Friday, May 15, 2015

Unfortunately, Apple paid huge amounts of money in innovation and protect the creative rights to I

A while ago we heard about the news of the explosion phone Galaxy S4 in Hong Kong, where he was one of the persons in his house, live a normal life and play his favorite game. Without any introductions tarnished flames coming out from between the phone parts, and the shock this person threw his phone on the couch opposite tarnished him, and soon the couch caught fire, and the fire began to devour the entire home. Fortunately enable that person and his wife to escape from the house, before being eaten away by the flames, although they had were slightly wounded, while the fire brigade took about 30 minutes to complete suppression. It also heard that Apple phone the iPhone 5 last caused tarnished the death of Chinese girl after a shipment lethal electric stun claimed her life and that during its placing on the charger. It quoted some news agencies that the news that a Chinese man is dumbfounded the other of the iPhone 4 during shipping and entered a long coma. This news and other interference in our hearts horror towards our phones tarnished and make us stand serious pause and ask ourselves, why explode phones? It is turned into bombs in our hands? Is it possible that explodes phone now?
Samsung told the company after the investigation into the cause of the explosion Galaxy S4 and after examining the phone that the battery was used for any non-native it has not been produced in the Samsung factories or from a licensed company produces accessories tarnished for Samsung phones. It is worth mentioning that the iPhone phone users far from falling into such a problem because, as we know can not be any people to change the battery its iPhone whenever he wanted. But iPhone users must warn their friends tarnished and colleagues who have phones of any kind are to change the battery from falling into this error which may cause death or fire home or at the very least the destruction of the phone. Use original charger:
At this point, users of the iPhone inside tarnished the circle of danger enters where Apple confirmed that the Chinese girl was using a non-original charger. Despite the similarities between the original and other product except that there is a big difference in safety and product quality standards. That was a fake charger that causes the death of a human being. I can tell you that if you used the charger is an original exhibition tarnished you electrocution larger than your status for your iPhone in water and then electrically connected through the original charger by. Yes certainly we hate to pay more than $ 30 for the charger while another does the same functions perfectly at a price of $ 5 is available, but even there of selling counterfeit chargers in China at a lower price of $ 0.50, but if you pay this price for my safety and the preservation of my life Sure, it has no value.
Even when we move away from talking about the explosions there are also disadvantages to the shipper non-original where it according to researchers security, some hackers could use some types of chargers to get free devices the iOS, because they found a way to push the application of sly through the use of charger rate informally. It is worth mentioning that Apple was able to get rid of this loophole in iOS 7, but still we must be careful, the hackers are not Bnaiman.
Apple has also through the official front in China to send a warning to its customers there that they have to use the original chargers with any of the products. Perhaps now what is going on in your mind is: How do differentiate between the original charger and charger fake? Do not worry, dear reader, we are here to show you the ways that will be able to differentiate between the original charger tarnished and charger fake "tradition".
The way in which we recommend them, which is the surest way to buy original Charger are buying from a trusted tarnished store in your country. If you know a shop were not credible and close to your site, you can purchase tarnished online from the Apple site. If you cut your way was not available near you shop reliable, and there is no money for you on the banks, the way in which the last bit Sttabk are buying from any shop. Which must take account of these things: that the price of the charger reasonable and comparable to the price of natural Chargers Apple, which almost $ 30 and remember that these loans in exchange for your life is worthless. That you buy from a custom shop for phones and accessories from any buy to sell small luxuries shop. You can compare the charger that you purchased with the charger that came with your iPhone, if you see any difference if it is not radically please tarnished feel free to return the person to the shop. You know that in the iOS 7 -andma issued Sma- will be found by the property will alert you automatically when you connect the charger is not genuine. Last word:
Combustion phones accidents or explode are considered rare and is probably on the fingers or up to tens sold only in a world in which more than a billion and a half billion phones a year, but the risk that these incidents though extremely rare but fatal. But on the other side gravity of luxuries non-indigenous or poor great tradition there are thousands of hardware tarnished crashes and corrupts its battery every month because of the excessive power of the charger, so you should look for the best for him, and illogical to pay $ 700 in the device and run the risk of losing and perhaps the loss of your life in exchange for $ 20 for example. tarnished
August 4, 2013 at 12:00
Unfortunately, Apple paid huge amounts of money in innovation and protect the creative rights to I remain black points is a cable ship, I did not understand reduce time to develop device or phone to this genius and very creative and proficiency other than charging cable It reflects underdevelopment nor Mbalat of the company to this important element of the phone because it is not cable, the phone has no value
Unfortunately I did not understand Matqsdh! Where is the summit and underdevelopment? It is possible you are not able to express and it is clear from the large number of spelling errors (for I, not Mbalat, and the lack of definition in many words) that you are not Barabiy! Write in English, my brother! Then possible to understand tarnished what you mean!
My brother preached tarnished the word of Brother is clear that you buy expensive device price and skimp to buy Shipping and pray this summit underdevelopment, but you want to show us that you are proficient in the Arabic language and have mastered the English language and spelling errors when most of us do not

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