Monday, March 31, 2014

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Latest news tomorrow .. Support "matinee" organize the first effectiveness in front of Cairo University, Deputy U.S. Secretary of State for African Affairs arrives in Cairo armed forces waging a campaign against the dens of terrorism east of El Arish and Sheikh Zuwaid Interior Minister: presence is the basis of the security work-Beltagy fun of certification officer court .. The court adjourned officially .. Sisi pulls papers to run for the presidency after the payment of the amount of insurance sadness hangs over the village in Fayoum after the death of one of her sons, Libya, Secretary of Bahrain's Information: Our country does not have a political project against a defense minister: endured a lot for Egypt does not belong to any doctrine of intellectual or 3 political book, including Rossi 24 hours pending receipt of security investigations in clashes in the city of Al-Azhar University
Dr Ashraf Arabian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, that the current government aimed at reducing the deficit in the June 30, 2014 from 11 to 12% at the most during the fiscal year 2013-2014, then to the extent of 10% in the next budget .. which requires several measures koll including adjustment of investment laws as well as the modification of tax laws. and
Arab said at a press conference today that the ministry is finalizing the draft plan from 2014-2015 to be an end to the project koll in the first of April as part of a long-term vision strategy to Egypt during the first of next April at the latest, next Medium-term action plan within three years in the period from 2014 to 2017 .. He pointed out that the economic koll situation is still in a very difficult although improved from June 30, 2013.
He stressed the importance of activating the movement of the economy in the coming period .. noting in this regard to the government's pump package a second stimulus, which is estimated at 34 billion pounds .. the biggest part of which is funded koll by the UAE side by about 21 billion pounds of investment projects and of the 50 000 unit populated housing social to be completed by the facilities before the end of 2014 as well as providing 600 bus New them 300 runs with natural gas next to the development of level crossings and the establishment koll of a number of health units and schools in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs, and next to the social dimension, which went to groups with lower income and poorer parts. koll
He noted the existence of a training program in order to raise the employment rate to eliminate unemployment, which averaged 13.4%, and the government is announcing a major project for youth employment in all provinces and Baltsik with the government, civil society and business will officially be released in the coming period.
Port Authority: the arrival of 66 thousand tons of cargo through the port of Suez
News Sports News Maghreb economy and business culture and arts science and technology koll
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

He explained that the current development mold of a number 116 railcars Frnsawi Porsche sorting Aut

Latest news: North Korea declares no-fly zone flying and sailing in the West Sea Abul-Ghar: popular Sisi sweeping .. and the citizens of villages mold and hamlets Aahqouna "Middle East": the presidential election entrench stability .. and Sisi will win a majority of North Korea is preparing to review a massive military in Pyongyang Secret House White stop the man climbing the walls of the presidential palace, North Korea announces a warning from sailing off the west coast of America describes the alliance with Japan as the cornerstone of peace and security of the Asia North Korea threatens "new form" of nuclear tests Kerry calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from the border with Ukraine Hassan Shehata: Qatar deliberately insulting Egypt distorting Picture
Dr Ibrahim Demeiri Transport Minister had been conducting a comprehensive mold study of all elements of the rail system and determine the requirements for the advancement mold of this vital facility is important in light of this plan was developed medium-term to be implemented between 2014 and 2017 include the provision of these needs to upgrade the system to work in the rail.
He Demeiri in a statement on Tuesday that the most important items of this plan include a focus on raising the efficiency of the existing network, which is estimated at about 9700 kilometers and include upgrading bridges and rehabilitated and work to strengthen them so that they are safe and back to normal, and the replacement and rehabilitation of the railway lines and to compensate the stolen ones, and rehabilitation of many locomotives and buy a number of other locomotives with funding from some donors and international financing institutions.
He explained that the plan also includes raising the level of service suburban trains that link the villages and districts in the governorates speed of 80 km / h as the level of the first, second level regard the development of the line Alexandria - Cairo - Aswan and working on vehicles first and second mold air-conditioned addition to the carts sleep at speeds of up to 120 km / hour through the complete system conversion signals along this line into electrical signals to raise the efficiency of this line and increase the safety factors, where it represents two-thirds the size of the line of passengers daily on each network.
He pointed out that he will be the replacement and renewal of the fleet of rail cars nuances during the next three years through a contract has been signed with the Arab Organization for Industrialization on the supply of 212 wagon first and second conditioned to work on the railroads is expected to start supply from next April, has also been put forward a tender for the supply of 700 vehicles a normal non-air-conditioned and will open the technical and financial envelopes during the current month.
He explained that the current development mold of a number 116 railcars Frnsawi Porsche sorting Authority has so far been the development of the number 36 trolley represent 4 trains and the introduction of the service, pointing out that the preparation of specifications that fit with modern technology in the manufacture mold of railroad cars and being equipped to put up the purchase mold of 16 train New integrated and coordinated to provide mold the required funding, mold either through international donors or the state budget.
He pointed out that it will work to develop a full workshops Authority in terms of equipment, fixtures, fences, and the completion of the comprehensive development and operation of the Institute Werdan to raise the efficiency of the human element and convert it to University Academy to train specialists in the field of transport, railways, and the commitment to implement the programs, renewal and maintenance of rail, buy machines examine mold the railway, as well as buy rammers for the maintenance of railway, and preview and maintenance of all bridges of metal along the lines of railway, and the supply of spare parts required for the maintenance of tractors supplied mold by General mold Electric Co., the implementation of electrification projects signals the grid lines to Aswan, to provide cargo transport vehicles needed to meet the needs of rail transport in the coming period .
Abul-Ghar: Sisi sweeping popularity .. and the citizens of villages and hamlets Aahqouna
News in Pictures
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dell with me on the trail hawk! Some 30,000 of them are in the world, and they are migratory birds.

Gift Opening Windows | Asturias in Welsh
Book is, of course. Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies historian. He has a talent for writing that covers a wide scholarship in dealing with the lost kingdoms, of Clyde Alt (Old North) to the Soviet Union. I started somewhere in the middle, with Aragon.
By now autonomous communities of Aragon in Spain, between Catalunya and Pirineos: big and rich because agriculture and industry. car interior cleaning It was also big in the Middle Ages, but then is poor. But it was a monarchy, so the middle of the 12th century car interior cleaning he was an alliance by marriage with Barcelona, but lordship only one who managed lands Catalunya flanked car interior cleaning to the border between Spain and France today. Barcelona was a city trade, and traders have already secured goods and markets in the countries of the western Mediterranean. Aragon joined in the initiative with enthusiasm.
Within a century, the reigning king of Aragon in Southern France, Malta and Sicily, and took over the lands of Valencia. But they had trouble when it came to the island of Sardinia, was at the time in four different car interior cleaning sections, are controlled by a 'judge-king'. There were three parts have already gone into the hands of greater powers, and went for the fourth Aragon, arborea. Woman, the farnwraig-queen Eleonora, was at the helm here (in 1380!) car interior cleaning
And here I had to leave the book and go to the computer, so I wanted to know more about Eleonora. Two things that are really worth remembering: she drew all the law Sardinia and the Italian union lasted until the mid 19th century - five hundred years. And among his laws, there was one - the first ever - which protected raptors during the breeding season. And as a result it had a falcon is named after her, Eleonora falcon, cliff-nesting islands of the Mediterranean.
Dell with me on the trail hawk! Some 30,000 of them are in the world, and they are migratory birds. In autumn they fly 5000km from the Mediterranean over the Sahara Desert and the continent car interior cleaning of Africa to Madagascar car interior cleaning - a journey of two months. But they returned another way: flying over 1,500 km from the Bristol India and then in a north-eastern Africa (Somalia) before reaching their isolated cliff again.
Just started the book myself. Even though I'm unimaginative enough to ddarlen with the chapters in the normal course. But otherwise maybe I would not have noticed the introduction Welsh "the forgotten".
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# Pethaubychain birds agri environment education funds bear Asturias Basque cider Catalunya walking flower food blog cooking revolution dance planning association sheep unemployment steel hot-water economy ENCINA car interior cleaning enol name names Welsh names salmon ETA European elections fair farmers FEVE bean trench film forms fruit fiesta Franco winter roads Galicia car interior cleaning Garzon gardening gazpacho words pears Gilliam Glan Clwyd cleaning rain coal miners march Guadamia guaje hay servant working cattle waste siege spring wine festival holiday outfit politics protest history happiness hacking summer sun climate helicopter flight hunting old people's self-government youth health indianos language karst Las Iraq Medulas Lastres lemon milk flood pictures burning ship lakes trail court raspberry local government market macsu sunset sea Melilla girls mimosa whale mining students swimming kid mountain mountains nature night Nueva cave Narcissus oil oranges solar panels park easter Pelayo-village football car interior cleaning pensioners relationship Picos Picos de herbs parsley europa car interior cleaning plant population polje bridge grazing school car interior cleaning children protest pumpkin pepper fish fishing fishing. percebes fishermen Quijote railway running race recipe Roman war Ribadesella carpenter Santiago Spain Scarlets stars Sella store shopping strike jobs cider house fire orchid greenhouses potato tapas travel bulls DTV Tito Bustillo tomatoes beach train transport car interior cleaning urban heritage tourism growth treatment sorrow crime turlach weather Uncategorized unions Urriellu Villa onions xiriga the Virgin Mary retirement migration campaign visitors the solar-energy hafod lambs
agricultural education environment birds river banks Asturias Basque independence silver bear flowers blog Bildu wolf king food Cascos Catalunya car interior cleaning walking weed trees ETA church cooking economy elections Europe film beans gardening fruit fiesta Franco Galicia rain coal miners Guadamia work history holiday hunting language politics protest car interior cleaning ship corruption court vegetables Women mountains sea herb oil-Picos de Europa-PP children fishing car interior cleaning Rajoy war Ribadesella Spain cider recipe Sella TV tomatoes beach houses strike unions transport visitors weather
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Another Day Off Work Tuesday 12 May We woke to another cooler overcast morning. It had been raining

