Michael Sheleg - Shabu-oak-doo! | Lyrics
Corpse found near Moldavanka Came straight downhill. Can be slaughtered drunk, And maybe he was cold in the snow. Shabu-oak-doo! Can be slaughtered drunk, And maybe he was cold in the snow.
Ment in the pockets of two more bright, and found there a fat wallet. Gently grandmother section and was called out of the morgue "funnels". Shabu-oak-doo! Gently grandmother section and was called out of the morgue "funnels".
And in the morning, blimey, the corpse suddenly stood up and said, "Give me the bastards get drunk, I went through a little bit yesterday," Shabu-oak-doo! "Give me the bastards get drunk, I went through a little bit yesterday."
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Hello! You've come to the best site with the lyrics. We can find the words to any song. Music archive is constantly updated, except the opportunity to view and download the lyrics, we can see the clip and to know the motive, melody. Visit us frequently updated archive of music is happening here often! Our statistics
2014 - Lyrics - Free lyrics
Corpse found near Moldavanka Came straight downhill. Can be slaughtered drunk, And maybe he was cold in the snow. Shabu-oak-doo! Can be slaughtered drunk, And maybe he was cold in the snow.
Ment in the pockets of two more bright, and found there a fat wallet. Gently grandmother section and was called out of the morgue "funnels". Shabu-oak-doo! Gently grandmother section and was called out of the morgue "funnels".
And in the morning, blimey, the corpse suddenly stood up and said, "Give me the bastards get drunk, I went through a little bit yesterday," Shabu-oak-doo! "Give me the bastards get drunk, I went through a little bit yesterday."
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Hello! You've come to the best site with the lyrics. We can find the words to any song. Music archive is constantly updated, except the opportunity to view and download the lyrics, we can see the clip and to know the motive, melody. Visit us frequently updated archive of music is happening here often! Our statistics
2014 - Lyrics - Free lyrics
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