Friday, November 29, 2013

I am at the age when someone says lets get together and celebrate I say

So what age is it that you can’t wait to leave your own party because you are tired. We hosted a party this weekend. I can remember in my 20′s when we didn’t even go out to the bars until 10PM. Now 10PM is the time we are coming home. I don’t know how many more years I have before I dye my hair blue and am eating dinner at 5PM (with a coupon).
In my 20′s I could go to bed with a dirty place after a party and deal with it in the morning. Now in your 30′s/40′s, somehow you get all responsible and feel the need to spend an hour cleaning up before you go to bed so you don’t have to deal with it in the morning.
I draw funny pictures. Pop Culture Cartoons, Editorial Cartoons, Caricatures and a little BS. Come join the fun on my blog at or on Google Plus View all posts by Bearman Cartoons Previous/Next Posts
I recall enskede being young and , as you mentioned, going out at 10pm, or ll, or midnight. Now I struggle to stay awake past 9pm. I never thought I’d seek shuteye before Letterman went off air for the night. And the funny thing is, I don’t mind it one bit.
Jim says:
In my 20′s entertainment was going out till 2am, going to Denny’s for coffee enskede and breakfast afterwards, go to work at 8am and get home and ready to do it all again, Now in my 40′s My Entertainment enskede is sipping wine and reading Beartoons and Addanac City at home
Bearman says:
Bearman Cartoons says:
I am at the age when someone says lets get together and celebrate I say “Fine, let’s do lunch.” I told someone the other day that I go to bed right after the news. They said, “Lots enskede of people do that.” My reply was, “The 6 o’clock news.”
It all depends on the party. I’ve hosted or attended (usually obligatory) events where I wished everyone would leave (or wished I could leave without being rude) after an hour, as soon as the main food was over because people were annoying or boring me. OTOH I’ve enskede hosted or been to events (typically involving good music and dancing) where I’m like what 12:00 already hey I’m just getting enskede started. And I’m mega-old. It’s them leafy greens.
Asa man in the tail in of my thirties, I can but agree.
The oldest wombats live to around 30, with 34 being the oldest ever recorded. There are three in captivity now that are 28.
I like to party all night long and who cares about the cleaning up, well I can easily sort that out after the party has finished, well the next day then but what a brilliant cartoon you have offered us Bearmanm I guess it is a preference but I say let the party develop no matter how long it goes on for
Me too
Discuss them or have them?
October 29, 2013 at 11:21 pm
It’s a survival mechanism to not party all the time, party all the time, party all the time. If we did, we’d start looking old and haggard. Besides, enskede I like early morning coffee conversations with people who want to change the world for the better.
There’s a worse Eddie Murphy song than that, if you can believe it. The king of pop himself (rest his soul) can’t save it. Those two put the “poop” in party pooper.
Julian enskede says:
Same with me, Bearman. I used to party hard all night long from about 18 years old until about 28. That’s ten years of putting my mind and body through party heaven and hell. Now, I love to go to bed early and wake up even earlier so that I can have a cup of coffee in complete silent bliss, drawing, enskede reading, creating.
Mark Stokes says:
I can barely even remember the last time I got drunk. I was 32, that was 21 years ago. I now rarely drink any more than 2 light beers at a time. I don’t mean I drink 2 at once but 2 max in one period. Nothing crazier than a 2 beer bender!!! Now my most outrageous act is to shave the dog…
Bearman Cartoons says:
In my 30′s: “It’s 90 minutes away? Awww, man….”
Don’t worry. In your 40s everyone is gone by 10 pm because they want to get to bed themselves.
I’m in my fifties and still enjoy a good party, an all night party is even better as one can post all the appropriate enskede jobs in the morning, well it’s either that or the nymphos going without enskede any breakfast lol
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