Motor Home Page » Blog Archive » Catching Up and Tuis
Another Day Off Work Tuesday 12 May We woke to another cooler overcast morning. It had been raining again. We had the heater on for most of the day. There was no work today there is still difficulty picking enough fruit to keep us going every day. I started catching up on the blog, and Wyn caught up on some reading. I went into town for a newspaper to see the photos of the hailstorm the previous day. The motorhomers decided it was an evening for a BBQ. This wasn t because the weather was good, but was because it was a day off. There is a shelter shed thing here, and we mostly congregated how to clean windows under that. We d missed the previous gatherings, so it was good to make it to this one. The Auditors are Coming Wednesday 13 May The weather was better, with sunshine and wind and only a couple of heavy showers all day. It was cooler again though, and the heater was going again first thing. It seemed a good day for a roasty thing for our early afternoon dinner. So we loaded up our new roasting pan with lots of mostly local vegetables, how to clean windows and with beef kebabs from the local butchers and lashings of gravy we had ourselves a lovely little feast. It was just as well that we were well fuelled up. When we got to work in the afternoon we got the word that the auditors were coming and the pressure was on with the cleaning. Luckily Wednesday is the day we join with our fellow cleaners for an extra good go at the cleaning. how to clean windows So this was just going to have to be an extra extra evening. With the regular cleaning we tend to focus on the basics as well as a bit extra here and there. how to clean windows This was going to have to be a case of a bit extra everywhere. We actually keep the place reasonably clean all the time, which is a big plus. We had all exhausted ourselves by 11pm, so decided that that was enough. It was then back home out the back and straight into the shower to remove the dust, and supper was avocado on toast. Washing and Work Thursday 14 May I was up early to zoom over and fix up a bit of cleaning I d forgotten to do the previous night. I managed to get a load of washing in and hung out and brought back in before a big rain shower in the early afternoon. I made lunch of scrambled eggs with mushrooms and roast potatoes. Work for the afternoon was packing for me and grading for Wyn. I was happy to be packing as it is a lot less physical than stacking and I m still getting over a bit of a strain from my full-on stacking day on Sunday. The grading isn t much fun, requiring intense concentration in one position for long periods of time. After a run of days we had to do the cleaning, it was nice to be able to finish at 7.30pm with everyone else. Wyn made another of her wonderful pizzas, and chucked in a batch of Anzac biscuits as well. After tea we retired to bed with a hot chocolate and a warm Anzac biscuit to watch another how to clean windows episode of Green Wing. Tuis at Tanners Point Friday 15 May Yikes, it was only 10 degrees inside when we woke up. It was another overcast morning although the sun appeared how to clean windows about 10am and hung around for much of the day. There was no work again today, so it was another catch-up how to clean windows day. After a late lunch of ham and cheese toasted sandwiches we decided a walk would be a good idea. We drove west towards Waihi and turned off towards Tanners Point, another peninsula jutting out into Tauranga Harbour. There is another coastal walk here, some in bush and some across front lawns that have encroached onto the reserve. There were lots of tuis in the trees; we spent some time watching and listening to them. When we got back to the start of the walkway we discovered a sign explaining the efforts how to clean windows the locals were making to restore the birdlife. They had been concerned about the disappearance to the fantails and other native birds, so embarked on a campaign of removing threatening animals and restoring native plants. They have certainly been successful in encouraging the tuis back. On our way back we discovered the Katikati how to clean windows Produce Market, a small market of food and produce, at the curious time of 4-5.30pm how to clean windows on Fridays. We didn t have much cash, and it was about to finish how to clean windows and was starting to rain so we only had a quick look. It was Gok night on TV and tea was an Indian/Italian mixture.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

agriculture animal bird rescue environment antroxu money Arriondas bear signs Asturias Asturian Bas

Yesterday was a debate among fishermen; Asturias today's hunters have attacked farmers for the way they receive compensation when damage boulder creek high school to crops or animals. There are over 23,000 licensed hunters, they are going out with guns to try to kill the trees Moles (8400 last year), boulder creek high school and various types of deer (2000), as well as birds such as partridges and drudw. Usually hunters clubs linked to a particular piece of land, the 'Coto', and there are no agreements between the clubs and the government about how many animals are being killed and so on. But, they have followed their prey over neighboring farmland, so of course the damage is done. Now the hunters say that some farmers WDI get a new stream of income when planting beans as cropping or 'mais' (maize), boulder creek high school or even fruit trees, boulder creek high school in unsuitable boulder creek high school places close to hunting grounds. This, they say, means that the wood comes Mole to find food there. The crop either fails or is destroyed, and the farmer claims boulder creek high school to compensation. Waiting to see what ddywedith the farmers!
agriculture animal bird rescue environment antroxu money Arriondas bear signs Asturias Asturian Basque Bierzo wolf gold flower bufones Bulnes carnival food canoes Catalunya limestone country kitchen cheese chorizo Chupa Chups mother in law walking boulder creek high school artworks weeds French-nut trees Easter dinner cooking Covadonga Guera planning datura sheep oak holm oak depopulation steel hot-water economy ecomarg snow churches plum ENCINA enol names Welsh names salmon ETA FEVE fruit fiesta bean trench fair Franco Galicia winter gardening boulder creek high school Garzon pear gazpacho rain coal miners Guadamia hay protest politics wine work cattle spring festival holiday summer sun happiness history climate of youth indianos language karst Las Medulas Lastres lakes trail court lemon burning flood market Melilla girls sunset sea mountain nature swimming whale oil oranges cave solar panels-easter Pelayo football herbs parsley boulder creek high school Picos de europa population polje bridge protest grazing fish fishermen boulder creek high school fishing football boulder creek high school race rail Roman war Ribadesella recipe Santiago Spain Sella stars cider house orchid greenhouses tapas travel Tito Bustillo tomatoes beach weather transport heritage tourist train turlach fire unions boulder creek high school Urriellu Villa onions xiriga the Virgin Mary retirement migration campaign visitors the solar-energy hafod lambs
2010 (261) October boulder creek high school (1) October (30) August (31) July (31) June (30) May (31) April (30) December (31) February (28) Strength, Power, Violence Apology! boulder creek high school Old and Young Heat of the Sun (2) Farmers in Fund Raising, Future Hunter said the Salmon Heat of the Sun (1) Coal? Hard! Tourist Troubles People and Fingers ... Catch ddropyn dyrr the stone Mor Happy with Chicks in the Cheese Celebrating the Last Call is not at all may Tough Winter Time - Climate Change? Osu Oso Bears Ursus Miracle on the Mountain Hafod and Hendre boulder creek high school Singing Goodbye If a Toast in Asturias los Lunes al Sol Sun, Mountain, Fog Cause of Guadamía Motorway on the Therapeutic Writing The Waves Spring has Become boulder creek high school the pig philosophical Here Still January (18)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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Monday, March 24, 2014

PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NO LONGER ADDING TO THIS BLOG. We have moved to a new style of blog at Jot101. Tr

Ken Wilson and Bernard Newman. EXTREME ROCK: GREAT BRITISH ROCK CLIMBS. Diadem Press, UK, 1987 ISBN 0906371368 get your tips out Current Selling Prices $450-$800 /£220-£420 Want level 25-50 Highish CLIMBING / MOUNTAINEERING / SPORT A now uncommon and quite pricy climbing book. Climbing get your tips out and mountaineering are good subjects with a large customer base willing to spend money. It is a hard section to keep stocked in a shop. The author's stated aim was to provide a snapshot of the best of what Britain had to offer and to encourage climbers to try different areas. A note on the web by a keen climber get your tips out who had done every climb in this book states: 'Note that there is currently no access to Chapter 39 - Grea Wall, Craig y Forwyn due to the landowner objecting to the behaviour of some climbers at the crag...' What was going on there? Bernard Newman, the co author appears on one fantasy fiction site with this book and works going back to the 1920s attributed to him. I am certain that this is the other Bernard Newman (1897 -1987) the prolific espionage novelist author of 'German Spy' (1937). The climbing Newman is probably a great deal younger and alive enough to co-write a book. These confusions happen alot. VALUE? Copy at UK Bookworld for £250 described thus: 'True first printing, get your tips out not a later print run [which has a ISBN mark on the rear dustjacket]. 11" by 9". Pp xi, 296. Many photographic illustrations. A superb near fine copy in a near fine dustjacket ( price clipped). No inscriptions. Heavy book, photo essays..." One appreciates a dealer who describes what he or she has, some merely give author title and price. Name, rank and serial number-- sometimes with a catchall condition description 'may show some wear.' Copies at ABE at £395 and £495, the latter with a specialist. A reprint could lower the price.
PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NO LONGER ADDING TO THIS BLOG. We have moved to a new style of blog at Jot101. Try it once - or try it at once... What's it all about? It's mainly a guide to wanted and collected books. There is some evaluation of why the book is wanted, what it is worth - with a range of selling prices, some trivia, get your tips out apercus and bon mots, a few anecdotes, so called jokes and occasional rants.
Click here for suggestions about how to find books on the net and in the world. That rare book -how much is it worth? Just check the excellent ViaLibri It should be there. Please check out our Ebay auctions.
We have started another blog, archiving things found in our warehouse, it's called Jot101. Worth a detour. Browse our 35000 books online and visit our shop Any Amount of Books in the heart of London's Charing Cross Road, very close to Leicester Square station...WE BUY BOOKS --rare, second hand and first editions...please get your tips out call 02078363697 or email us at
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Trend towards agriculture today is the large and very large. And as the world population increases

