite our differences mold remediation - political and cultural - and that in front of hundreds of leaders who turned up to their respectful to come show and before a worldwide audience, is perhaps the best testimonial mold remediation we have of Madiba's legacy: his conciliatory message indeed most South Africans' hearts touched. As the quote above says, he taught us with his dream of a new South Africa where everyone can be free, and every man his own country this name.
And slowly but surely, mold remediation this dream of Madiba coming true

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