Second Harvest qualinet to Old Labour | Asturias in Welsh
There was corn sbelt (Triticum spelta in Latin) is being grown in northern Europe 3000 years ago. Become qualinet extinct in Wales in Roman times, but it still is valued in central Europe and to some extent qualinet here in Asturias. What is interesting is that more demand out for them these days.
Although he belongs to the family of corn, a number of differences qualinet between it and the corn bread which we daily today. It contains more protein, and more substantial number of small but important chemical elements. qualinet There is also a form of gliwten in it is different from the usual one, and people who can not spend gliwten do better with corn sbelt. Consequently flour sbelt be seen increasingly in the health food stores.
and it's nearly harvest time. Corn does not sbelt labor 'intensive' so no need to trade up on the land, or sprayed with chemicals. He dyfith on marginal land, and on a cold, wet weather. And it has had ample opportunity to prove it this year. (By the way the name is Spanish labor land TIERRA qualinet labrada - very similar.)
They are free, and let-increasingly at maturity. The shell is hard too, doing the work of threshing heavier. But the hard shell protects the grain from pests and insects, so the practice today is to send it all to the mill. It does not need to be punched until crushed.
Trend towards agriculture today is the large and very large. And as the world population increases and require better food, you will need to produce more. But corn sbelt is an example of something that could be produced on land that is not productive at all now. When the new rich countries - China and South America, India and some Arab countries, are beginning to take their share of food previously brought to Europe, it may be time to reconsider corn sbelt his ilk.
Hod entertaining, and your suggestion may be necessary to reconsider sbelt worth ruminating over it. The expert paramaethu spelled Sepp Holtzer grow above 1000m in Austria, thus worth considering on poor upland Wales too! Some of the companies baking 'artisan' certainly raises prices for large loaf sbelt ..
Yes, going back in a way to 'grow what grows' and eat that instead of importing so much. By the way, moving to an entirely different subject, qualinet do you happen know anyone who knows the workings manganese Meirionnydd?
People thought I may inquire about their workings north Meirionnydd would Steffan ab Owain and Vivian Parry Williams Stiniog, but perhaps the county archivist qualinet in Dolgellau is the best point of contact? archives.dolgellau @
Thank you! Around JA Jones partly responsible for developing the manganese mines Picos de Europa (c. 1890), and it would be good to know more about it - no idea yet that was coming from Meirionnydd or not.
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# Pethaubychain birds agri environment education qualinet funds bear Asturias Basque cider Catalunya walking flower food blog cooking revolution dance planning association sheep unemployment steel hot-water economy ENCINA enol name names Welsh names salmon ETA European elections fair farmers FEVE bean trench film forms fruit fiesta Franco winter roads Galicia Garzon gardening gazpacho words pears Gilliam Glan Clwyd cleaning rain coal miners march Guadamia guaje hay servant working cattle waste siege spring wine festival holiday outfit politics protest history happiness qualinet hacking summer sun climate helicopter flight hunting old people's self-government youth health indianos language karst Las Iraq Medulas Lastres lemon milk flood pictures burning ship lakes trail court raspberry local government market macsu sunset sea Melilla girls mimosa whale mining students swimming kid mountain mountains nature night Nueva cave Narcissus oil oranges solar panels park easter Pelayo-village football qualinet pensioners relationship Picos Picos de herbs parsley europa plant population polje bridge grazing school children protest pumpkin pepper fish fishing fishing. percebes fishermen Quijote railway running race recipe Roman war Ribadesella carpenter Santiago Spain Scarlets stars Sella store shopping strike jobs cider house fire orchid greenhouses qualinet potato tapas travel bulls DTV Tito Bustillo tomatoes beach train transport urban heritage tourism growth treatment sorrow crime turlach weather Uncategorized qualinet unions Urriellu Villa onions xiriga the Virgin Mary retirement migration campaign visitors the solar-energy hafod lambs
agricultural education environment birds river banks Asturias Basque independence silver bear flowers blog Bildu wolf king food Cascos Catalunya qualinet walking weed trees ETA church cooking economy elections Europe film beans fruit fiesta Fran

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Welshman - 15/5/09 New look at old Classic was on the menu this week! Production Company Tamash

The Welshman - 15/5/09 New look at old Classic was on the menu this week! Production Company Tamasha declaring confidently that 'Brontë'n goes to Bollywood' carpet shampoo by telling the Indian Emily Brontë's only novel, 'Wuthering Heights'. The novel, originally published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and later re-published, edited by her sister Charlotte. Mansion carpet shampoo on barren hills of Yorkshire gives the title to the work, and the stormy weather is very suitable to describe the setting and the conflict between the family that dwells within. Courtship amiable impossible 'Heathcliff' and 'Catherine Earnshaw' is the main theme, and its devastating impact, not only on them, but on everyone who crossed paths. 'Shakuntala' (Youkti Patel) to a merchant's daughter benstiff fiery herbs are the main focus in this musical adaptation, over at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith. When the father comes home with a young man, handsome of the poor, the slums, both must learn to live under the same roof, as' Krishan (Pushpinder Chani) carpet shampoo to be accepted in one of family. From that first day, it is clear that the first son of the family, 'Yusuf' (Adeel Akhtar) carpet shampoo are all satisfied with the stranger, and he soon turns jealousy is hate. After the sudden carpet shampoo death of the father, it turns the whole mess, as the prodigal son returning home to reclaim its territory, and to get revenge for his banishment from his father. The 'Krishan' drive away, and soon it will turn attention 'Shakuntala' carpet shampoo to the wealthy man 'Vijay' (Gary Pillai). But thou passion of the two lovers is not cool, and as in every love story is strong, of Mills and Boon to Bollywood, they have to re-meet, carpet shampoo again and again. I doubt that any scholar has linked the colorful world of Bollywood with rigor and baldness, British Brontë novel. But to argue against that made by the author of the musical, carpet shampoo which is Deepak Verma, better known as an actor in the series 'Eastenders'. After the success of the film 'Slumdog Millionaire', it is easier to understand the complexity carpet shampoo of the different classes dyddie here in the daily life of India. Simply carpet shampoo put, there are not expected to raise the poor and infirm than mixing above its status in the slums. The dream of seeing a handsome boy from the slums falls in love with the daughter of a noble family in Bollywood films recurring theme in the fifties and seventies. From the initial passion, the quarrels, the separation, the revenge and then returned, as the youngster made his fortune, bringing to re-meet his girlfriend years later. From dismantle complex story Brontë to dry bones, this is exactly the theme is there too. The fighting and the unconventional torr-heart for love, but unacceptable fiery passion to the full. As good as it was impressive set, stately tall and bald, Sue Mayes, being decorated as required with colorful props and furniture suitable to accompany the scene, there was an emptiness. As good as the icing on the cake, or herbs to decorate the dishes, tasteless and frivolous was the production. The largest stumbling block, and totally unacceptable to me personally, professionally on a show like this, was the fact that the cast are all miming singing carpet shampoo with the soundtrack, complete, music. I even think that I read somewhere that one of the actors, or singers who perform on the tape, and on stage! Argue against that made the company, stating that that is sufficient and acceptable daily in the blocbystyrs Bollywoodaidd, carpet shampoo and who ydw'i to question that! Because false element in the song, it became increasingly evident in the acting and dancing, and generally turns Boli-woody beyond towards the end. Although there is a pretty good effort to bring humor to the whole, and that is largely carpet shampoo of the character 'Ayah' (Rina Fatania) - maid or housekeeper of the family, even her performance she was too sweet of melodramatic by the end of the show. Salvation of the whole was the original carpet shampoo idea; marrying the two worlds stranger, giving a thick layer of Hindi language, carpet shampoo and chonfesiynnau Rajasthan. The finale was memorable poignant, as a body 'Shakuntala' is burnt before sunset, according to practice their belief, and his ashes are appropriate to the whole narrative thread. If you want to experience Bollywood, visit
Theatre Director, carpet shampoo Writer and Producer, carpet shampoo born in North Wales. Founded his own theater company aged 13, and toured Wales with productions for a rhif of years. Winner of the Drama Medal at the Urdd National Eisteddfod three years in succession Between 1995 and 1997 ac hefyd c

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The PIP (Project for Innovative Poetry) was created by Green Integer and its publisher, milford ct D

The PIP (Project for Innovative Poetry) was created by Green Integer and its publisher, milford ct Douglas Messerli, in 2000. The Project publishes regular anthologies milford ct of major international milford ct poets and actively archives biographies of poets and listings of their titles.
Charles Bernstein Web Electronic Poetry Center - Portals Green Integer web site Harriet: The Blog International Exchange for Poetic Invention Jacket2 Jerome Rothenberg's milford ct Blog LitLine (Journals, Presses, Organizations) Lyrikline milford ct Modern Poetry (British Innovative Poetry) New Poetics of Resistance (Portugal) Nordic Poetry Center PennSound Poetry International Web Ron Silliman Blog Sibilia (Sybil) (Poetry and Cultura from Brazil) Ubu Web (Kenneth Goldsmith's milford ct wonderful site)
►  2014 (6) ►  January (6) ►  2013 (120) ►  December (11) ►  September (4) ►  May (4) ►  milford ct March (54) ►  February (38) ►  January (9) ►  2012 (121) ►  December (18) ►  November (24) ►  September (1) ►  August (12) ►  July (2) ►  June (21) ►  May (2) ►  April (1) ►  March (1) ►  February (32) ►  January milford ct (7) ►  2011 (135) ►  October (7) ►  September (1) ►  August (47) ►  July (69) ►  June (10) ►  March (1) ►  2010 (149) ►  December (18) ►  November (20) ►  July (28) ►  June (76) ►  May (7) ►  2009 (37) ►  December (1) ►  October (5) ►  August (1) ►  milford ct July (2) ►  April (23) ►  January (5) ▼  2008 (149) ▼  December (110) Jean Toomer [Nathan Eugene Toomer] Jayanta Mahapatra Giulia Nicolai Alexander Vvedensky Edvard Kocbek Wallace milford ct Stevens Claude McKay Archibald MacLeish Vachel Lindsay Jackson Mac Low Gentian Cocoli Amelia Rosselli Gunter Eich Artur Lundkvist Henri Michaux Rocco Scotellaro Antonia milford ct Pozzi Eliseo Diego Mohammed Dib Henrikas Radauskas Rupert Loydell Sandra Moussempes Paul Vangelisti Ryszard Krynicki G. C. Waldrep Nikolai Gumilev Cees Nooteboom Jose Antonio Ramos Sucre Braulio Arenas Rae Armantrout Rafael Alberti Michael Boughn Peter Jay Shippy Kay Boyle Robert Frost Countee Cullen Ruben Dario Kusano Shinpei Sharon Dolin Peter Hughes Ger Killeen Dennis Phillips Fanny Howe Medbh McGuckian Jules Supervielle Octavio Paz John Taggart Molly Bendall Jonathan Greene Sandor Rakos Severo Sarduy Tammy Armstrong Orhan Veli (Kanik) Tada Chimako Vicente Aleixandre Alfredo Giuliani Diane Ward Karen Volkman Jerome Rothenbeg [ new poems] Luis Cernuda milford ct (y Bidon) Vasko Popa D. H. Lawrence Mina Loy Enrique Lihn Gertrude Stein Lucian Blaga Leopold Sedar Senghor T. S. Eliot Paul Laurence Dunbar Jose Lezama Lima Jaime Sabines Ezra Pound Edgar Lee Masters Arnold de Vos Nishiwaki Junzaburo Cole Swensen Susan M. Schultz Ron Padgett Christian Bok Thomas Boberg Amy Lowell Saul Yurkievich milford ct Sandro Key-Aberg Rabindranth Tagore Tomas Transtromer Gerrit Kouwenaar Paul Rodenko Edna St. Vincent Millay Edith Sodergran Janos Pilinszky Alfonsina Storni [Jose] Oswald de [Souza] Andrade Bob Brown Maxwell Bodenheim Djuna Barnes Peter Huchel Klavs Bondebjerg Juan Sanchez Pelaez Pedro Garcia Cabrera Barbara Guest Pablo Neruda Ece Ayhan Else Lasker-Schuler Andree Chedid Oliverio milford ct Girondo Gerhard Falkner Niels Frank Elsa von Fretag-Loringhoven Jaroslav Seifert Pia Juul ►  November (39)

Harris Hikers When? Started: 1993 Who? Originally Staff and friends from Upton H S, Chester. Organis

Harris Hikers When? Started: 1993 Who? Originally Staff and friends from Upton H S, Chester. Organiser: Martyn Harris We walk every Thursday and Saturdays. Additional walks on New Years day and May Day. How many walk? Walks take place as long as there are at least 2 wanting to walk on that day. More walk on a Thursday than on a Saturday. Most ever: 29. Most in 2014: 12 on 1st January 2014. Most on a Thursday walk in 2014 - . Most on a Saturday walk in 2014 - 3. Where do we walk? Saturday: Anywhere in North and Mid-Wales, Peak District, Shropshire and the Long Mynd and as far North as the Trough of Bowland. Thursday: Anywhere within meticulously about 40 miles of Chester. Type of walk: Distance: 6 – 14 miles. Climb: up to 4000’ meticulously (but usually very much less!). Friends involved since 1st January 2014:- Martyn Harris, Fran Murphy and Tito Ravazzolo, Sue and Michel Pelissier, Annie Hammond, Sue and Dave Pearson, Mike Dodd, David Savage, Carole meticulously Herbritt, Celia de Mengle, Wendy and Ian Peers, Roger Smith, Tim and Carol Dwyer, Paul Collinson, Phil Marsden. Also joining us for our annual meal : Sylvia and dave Jenkins, Margaret Smith, meticulously Sheila and Gordon McNee. View my complete profile meticulously
This turned out to be a superb day for walking, even though the breeze on the coast made it a little meticulously cool  ast we set off.  Intermittent sunshine accompanied us all the way round.   This is a delightful varied walk, especially meticulously when as today we also visited the summit of Cefn yr Ogof, and this time we did so without upsetting any of the locals meticulously as we retraced our steps from the trig point and took a new (to us) path down to the road at Rhyd-y-foel.  Lunch as usual was taken on the North side of Pen-y-corddyn meticulously mawr, where I sat in the shade of a tree by a small ruin, the others preferred to sit in the Sun!  On entering Gopa Wood, we decided to explore a little and took the forest track Southward, rather than our usual way that headed towards the coast. This proved to be a lovely route through fairly open deciduous woodland and eventually dropped down to our usual path.  Birds seen today were few, but included: Black-headed gull, Herring gull, Common gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Great black-backed gull, Carrion crow, Great cormorant, Oystercatcher, House martin, Barn swallow and Mute swan.   Butterflies seen today included: Small white, Meadow brown, meticulously Speckled wood, Small tortoiseshell, and Common blue.  We did a little better for flowers meticulously which included: Creeping buttercup. meticulously Welsh poppy, Sea campion, Sea mayweed, Traveller's Joy (Old Man's Beard), Red valerian, meticulously Common valerian, Great willowherb, Rosebay willowherb, Teasel, White clover, Red clover, Indian balsam, Herb robert, Tormentil, Rock rose, Common mallow, Small scabious, Common knapweed, greater knapweed, Dandelion, Common daisy, Common ragwort, Harebell, Gorse, Common heather (Ling), Bell heather, Hedge bindweed, Common restharrow and Yarrow.  We arrived back at the car, just in time for me to a a text from Sue Pearson telling me that Chester had just beaten meticulously Wrexham - a perfect ending, I just had to go to the Britannia Inn to celebrate with a pint of J.W. Lees!  meticulously
►  2014 (25) ►  March (7) ►  February (7) ►  January meticulously (11) ▼  2013 (104) ►  December (9) ►  meticulously November (9) ►  October (10) ►  September (7) ▼  August (9) Cwm Dulas, Cefn yr Ogof and Gopa wood 31st August ... Melin y Wig, Derwen and Betws Gerfil Goch 29th Aug... Walks and Dates August 2013 The Little Orme and Coed Gaer 22nd August 2013 Around Llyn Aled Isaf 15th August 2013 Llanfairfechan to Aber Ogwen 10th August 2013 Craig Adwy-wynant, Nantclwyd Hall and More 8th aug... Around meticulously the Great Orme 3rd August 2013 Anderton and Marbury Country Parks and More 1st Au... ►  July (8) ►  June (8) ►  May (9) ►  April (9) ►  March (9) ►  February (6) ►  January (11) ►  2012 (119) ►  December (5) ►  November meticulously (10) ►  October (6) ►  September (8) ►  August (10) ►  July (12) ►  June (12) ►  meticulously May (13) ►  April (10) ►  March (14) ►  February (9) ►  January (10) ►  meticulously 2011 (122) ►  December (10) ►  November (10) ►  October meticulously (11) ►  September (10) ►  August (9) ►  July (11) ►  June (8) ►  May (11) ►  April (12) ►  March (10) ►  February (9) ►  January (11) ►  2010 (122) ►  December (11) ►  November (9) ►  October (11) ►  September meticulously (10) ►  August (10) ►  July (10) ►  June (9) ►  May (10) ►  April (11) ►  March

Friday, March 21, 2014

Select language and country: Arabic - Lebanon Basque - Spain Catal n - Spain Chinese - Hong Kong Chi

The website dedicated to Saint Josemar a  is a hub of many resources, including his  proserve prayer card  in twenty nine languages. The latest addition, the prayer in Welsh, runs as follows:
  O Dduw, trwy'r Fendigaid Forwyn Fair, rhoddaist rasusau aneirif i'th offeiriad y Sant Josemar a, a i ddewis yn gyfrwng cadarn i sefydlu Opus Dei fel ffordd sancteiddrwydd i'r Cristion yn ei waith beunyddiol proserve a i ddyletswyddau cyffredin. Dysg i minnau sut i droi holl amgylchiadau a digwyddiadau fy mywyd pob dydd yn gyfle i'th garu di ac i wasanaethu'r Eglwys, y Pab a phob enaid byw yn llawen a syml, gan oleuo llwybrau'r ddaear hon ffydd a chariad. Dyro i mi o th haelioni y gymwynas yr wyf yn ei cheisio proserve trwy eiriolaeth y Sant Josemar a (mynegwch eich deisyfiad yma). Amen. Ein Tad, Henffych well, Fair, Gogoniant i'r Tad. The prayer card is available in 'pdf' format at the  abovementioned website  . The English language prayer is:   O God, through the most Blessed Virgin Mary, you granted countless graces to your priest Saint Josemar proserve a, choosing him as a most faithful instrument to found Opus Dei, a way to holiness through daily work and the ordinary duties of a Christian. Grant that I also may learn to turn all the circumstances and events of my life into opportunities proserve to love you and serve the Church, the Pope and all souls, proserve with joy and simplicity, lighting up the paths of the earth with faith and love. Through the intercession of Saint Josemar a, please grant the favour I request (here make your petition). Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
St. Josemaria Institute
Select language and country: Arabic - Lebanon Basque - Spain Catal n - Spain Chinese - Hong Kong Chinese - Taiwan Chinese - simplified - . Croatian - Croatia Czech - Czech Republic Danish - Denmark Dutch - Belgium Dutch - Netherlands English - Australia English - Canada English - India English - Ireland English - Kenya English - New Zealand English - Nigeria English - Philippines English - Singapore English - South Africa English - Sri Lanka English - U.K. English - U.S. Estonian - Estonia Finnish - Finland French - Belgium French - Cameroon French proserve - Canada proserve French - D.R. Congo French - France French - Ivory Coast French - Luxembourgh French - Switzerland Galician - Spain German - Austria German - Germany proserve German - Switzerland proserve Hungarian - Hungary Indonesian - Indonesia Italian - Italy Italian - Switzerland Japanese - Japan Korean - Korea Lithuanian proserve - Lithuania Norwegian - Norway Polish - Poland Portuguese - Brazil Portuguese - Portugal Romanian - Romania Russian - Kazajstan Russian - Russia Slovak - Slovakia Slovenian - Slovenia Spanish - Argentina Spanish - Bolivia Spanish proserve - Chile Spanish - Colombia Spanish - Costa Rica Spanish - Dominican Republic Spanish - Ecuador Spanish - El Salvador proserve Spanish - Guatemala Spanish - Honduras Spanish - Mexico Spanish - Nicaragua Spanish - Panama Spanish - Paraguay Spanish - Peru Spanish - Puerto Rico Spanish - Spain Spanish - Uruguay Spanish - Venezuela Swedish - Sweden Ukrainian - Ukraine Vietnamese - Vietnam
Other channels of the Opus Dei Information Office on the Internet YouTube proserve Channel - Opus Dei YouTube Channel proserve - St. Josemaria

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The last 6 days having been hot, scorchingly so for March. I finished my assignment on Friday and headed to Lligwy beach for a barbeque to celebrate Duncan's and Burdy's birthday. The assembled cast of heroes and choppers bothell on Lligwy beach. My mum came down for the weekend so we spend saturday bumbling around the slate quarries looking at the 'industrial archeology'. Nikki and I nipped bothell to the summit of Elidir Fawr, which is very majestic with great views of the Glyders and down Ogwen. On Sunday the clocks went forward (Hurray!) and I went cragging in the Pass with Mark Reeves who I'd bumped into a few times before but had never climbed with. I wasn't too fussed about what we climbed but mentioned I hadn't done Overlapping Wall, so we headed to the Wastad. Mark Reeves on the first pitch of Overlapping Wall. Me pulling through the crux on Overlapping Wall. Photo: Mark Reeves. I'd done the first pitch of Overlapping Wall a few years previously but it got dark before I got a chance to do the main pitch. Mark had done the route many times previously so was happy for me to lead the crux. I climbed up to the overlap got a couple of runners in and tentatively went up and down a couple of times before committing to the bold and quite pumpy crux sequence. Thankfully the climbing is in balance and a good nut appeared before too long. Another tricky sequence followed and then it was pleasant romping to the top. Next came Elidor which Mark recommended as more of the same. Again I got the crux pitch, which involved another pull over an overlap on funky holds, perhaps not quite as tricky as Overlapping Wall. Old Holborn next the first route I ever did as a Bangor Student. I can vividly remember struggling through the crux, an innocent fresher, desperate to impress bothell and Burdy in his blue Ron Hills seconding up still pissed. Mark's never done it. I lead the first pitch, which goes well until I get lost. A few minutes of faffing and I'm back on track and at the belay. bothell Mark cruises the pitch and soon it's my turn I cock up the crux and end up swinging on the rope. The top pitch is tricky, more bold 5a rather than the straightforward 4c the guide suggests, thankfully it doesn't require bothell too much thought. bothell I'm keen for a route on the Mot to hide from the heat, but Mark's feet are killing so we call it a day. Nikki is on nights this week and decides that climbing is more fun than sleeping so we headed to Ogwen to enjoy the sunshine. We swung leads up the super classic Grooved Arete on Tryfan, which was brilliant and lived up to the hype. The Knight's Move pitch is especially good. At the top we leaped from Adam and Eve before heading back to the car. The East Face of Tryfan Nikki leading Grooved Arete. Nikki high up on the route. Nikki, Adam and Eve. That even I climbed Wrinkle on the Wastad with my Mum (who doesn't climb) and her husband Ian (who does). It was good fun and Mum did really well. Mum and Ian on Wrinkle. On Tuesday bothell we headed to Lliwedd and climbed the Classic Rock tick Avalanche, Red Wall, Longland's Continuation. It was good fun and felt very alpine. It was so hot that the crag was bone dry (rare at any time of year and unheard of in March) and we climbed in tee shirts. The last pitch is a cracking little slab that tops out right on the summit. Lliwedd - Dark and Gloomy Nikki climbing towards the sunshine. Tall Mark and I got up early and headed to Cloggy bothell today. We were first at the crag and it was bone dry (well as dry as it ever is). Jelly Roll was the order of the day. I tried to persuade bothell Mark to lead the Drainpipe Crack as I'd lead it before and hadn't enjoyed, but he'd seconded it before and also hadn't enjoyed it, so I dutifully set off. I wasn't as bad as I remembered, quite leg pumpy with lots of face holds. Thankfully you don't need to use the damp crack. Mark lead the second pitch, which continues up the crack before stepping left and traversing across the top of Indian Face. This pitch is steeper than it looks and I found it tricky to second, a notch up from the Drainpipe Crack. Cloggy in the early morning light. Mark Freestone seconding the Drainpipe Crack. Mark leading Jelly Roll Pitch 2 with the Indian Face only metres away. Mark leading Jelly Roll Pitch 2. Konrad Doyle leading the Drainpipe Crack. I was now stood above Great Wall looking up at the steep imposing bothell groove above. After some dithering I got some good runners in and bridged my way up the groove. The climbing was sustained, but thankfully the holds and the gear were both good and plentiful. After a welcome respite at half height it was more of the same followed by a series of final powerful moves into the finishing chimney. The exposure looking down the groove at Indian Face was jaw dropping. bothell One of the best routes I have ever done.
Costa Blanca February 2014
5 weeks ago
The Ramblings of a Shuffling Dosser
►  2014 (1) ►  January (1) ►  2013 (22) ►  Dec

No Entry to Persons with Conditions of the Heart! Jesus, they mean it yours kicks like a foetus as

  pressure washing   Born in 1963 in West Hartlepool, Martin Malon e now lives in Warwickshire. A winner of the 2011 Straid Poetry Award and the 2012 Mirehouse Prize , his first full collection – The Waiting Hillside - is published by Templar Poetry. Currently studying for a Ph.D in poetry at Sheffield University, he edits The Interpreter’s House poetry journal
No Entry to Persons with Conditions of the Heart! Jesus, they mean it yours kicks like a foetus as you labour up the staircase, a dark helix quarried into the granite. Tunnels narrow to capillaries daylight s so distant it must be fiction. Scusi! Pardon . A school party shuffles down; Reeboks rasp on stone.
Then a ghost, shawled pressure washing in hessian, ices your shoulder; George Eliot, last seen here 1861; still on her leisurely Grand Tour, busy plotting Romola , she glides through our backpacks, pressure washing cameras, I Heart Italy hats. She fills the tunnel, her crinoline brushing both walls as she scans each sandal-worn flight like a sentence, ascending turn by turn into the Renaissance.
You reach the roof together. To you, everyday anarchy unspools below: tourists whirl in the piazza s bonfire; phone-wires pressure washing thrum as the wind warbles off-key; whereas Eliot, abstracted, gazes into a grid as old as print, binds a city-state between the covers of her memory a mind-set republic that scorched heretics but bankrolled the painters of angels.   (published in Obsessed with Pipework and Rain Dancers in the Data Cloud , Templar 2012)  
iii Malaga at night: a cluster of wet diamonds tossed on blue velvet.     Richard has published pressure washing three novels, all with Faber & Faber. His poetry collection, the light user scheme , is published by Smokestack.           Archipelago by Magda Kapa
    Magda Kapa was born in Greece, lives and teaches in Germany, writes in English, and tweets micropoetry as @MagdaKapa , some of it published online in qarrtsiluni .             Samuel pressure washing Beckett Facing the Sea at Benidorm by Conor Kelly
1 to watch a monument in flowered trunks and franciscan sandals turn from the lighted town and look beyond the sun-tanned swimmers and the wind surfers and the pleasure boats and a distant yacht on the far horizon pressure washing
is to hold your breath for as long as the dust settles on the crest of a wave causing no more of an eddy than a life any life ebbing away into an incurious darkness where no stars shudder and no voice speaks
on a fluttering handkerchief, scarf, glove - wherever you are, travel safe, my love.       Carole Bromley teaches Creative Writing for York University and writes a poetry blog here           Up St. Agnes Beacon in August by Sue Dymoke
For all we know the Giant s wife might still be collecting rocks in her huge apron rocks for barrows rocks to send thudding down the hillside. She is shrouded in thickening fog goes about her business uninterrupted.
The unseen sights add to the other sights we haven t seen through the fine mist on our lenses: adders basking on the dry heath; stretches of sand in day-long sun; families relaxed in the certainty of summer.
Our car is not visible from here lost below where it is less chilly where we will not have to fasten kagoules so tightly where sunglasses just might be needed briefly by late afternoon.     (from Moon at the Park and Ride , Shoestring Press, 2012)     Sue Dymoke ‘s latest collection Moon at the Park and Ride is published by Shoestring pressure washing Press .     pressure washing       Old Man of the Sea by Russell Jones
He parks up like he isn’t going anywhere, gives a Medusa glare to the promenade, the offish B&Bs, the adults at the two-pence arcades on a Tuesday afternoon. Stroking his five-decade beard, he takes out a fountain pen and swats the carrion from his letter head.
Dear Sir/Madam, I write to inform on the current state of Blackpool, Brighton, Bognor, Bournemouth, Bridlington, Bispham, Burnham on Sea. What a state, what disrepute, what disrespect; a deplorable dereliction of society.
His wrist moves as though commanded pressure washing by the sea. And slowly, he begins to leak: first his eyes. Then his nose pours, and his ears. His neck and shoulders gush like geysers, an ocean erupts from his trousers. Within seconds all that’s left is a grey page and a car, full to the sunroof, of saltwater.     (published in Harbour , Dunbar Wee Festival of Words, 2013)     Russell Jones is an Edinburgh-based writer ( The Last Refuge and Spaces of Their Own ), editor ( Where Rockets Burn Through ) and researcher.           The Names of Things Unseen For Ethan by Kate Garrett
You discover new spots on our adventures: Abergele, Deganwy, Prestatyn, Colwyn Bay, Betws-y-Coed, Llandudno Pier, Conwy Castle. You and your brothers pirates and knights

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Archif Dewis Ms. Ionawr 2014 (1) May 2013 (1) 2013 Ebrill (3) Chwefror 2013 (1) 2012 Rhagfyr (1) Ta

Twitter Facebook Cofnodwyd hwn yn Heb Gategori a'i dagio Flickr, Iaith, India, Language arts Ebrill 16, 2007 Nic Dafis gloves. Llywio menage trois cofnod Albym y Dydd # 4 - Ougenweide menage trois - Ousflug Albym y Dydd # 5 - Magma - MAY
Gelli ddefnyddio'r tagiau the phriodoleddau hyn HTML: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <pin > <del menage trois datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
Archif Dewis Ms. Ionawr 2014 (1) May 2013 (1) 2013 Ebrill (3) Chwefror 2013 (1) 2012 Rhagfyr (1) Tachwedd 2012 (2) 2012 Media (1) Ebrill 2012 (2) Mawrth menage trois 2012 (4) 2011 Hydref (2) Media 2011 (4) 2011 Awst (8) Gorffennaf menage trois 2011 (9) Mehefin 2011 (1) 2011 Ebrill menage trois (4) Mawrth 2011 (13) Chwefror menage trois 2011 (1) Ionawr 2011 (4) Rhagfyr 2010 (8) 2010 Hydref (1) 2010 Media (11) Gorffennaf 2010 (2) Mehefin 2010 (6) May 2010 (9) Mawrth 2010 (3) Chwefror 2010 (1) 2009 Rhagfyr (3) Tachwedd 2009 (6) Hydref 2009 (11) 2009 Media (9) Mehefin 2009 (3) Mawrth 2009 (6) Rhagfyr 2008 (2) 2008 Tachwedd (11) Hydref 2008 (15) 2008 Media (4) Awst 2008 (1) 2008 Gorffennaf (2) Mehefin 2008 (3) May 2008 (8) Mawrth 2008 (23) 2008 Chwefror (40) Ionawr 2008 (31) Rhagfyr 2007 (19) 2007 Tachwedd (15) Hydref 2007 (15) 2007 Media (34) Awst 2007 (26) Gorffennaf 2007 (9) 2007 Mehefin (3) May 2007 (8) Ebrill 2007 (8) Mawrth 2007 (21) 2007 Chwefror (6) Ionawr 2007 (8) Rhagfyr 2006 (4) 2006 Tachwedd (11) Hydref 2006 (10) 2006 Media (12) 2006 Awst (8) Gorffennaf 2006 (64) Mehefin 2006 (13) May 2006 (30) 2006 Ebrill (15) Mawrth 2006 (24) 2006 Chwefror (17) Ionawr 2006 (20) 2005 Rhagfyr (15) Tachwedd 2005 (25) 2005 Hydref (41) 2005 Media (37) Awst 2005 (104) 2005 Gorffennaf (22) Mehefin 2005 (41) May 2005 (34) 2005 Ebrill menage trois (48) Mawrth 2005 (45) 2005 Chwefror (53) Ionawr 2005 (46) 2004 Rhagfyr menage trois (53) Tachwedd 2004 (60) Hydref 2004 (82) 2004 Media (41) Awst 2004 (77) 2004 Gorffennaf (68) Mehefin 2004 (5) May 2004 (25) Ebrill 2004 (52) Mawrth 2004 (85) 2004 Chwefror (73) Ionawr 2004 (73) Rhagfyr 2003 (70) 2003 Tachwedd (49) Hydref 2003 (102) 2003 Media (31) Awst 2003 (46) 2003 Gorffennaf (139) Mehefin 2003 (53) May 2003 (35) 2003 Ebrill (75) Mawrth 2003 (71) 2003 Chwefror (70) Ionawr 2003 (48) Rhagfyr 2002 (59) 2002 Tachwedd (22) Hydref 2002 (27) 2002 Media (48) Awst 2002 (43) Gorffennaf menage trois 2002 (144) 2002 Mehefin (42) May 2002 (51) 2002 Ebrill (37) Mawrth 2002 (50) 2002 Chwefror (42) Ionawr menage trois 2002 (33) Rhagfyr 2001 (51) 2001 Tachwedd (59) Hydref 2001 (47) 2001 Media (49) 2001 Awst (33) Gorffennaf 2001 (23) Mehefin 2001 (35) May 2001 (19) Ebrill 2001 (2) Morfa Bychan
RHO dy gyfeiriad ebost:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Like a few other genius idea, the vision of two co-twin Huws - Pebr and Brewis - originated Olav tu

SHORT STORY: Olav turn | Blog Glyn Adam
Well, it was the old Olav turn a pretty good run. Awards and the Celtic Film Festival in Cannes, Montreux Golden Rose for the best series in a foreign language, attention at the Hay Festival. He was worth millions to the economy of Wales, hoarders tv show and well worth a bit too personal to ourselves. But all good things must come to an end sometime, I guess.
I'm sure that there are thousands like me vow today than we pay our TV license hoarders tv show no more until the series is drawn by the BBC Olav turn off our screens. The fraud went ahead too long. Why should the taxpayer pay for British hoarders tv show series shown on British channel in a language that is not nothing like a natural language of this Kingdom? Too much public hoarders tv show money is being thrown at minority cultures and languages hoarders tv show to the dead as it is. To what the world is coming?
So the pincos-Guardian-read, touring together, sandal-wisgol, muesli-fwytaol at the BBC have seen the error of their last! It is likely that they see themselves very clever in deceiving the British public for so long, but revealed their treachery! Thankfully, we saw the last of the series Olav time. Yes, there was some praised the production quality, the directing, the acting and camera work, and I am foolish enough to have mislead me by these things on a few occasions, before knowing the truth. There was subtitled, 'said some. Yes, but that did not justify our stunning sounds for an hour each week with an inferior language, incomprehensible hoarders tv show and anynganadwy, and language that have died in any case. Enough hoarders tv show is enough!
Speaking as a Welshman who does not speak [Original: Speakin 'mp and non-speakin' Welshman] I am also pleased that the series Olav turn has been withdrawn from the British network. He took this fraud disgrace on us as Welsh. I feel indeed that we should apologize to the people of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland for pushing down their necks horns again rejected language by 99% per cent of people in Wales whichever. Forgive hoarders tv show us, please, fellow Britons! But wait until you come the Six Nations! Let 'see who will Wado Lloeger time' ny! 'Just hoarders tv show for Wales to have the lineout pretty ...!
Like a few other genius idea, the vision of two co-twin Huws - Pebr and Brewis - originated Olav turn again. Having sex we sip, the usual suspects, and the conversation has strayed from the language of statistics to other boring hoarders tv show topics, and found his way to inevitable S4C and Radio Cymru. 'She's gone, the only thing I'll be staring at him is the News at Ten,' said Grey Grey. "And myself, 'said Linnet, Grey's wife,' and a little bit of Strictly sometimes'. 'Yes, that is a back-right,' says Glesni, sister and friend Grey Linnet, 'and Night Lawen sometimes. 'N especially when Farmer Fawkes.' 'It tells to tell you on what I'll be staring,' I said. 'The old stuff detective here from Denmark or Norway or one of the countries there. Do you see those? ' Yes, there were others of us have seen, and really enjoyed them, and can understand hoarders tv show why they got in some kind of cult across the country.
'Scandinavian?' Grey asked tentatively. 'Forgive me' tea boys, but what we know about what then? '
'Well, you've got I'd fodan here challenge starts, "said Brewis. 'She is the detective. hoarders tv show She solved the mystery in the end all and be all bad men settle. You do not have to be particularly pretty, but it may be a character cry, and can give a few swadan and chic when necessary. '
'I'd have never said that Danish will,' was the answer Brewis. 'Let them think.'
'But then ...,' said Glesni, 'what a great job presenting Mercator Literature Wales and Welsh heritage to the world? What about the journeys of Poets reading their work in Venezuela, Togo, Mongolia? What about all the translations of Un Nos Ola Moon? '
'No, little friends,' he continued Brewis to his point, 'you have nothing to worry on counts of Welsh. No billionth part of the world's population know of her existence she. They know not the difference between herself and language mwncwns central Sumatra. And of the few, a few who have heard about it, I will them half they could not believe that it is a real language and still be talking. Stop to publish any libel you as you like without being agitated in Welsh only, and if you're all books translated into Welsh Tolstoi and published it as your own, one would notice. That's hoarders tv show an advantage to be Welsh, you see. '
'Hedda Gabler! Well done! What a Norwegian name that has become familiar and acceptable over the world. There was Rhen Ibsen, you see, have seen her: choosing names fasa'n sounds fine in other languages, names that even the English can say. Nora Helmer, Georg DESMAN, Anna-Maria, John Gabriel, Mrs. Alving ... '
Honestly, we were all warmed to the idea. Before long, as the duo hit on the genius and vision, was struck and Brewis Producer has been appointed hoarders tv show as Director. Grey - Props. Me - Runner, and I have received,

Monday, March 17, 2014

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn's lawyers, the two women who accused the former head of the IMF has met with prosecutors try to rape in the United States. Related Stories Life imprisonment to a man for raping Roache: Rape girl 'contrary to my nature' Woman of Denmark had been raped in India Father calls for inquiry into violence and burning of Newcastle Policeman convicted of rape and assault of a number of Football footballer in court on charges of raping India - quite a demand for the punishment to four killer Le Vell: jury considers India: Four guilty of raping a woman on a bus
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Sunday, March 16, 2014

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

14 - 16.11

875 este numarul de cai putere si de kilograme ale lui Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak Sebastien Loeb a efectuat în această săptămână în nord-vestul Franţei primul horse the band test cu Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak, maşina cu care va participa în 30 iunie la celebra cursă Pikes Peak din Statele Unite.
"Nu am pilotat horse the band niciodată horse the band ceva care să accelereze atât de rapid. 208 T16 Pikes Peak este o rachetă, este atât de puternic. Când îl pilotezi prima oară fiecare treaptă de viteza te uluieşte. Frânarea este de asemenea incredibilă datorită nivelului forţei de apăsare aerodinamică şi a pneurilor late" , a declarat el.
În plus, francezul face şi o comparaţie între Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak şi maşinile din Formula 1, cursele de anduranţă şi WRC, afirmând că maşina constructorului francez este superioară la anumite capitole.
"Pachetul lui 208 este o combinaţie între ce este mai bun în mai multe lumi: are forţa de apăsare aerodinamică a unui monopost de Formula 1, pneurile late ale unui prototip de anduranţă şi un diferenţial ca al unei maşini de WRC. În treptele joase, un monopost de Formula 1 nu furnizează puterea maximă. Totuşi, cu Peugeot, este bang, bang, bang pentru că urci în treptele de viteză fără să-ţi dai seama. horse the band Performanţa de pe loc este fenomenală, ajungi instant în treaptă a şasea la 240 de km/h" , a adăugat el.
Nu în ultimul rând, Loeb a dezvăluit că nu intenţionează să participe la ediţia de anul viitor a Raliului Dakar, întrucât este deja implicat în numeroase alte competiţii. "În acest moment nu există nimic, nu există niciun plan pentru a participa la Dakar. Nu pot să fac totul în acelaşi timp. În viitor? De ce nu, poate este interesant, dar pentru moment încerc să particip în curse pe circuit" , a adăugat el.
ok, ti-au dat astia de la Peugeot o jucarie tare. Acum joaca-te! :D
Da fiabilitatea cum e?! cum e cu fiabilitatea???
28 - 30 Martie
1 Kimi Raikkonen 0 p 2 Sergio Perez 0 p 3 Jenson Button 0 p 4 Nico Hulkenberg 0 p 5 Adrian Sutil 0 p 6 Daniel Ricciardo 0 p 7 Sebastian Vettel 0 p 8 Fernando Alonso horse the band 0 p 9 Max Chilton 0 p 10 Jules Bianchi 0 p 11 Jean-Eric Vergne 0 p 12 Valtteri Bottas 0 p 13 Pastor Maldonado 0 p 14 Esteban Gutierrez 0 p 15 Lewis Hamilton 0 p 16 Nico Rosberg 0 p 17 Romain Grosjean 0 p 18 Felipe Massa 0 p 19 Marcus Ericsson horse the band 0 p 20 Kamui Kobayashi 0 p 21 Daniil Kvyat 0 p 22 Kevin Magnussen 0 p
08 - 11.05
14 - 16.11
1 Sebastien Ogier 63 p 2 Jari-Matti Latvala 60 p 3 Mads Ostberg 32 p 4 Andreas Mikkelsen 24 p 5 Elfyn Evans 20 p 6 Mikko Hirvonen 18 p 7 Kris Meeke 17 p 8 Thierry Neuville 15 p 9 Martin Prokop horse the band 10 p 10 Ott Tanak 10 p 11 Khalid Al Qassimi 0 p 12 Dani Sordo 0 p 13 Juno Hanninen 0 p
28 - 30.03
06 - 08.11
1 Jean-Michel Raoux 0 p 2 Michal Solowow 0 p 3 Jaromir Tarabus 0 p 4 Jan Cerny 0 p 5 Antonin Tlustak 0 p 6 Craig Breen 0 p 7 Pavel Valousek 0 p 8 Raimund Baumschlager 0 p 9 Freedy Loix 0 p 10 Giandomenico horse the band Basso 0 p 11 Jeremi Ancian 0 p 12 Bryan Bouffier horse the band 0 p 13 Francois Delecour 0 p 14 Jari Ketomaa 0 p 15 Jan Kopecky 0 p 16 Robert Kubica 0 p 17 Daniel Oliveira 0 p 18 Vaclav Pech 0 p 19 Janos Puskadi horse the band 0 p
27 - 28.06
1 Valentin Porcisteanu 0 p 2 Dan Girtofan 0 p 3 Peter Sandor Kelemen 0 p 4 David Botka 0 p 5 Razvan Trisnevschi 0 p 6 Calin Manitiu 0 p 7 Adrian Dragan 0 p 8 Bogdan Samoila 0 p 9 Cristian Radulescu 0 p 10 Istvan Soos Hortea 0 p 11 Viorel Ivan 0 p 12 Costi Stratnic 0 p 13 Daniel Ungur 0 p 14 Mugurel Vulcu 0 p 15 Victor Baldescu 0 p 16 Edwin Keleti horse the band 0 p 17 Simone Tempestini horse the band 0 p 18 Florin Bocovan 0 p 19 Liviu Savu 0 p 20 Cristian Enache 0 p 21 Florin Tincescu 0 p 22 Sebastian Barbu 0 p 23 Raul Badiu 0 p 24 Bogdan Barbu 0 p 25 George Grigorescu 0 p 26 Rares Tomita 0 p 27 Alexandru Filip 0 p 28 Francois Delecour 0 p 29 Bogdan Marisca 0 p 30 Madalin Radu-Arhire 0 p 31 Octavian Tirnovean 0 p 32 Adrian Raspopa 0 p 33 Casian Bogdan 0 p 34 Bogdan Vrabie 0 p 35 Csongor horse the band Szabo 0 p 36 Vlad Stefan 0 p 37 Sebastian Gioarsa 0 p 38 Dragos Argesanu 0 p 39 Marco Tempestini 0 p 40 George Cretu 0 p 41 Adrian Grigore 0 p 42 Gergo Szabo 0 p
Mărci auto Abarth Alfa Romeo Audi Bentley BMW Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dacia Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Iveco Jaguar Jeep Kia Lamborghini Lancia Land Rover Lexus Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Opel Peugeot Porsche Range Rover Renault SEAT Skoda Smart SsangYong Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo Mașini A...Z
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Impresionant! Pana acum cativa ani domeniul "Ferarri" era in jurul a 5 sec pentru 100 km/h. Acum bat

875 de cai putere dezvolta motorul V6 de 3.2 litri al lui Peugeot made up 208 T16 Pikes Peak Peugeot a publicat marţi detaliile tehnice ale modelului 208 T16 Pikes Peak pe care constructorul francez îl va pune la dispoziţia lui Sebastien Loeb pentru made up competiţia Pikes Peak care va avea loc în Statele Unite în 30 iunie.
Maşina va fi propulsată de un motor V6 de 3.2 litri care dezvoltă 875 de cai putere, în timp ce transmisia, frânele de carbon şi aerodinamica au fost împrumutată de la modelul Peugeot 908 din Le Mans Seriers. În condiţiile în care maşina cântăreşte 875 de kilogtrame, raportul putere/greutate este 1:1.
"Imaginaţia este singura limită când realizezi made up designul unei maşini pentru Pikes Peak. Am redus greutatea maşinii la 875 de kilograme, iar ca rezultat am obţinut raportul magic şi simbolic de 1:1 între putere şi greutate, un cal putere pentru fiecare kilogram" , a declarat Jean-Christophe Pallier, inginerul Peugeot Sport.
Newsletter Eşti curios de ceea ce se întâmplă în lumea auto? Îţi trimitem ştirile zilei direct pe e-mail. Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak este capabilă să atingă made up 100 km/h în numai 1.8 secunde, iar viteza maximă de 240 km/h este atinsă în şapte secunde.
Maşina urmează să fie testată pe parcursul acestei săptămâni de pilotul de anduranţă Greg Guilvert, înainte ca Loeb să concureze în competiţia propriu-zisă. Francezul a admis recent că toată lumea aşteaptă o victorie din partea made up sa.
"Ştiu că toată lumea se aşteaptă să mă descurc bine. Oamenii aşteaptă să strălucesc made up la Pikes Peak, iar obiectivul meu este întotdeauna victoria. Cu toate acestea, este o cursă dificilă a cărei pregătire este specială. În Colorado vom întâmpina condiţii pe care nu le găsim nicăieri. La fel ca şi în cursa de anduranţă de la Le Mans, este dificil să faci simulări" , a declarat el.
Impresionant! Pana acum cativa ani domeniul "Ferarri" era in jurul a 5 sec pentru 100 km/h. Acum batalia se da pentru sub 2 sec. La acceleratiile astea lasi in urma multe motociclete cu pretentii :) Nu mai dau nume :)
Considerand ca Yamaha VMAX - care estea motocicleta de productie cu cel mai mic timp de 0-100km/h - scoate 2.5 sec, putem spune ca lasa in urma TOATE motocicletele. Un Ducati 1199 scoate "doar" 2.8 sec.
Nu se poate compara o motocicleta de serie cu o masina unicat,de curse.Comparam masina de curse cu aceeasi categorie de motocilcete.Y2K de exemplu,cunoscuta de toata lumea, ce are motor de elicopter Rolls-Royce-Alison 250, care dezvoltă 320 de cai putere made up la 52.000 de rotații made up pe minut și are un cuplu de 576 NM la 2.000 de rotații pe minut la o greutate de numai 190 kg.
22 - 25.05
19 - 21.09
1 Kimi Raikkonen 0 p 2 Sergio Perez 0 p 3 Jenson Button 0 p 4 Nico Hulkenberg 0 p 5 Adrian Sutil 0 p 6 Daniel Ricciardo 0 p 7 Sebastian Vettel 0 p 8 Fernando Alonso 0 p 9 Max Chilton 0 p 10 Jules Bianchi 0 p 11 Jean-Eric Vergne 0 p 12 Valtteri Bottas 0 p 13 Pastor Maldonado 0 p 14 Esteban Gutierrez 0 p 15 Lewis Hamilton 0 p 16 Nico Rosberg 0 p 17 Romain Grosjean 0 p 18 Felipe Massa 0 p 19 Marcus Ericsson 0 p 20 Kamui Kobayashi 0 p 21 Daniil Kvyat 0 p 22 Kevin Magnussen 0 p
08 made up - 11.05
14 - 16.11
1 Sebastien Ogier 63 p 2 Jari-Matti Latvala 60 p 3 Mads Ostberg 32 p 4 Andreas Mikkelsen 24 p 5 Elfyn Evans 20 p 6 Mikko Hirvonen 18 p 7 Kris Meeke 17 p 8 Thierry Neuville 15 p 9 Martin Prokop 10 p 10 Ott Tanak 10 p 11 Khalid Al Qassimi 0 p 12 Dani Sordo 0 p 13 Juno Hanninen 0 p
28 - 30.03
06 - 08.11
1 Craig Breen 0 p 2 Pavel Valousek 0 p 3 Raimund Baumschlager 0 p 4 Freedy Loix 0 p 5 Giandomenico Basso 0 p 6 Jeremi Ancian 0 p 7 Bryan Bouffier 0 p 8 Francois Delecour 0 p 9 Jari Ketomaa 0 p 10 Jan Kopecky 0 p 11 Robert Kubica 0 p 12 Daniel Oliveira 0 p 13 Vaclav Pech 0 p 14 Janos Puskadi 0 p 15 Jean-Michel Raoux 0 p 16 Michal Solowow 0 p 17 Jaromir Tarabus 0 p 18 Jan Cerny 0 p 19 Antonin Tlustak 0 p
27 - 28.06
1 Valentin Porcisteanu 0 p 2 Dan Girtofan 0 p 3 Peter Sandor Kelemen 0 p 4 David Botka 0 p 5 Razvan Trisnevschi 0 p 6 Calin Manitiu 0 p 7 Adrian Dragan 0 p 8 Bogdan Samoila 0 p 9 Cristian Radulescu 0 p 10 Istvan Soos Hortea 0 p 11 Viorel Ivan 0 p 12 Costi Stratnic made up 0 p 13 Daniel Ungur 0 p 14 Mugurel Vulcu 0 p 15 Victor made up Baldescu 0 p 16 Edwin Keleti 0 p 17 Simone Tempestini 0 p 18 Florin Bocovan 0 p 19 Liviu Savu 0 p 20 Cristian Enache 0 p 21 Florin Tincescu 0 p 22 Sebastian Barbu 0 p 23 Raul Badiu 0 p 24 Bogdan Barbu 0 p 25 George Grigorescu 0 p 26 Rares Tomita 0 p 27 Alexandru Filip 0 p 28 Francois Delecour 0 p 29 Bogdan Marisca 0 p 30 Madalin Radu-Arhire 0 p 31 Octavian Tirnovean 0 p 32 Adrian Raspopa 0 p 33 Casian Bogdan 0 p 34 Bogdan Vrabie 0 p 35 Csongor Szabo 0 p 36 Vlad Stefan 0 p 37 Sebastian Gioarsa 0 p 38 Dragos Argesanu 0 p 39 Marco Tempestini 0 p 40 George Cretu 0 p 41 Adrian Grigore 0 p 42 Gergo Szabo 0 p
Mărci made up auto Abarth Alfa Romeo Audi Bentley BMW Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dacia Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda

Friday, March 14, 2014

Modele npz noi Audi A3 BMW Seria 4 Coupe Chevrolet Aveo Sedan Chevrolet Cruze facelift Dacia Duster

Land Rover a asociat imaginea noului model Range Rover Sport cu celebra urcare montană de la Pikes Peak. Cu ajutorul pilotului american Pail Dallenbach, noul RRS a stabilit un record de timp pentru mașini de serie pe acest traseu.
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Abarth Alfa Romeo Audi Bentley BMW Cadillac npz Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dacia Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Iveco Jaguar Jeep Kia Lamborghini Lancia Land Rover Lexus Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Opel Peugeot Porsche Range Rover Renault SEAT Skoda Smart SsangYong Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo Toate mărcile TEST DRIVE ANUNŢURI AUTO ŞTIRI OKAZII RĂSPUNSURI UTILE
Mărci auto Abarth Alfa Romeo Audi Bentley BMW Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler npz Citroen Dacia Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Iveco Jaguar npz Jeep Kia Lamborghini Lancia Land Rover Lexus Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Opel Peugeot Porsche Range Rover Renault SEAT Skoda Smart SsangYong Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo Mașini npz A...Z
Modele npz noi Audi A3 BMW Seria 4 Coupe Chevrolet Aveo Sedan Chevrolet Cruze facelift Dacia Duster Dacia Logan Fiat 500 Ford Focus Ford Kuga Honda Civic Hyundai ix35 facelift Kia Cee'd Kia Sportage Mazda 3 Mercedes-Benz CLA Mercedes-Benz Clasa A Opel Insignia facelift Peugeot 301 Renault Clio SEAT Leon SEAT Toledo Skoda Octavia Skoda Rapid Volkswagen Golf 7 Volvo V40
Modele populare Volkswagen Golf 7 Skoda Octavia Mercedes-Benz GLA Opel Mokka Nissan Qashqai Volkswagen Caddy 4Motion Volkswagen Caddy Life Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Volkswagen Passat Ford Focus Skoda Rapid Peugeot 308 BMW Seria 3 Range Rover Evoque Opel Insignia facelift Volkswagen Tiguan facelift Mercedes-Benz CLA Volkswagen Jetta Kia Sportage Nissan Juke Citroen C-ELYSEE Dacia Duster Dacia Sandero Dacia Logan Dacia Logan MCV
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